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is there a way people can stop global waming...what effects will it have if the north poles ice melts...i read in the newspaper that by 2040 there will be no ice there will it have any effects on weather.will it cause floods or anything or what....im just a little worried and i want to know if theres a way to stop it how can people stop global warming is there anything i can do that atleast i know that im doing somet to save the planet even if some people arent..

2006-12-28 04:10:17 · 34 answers · asked by whats up yaw 1 in Science & Mathematics Earth Sciences & Geology

34 answers

The problem is this: These are all theories. No one knows for sure. Nothing has been proven. An article in the paper means very little these days. The paper will print whatever sensational story it can. Al Gore has switched sides on this so many times it cannot be counted.

To melt the polar icecaps in 33 years would mean a fantastic increase in temperature. Probably more then we can sustain.

Being a good bio-citizen try walking instead of driving 6 blocks. Try public transportation. Cars pollute more then anything around. Get an electric lawnmower. Today's models are cheaper and more efficient then gas.

2006-12-28 04:14:33 · answer #1 · answered by Jimfix 5 · 1 0

Check out the video on Yahoo Answers Team's current blog. You will see a bunch of hard-working Yamsters and high school students and teachers working together to rebuild a neglected outdoor science lab. (And having a lot of fun in the doing, I might add.)

This is not just good for the one school, of course. This school will now be graduating students who have a far better feel for the ecology of our region, and the ways in which our particular solutions apply to other places. We will thus have a better educated populace, specifically on the issue of ecology.

And the publicity generated by Yahoo in the doing will also encourage other schools to try something similar, with snowballing effect. This is an experimental lab, sure enough; but experimental as an educational project as much as an ecological project. The results can help others all over the world.

This is how we will stop global warming: one neighborhood at a time. One project at a time. Bring it down to hands on, real world experiences, and everyone doing their share. (Mine was mostly paperwork.)

2006-12-28 04:23:04 · answer #2 · answered by auntb93again 7 · 0 0

Well, people can start by getting informed. One of the main sources of greenhouse gas production is fossil fuels uses (so petroleum gives us gasoline and all plastic matters), coal and natural gas. As an individual, we can start by reducing our energy consumption (electricity use, gasoline consumption etc) and we can recycle too. If we cannot stop global warming, we can always try to slow it so that the environment can adapt itself to certain changes.
If the ice caps melt (and we already have records of its size diminishing over the years), then the ocean level will go up and certain parts of the world will be affected either by flooding or hurricanes, snowstorms switching to hailstorm etc)
Of course as individuals, we don't have a strong voice against political or economical decisions that are being made right now, but as a group, we can certainly make our opinions matter and spread knowledge.

2006-12-28 04:23:30 · answer #3 · answered by Vsteph 4 · 1 0

I saw a program on Discovery channel and this is not caused by humans, etc...there are cycles of weather on the earth, caused by the jet stream and is very complex. Did you know back in the 1970-80's that the big hub-bub was the exact opposite---that we were causing a global cool down! We have no control over the weather and any of this...throughout the history of Earth there have been periods of warming and cooling...do you think that the dinosaurs had pollution that caused the ice age?

2006-12-28 04:13:51 · answer #4 · answered by aligal8 3 · 1 0

Why to stop it?
Because scientists say it is bad for climat?

It is wrong !!
The real factor of the bad way of changing of climat is the modification of water cycle coming from human activities ( waterprof surface , drainages , desforestations , overpumping of underground water reserves ) The dry soil become warmer under sun rays and push the clouds in another place with higher speeds.
The global warming can be a change if we irrigate the dry lands .
To do it we need to share the water ressources over the countries limits.
Like that:

2007-01-01 02:37:58 · answer #5 · answered by pingouin 3 · 0 0

Well, if you live anywhere in the world, especially the US--and I'll say especially the Eastern US, you should know first hand that yes, global warming is having a huge effect on the weather. HEre in Pennsylvania it is December 28 and we have had spring like weather since November. We have had only 1 measurable snowfall which melted the next day. We, in Pennsylvania, had a rainy Christmas--I couldn't tell you when we last had a white Christmas which is usually how it runs here.

Things you can do--
1. Don't drive an SUV unless it can be powered by the biodegradable disal fuel. Even then, make sure you choose a vehicle that has high gas mileage. Or, the best thing, choose a hybrid car--you get a nice tax reduction on running that puppy.
If you don't drive yet or just don't drive--great. Ride a bike, take public transportation--although, I'm starting to wonder about public transportation. Those buses will run even when no one is on them and whew...

2. RRR--Reduce, Reuse, RECYCLE. I'm sure you've heard that somewhere. Here's a tip we American's can't seem to take... Don't buy bottled water. You want to know how much money I saved last year by buying a water bottle and a Britta filtration pitcher? Well I can't give you an exact, but I used to buy 2 24 packs of water a week so there's $10 a week, $40 a month so... $480 I've saved a year by not buying bottled water--and that's just for use at home when I go out, that isn't including when I'd be out and buy a bottle at the gas station or something. That's a lot of money. My britta system cost $30 for the pitcher and a filter, filters last 2 months for me and I buy the 3 packs for $15--you do the math on that.

