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Looking for things supernatural in nature. Like once when I was about 8 years old I had something invisible attack me and try and push me into a canal I was walking next to on my way from school. I was struggling with and running from something I could not see. My mom said it was a demon trying to kill me.

2006-12-28 04:10:14 · 17 answers · asked by Wordsmith 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

17 answers

While on a road trip in college in a van with about 10 people. me and the driver saw two women skating up a hill with no trouble at all when they passed our van the one in front had a joker smile from ear to ear, the one behind was faceless, when we looked at the rear view mirror they were gone. me and the driver compared our stories, we had seen the same thing, but no one else in the van saw it. this happened years ago, and they are still laughing at us. but we really saw it.

2006-12-28 04:23:25 · answer #1 · answered by KiTtYcAt7 4 · 2 0

When my children were very small we lived in a one-bedroom apt. with another apt. building only feet away from the bedroom window. My baby was only a month or so old, and the older child about three. For several nights running both babies would begin simultaneously crying in their sleep and be inconsolable when I'd try to comfort them. Normally, when the baby would wake for a feed, it did not disturb the 3 yr old.
One night I was kind of between awake and asleep and I heard an unearthly wailing sound. As I awakened fully I tried to identify the sound--- not a person, not an animal--- what was it? The kids began to toss and turn and whimper--- and I suddenly had the strong realization that it had to be a ghost.
My first thought was "I should be scared!" But sensing the kids' disturbance, I felt my being (mind? spirit? whatever... my "self") suddenly grow strong and angry--- no furious!-- as I realized whoever it was had been bothering my helpless babies night after night. In my mind I felt bigger and bigger and strong as a tiger as I mentally shouted to the entity to "Get out of here! Leave us!".
When this happened, I "heard" the wailing just kind of sail out the window and fade away.
I turned on lights, blew a conch shell, lit incense, rang bells, and put on a tape recording of prayers and sacred mantras.
The next day the body of a man who had committed suicide a week before was found in the apartment across the narrow alley from us.
I have never wanted to actually 'open myself' to ghosts and spirits--- but I am quite sure they exist. When I sense their possible presence I sing and chant prayers, and try to fill the space with positive spiritual vibrations. I also tell them that this is not where they should be... that they should pray to God to help them move on.

2006-12-28 04:59:09 · answer #2 · answered by Rani 4 · 2 0

Some friends and I were playing with a Ouiji board down by the river and after talking to a "bad" spirit, a couple of strange things started happening. The fire would would go out and then immediately burst into a huge flame over and over again. After this happened a few times, we started to hear what sounded like people crossing the river. The sounds were coming from just beyond the area of coverage from the fire's light. After this stuff went on for an hour, we burned the Ouiji board and the stuff stopped. When we burned the board, the fire turned a bright green which was kinda cool. I know it burned green because of the materials and ink that makes up the board, but it was neat nonetheless.

2006-12-28 04:26:01 · answer #3 · answered by drunken zombie horse 2 · 1 1

My mom, sister and I lived in an apartment in the 1980s and I still have nightmares about it. We think someone may have killed themselves there before we moved in. Things happened there like a bowl moved across the table by itself, dolls would fall off shelves for no reason. Once I was fighting with my sister and there was a poster on the floor, all of a sudden the poster started inching across the floor by itself. We also had a record player that would go in reverse every other time it was turned on (After we moved the record player never worked again--and we only moved three doors down and it was hand carried so it wasn't likely that it got broke during the move)

Usually people have to be open to spirits to interact with them.
People who dismiss things as wind and what not, don't get pestered by evil spirits as much because the spirits have no power over them.

2006-12-28 04:24:11 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 2 0

Well the scariest thing that happened to me when I was about 6 years old I was walking to school, it was a nice sunny day when I heard something behind I turned around and nothing was there so I kept walking next I heard like this growling noise, turned around and there was nothing. So I walked faster and when I turned around again I saw this demon or something like that chasing me with blood coming out of its mouth, I ran to school as fast as I could and when I got there I ran into my homeroom and looked out the window and it was walking back and forth, waiting for me. After school my mom came and picked me up it was so scary I never did tell my mom because she would never believe me. But when it happened again when I was 10 I told her and I have not seen it since. So scary!