3. Live green. I don't mean become a hippy or a vegetarian of sorts. Buy only recycled products. Buy some canvas totes to take to the grocerey so you don't have to answer "paper or plastic" anymore--most people throw those bags out, even when most grocerey stores have a pin outside where you can turn in your plastic bags. (You reuse your totes everytime so there is not plastic/paper waste)

This is fun for birthday or casual gift wrapping--news paper. Use the sports page or the comic section. It's fun, it's always different and you're reusing something.

For snacks or lunches--pack them in reusable containors. My mom swears by her Smart-Spin containers and I love my Glad-Ware. Use a reusuable lunch bag for lunches you take to school/work. It's the idea of reduction.

You can purchase toilet paper that's made from recycled goods but that kind of scares me yet... I'm getting there.

3. Organics! Ok, so a little pricier, but you can do it at home yourself. Gardening is awesome though. Not only is the extra plant life you're creating good for the environment, you have yourself a new hobby and you'll save some money on food--and you'll probably eat better.

Compost piles--I actually read this thing on "dirty" gardening where you grow your organic foods in the compost. Look that up on the DIY network's website, it's super neat. But just an old-fashion compost bin is great. You're creating rich soil out of bio-degradable products and left overs. (Never meats though.. but veggie ends, I think egg shells, regular newspaper even... all kinds of stuff.) But compost is really rich in nutrients, so if you do garden you won't have to use chemicals to feed the plants and all that.

4. If you live in a place where you can do this, solar panneling for electricity. It in itself is costly to install but you know what, another kick-*** tax reduction for it. I think I may have heard somewhere nearly $30,000... maybe that's the installation though.

Speaking of electricity. Always unplug things when you aren't using them. Chargers: even though your cell phone, your ipod or whatever isn't charging on the other end, electricity is still racing through the cord. If you can, buy energy star appliances--I think GE is the big maker of those which can be found at Sears, Lowes or Home Depot and probably elsewhere, too. Change your light bulbs, I forget to which one but I'm sure if you go into the store and look at all the bulbs, it will probably be the one by GE with the energy star... I just can't recall what kind of bulb it is. But they last twice as long and use less energy than the regular bulb, mhm.

Turn things off when you're done. It's really nice to come home to a house with lights on, but you can buy solar lights for your porch so they can be on when you get home and you can see your way to the house. And your computer, it doesn't need to be on when you're not home. I leave mine on if I'm going to be running to the store but right now I'm back and forth from my apartment to my parents house and when I'm gone like that, this things off.

...I can't think of anything else. There are tons of things, though. Just spread the word. And hey... plant a tree. (Pines grow faster, they're not as cool as oaks and maples, of course, but it's a tree.)

Oh, and you may like to know--The US emits the most carbon dioxide which is what they're saying is bringing on this global warming. But the US also does the least to correct any of it. If you're an American, you might like to know that, so spread the word. If you're not an American, you're probably saying "Damn Yanks" right now... Not my fault, I'm green.

2006-12-28 04:32:52 · answer #6 · answered by rockerweenie 3 · 1 0

As was said before, the Earth goes through a cycle of warming and cooling. Have temps risen? Yes. Is this raise caused by man? Unknown. (lots of missing data to be sure)

What can you do to save energy:

Kill all of the cows
Use low voltage lighting
walk or drive a high MPG car (over 30MPG)

2006-12-28 04:26:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People can do as much to stop global warming as they can they stop the Moon slipping away from the Earth, or the eventual demise of the Sun. It's foolish and dangerous to believe we can control the climate of our planet. We barely understand it http://www.junkscience.com/Greenhouse/Greenhouse_not_a_problem.htm , let alone ways we could control it.

Instead we need to learn how to live on our planet as a system, not as a toy we can control.

2006-12-30 14:12:36 · answer #8 · answered by godlessinaz 3 · 0 0

People need to become more aware of the little things they do everyday that contribute to this problem that are not necessary. The one I like the most out of all the responds is walking the 6 blocks instead of asking for a ride, for two reasons. It helps the environment and it helps you!

2006-12-28 04:24:01 · answer #9 · answered by miss bean 3 · 0 0

there's alot of things you could do. and here they are:

Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Use fluorescent bulbs in your room.

· Turn off your computer or the TV when you’re not using it. Unplug chargers when not in use.

· Wait until you have a lot of clothes to wash before using the washing machine. Don’t use the machine for one item just because it’s your favorite shirt.

· Take shorter showers. Heating water uses energy.

· Close the blinds on a hot day if the sun is shining in. Dress more lightly instead of asking for the air conditioning to be turned up, or use a fan.

· Dress more warmly when it’s cold, instead of asking for the heat to be turned up.

· Offer to help your parents keep the air filters on your AC and furnace clean.

· Walk short distances instead of asking for a ride in a car.

2006-12-28 04:14:56 · answer #10 · answered by $loverr 1 · 2 0

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