2006-12-28 05:24:10 · answer #5 · answered by DJ thunderdust 3 · 1 0

I lived in a pretty scary house when I was growing up. All three of these stories happened at that house.

One night, I was in bed, and I felt a cat jump on my bed and start walking toward me. Well, when I sat up to pet it, I looked, and I saw where the footprints were being indented, but there was no cat there. It's like an invisible cat was walking on the bed. The same thing happened to my mom that same night.

On another day, my mom and I were in the house, in the middle of the day, and she was on one side of the living room, I on the other. Out of the blue, it's like someone just threw a vase across the room between us and it smashed into the wall on the opposite side. Nobody was there but the two of us.

Yet another time, I was playing chase with my cousins. I was chasing the older one, and the younger one was chasing me, with pretty good distance between us, so we had no physical contact. We were running around and around the outside of the house. Up on the porch, down the left side of the house in the yard, into the back yard, up the right side of the house in the yard, back onto the porch. You get the picture. Well, we did this four or five times,when all of a sudden, my cousin looks back at me and stops in his tracks. He screams at me and yells, "YOU'RE BLEEDING!!" and I look down to see what's going on. Somehow in all the running, I had picked up a ceramic mug in my RIGHT HAND. My RIGHT ELBOW was gashed open so that you could see the bone. The mug I held in my right hand was broken and the sharp part that was sticking out was what had been jabbed into my elbow. Now, I don't know about you, but if you pick up a mug with your right hand, can you even TOUCH your right elbow? Why would a ceramic mug be outside in the first place? Perhaps this last one will be dismissed as just kids playing and not realizing what they were doing, but there were no indications anywhere of me running into anything, and there were no mug fragments found anywhere around the house. AND, it was the cup that my mom had drank coffee from that very morning, and had hung back on the mug rack after she washed it. To this day, I have a lovely scar to remind me of that creepy day!!!

2006-12-28 04:33:04 · answer #6 · answered by fossiesteele 2 · 2 0

Not the scariest, but short enough for here. About 30years ago, My ex-girlfriend used to tell me about her apartment being haunted by a man that liked country western music and he would change the radio station from time to time. Once it happened while I was there, pretty strange to hear rock music being switched to country western from across the room.

2006-12-28 14:07:55 · answer #7 · answered by mykl 3 · 0 0

having premonitions...because they turn out to be very true!.
I don't know if it's a good thing or bad to have...I get really freaked out when I know something terrible is going to happen. One good example having to see my own accidents, accidents from people close to me or 9/11, even the space shuttle (discover?) that killed all 7 astronauts, was a very intense feeling.
I feel like I am one of those people from Final Destination. It sucks sometimes, because when I sense these vibes from people I don't know and having to tell them to be extra careful, they look at me like I am a psychopath!.

2006-12-30 02:56:32 · answer #8 · answered by Sabine 6 · 0 0

While living in NY we had quite a few weird things happen while living in my house. But one experience was the worst- I was sleeping when something woke me. I stood straight up and looked over to my left, something came from beneath my floor and fixated it's/his eyes on mine. I couldn't speak, scream or move; I was terrified. My mother came bursting in just moments later- she said she a terrible feeling come over her. "It" disappeared. I thought I was crazy-- but then my aunt, who I had never met until last year, told me a story. She grew up in the same room that I had and had an almost identical story to tell. Including her mother, my grandmother going into her room because of a terrible feeling.

2006-12-28 04:42:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When my husband and I purchased our first home, we had our priest from our church come over and bless our house. After he left, we were eating supper at our table and he and I clearly heard footsteps in one of our back rooms. He told me that it was probably the bad spirits leaving our house. I felt chills run up and down my back.

Probably not the best story you've heard. Here's a better one. It didn't happen to me, but it happend to a lady my mom knew. This lady's brother was accused for murder and was sent to a local jail until he was sentenced. This guy claimed that was possessed by a demon. Once he was sentenced, this lady went to visit his brother before he was sent to prison. She claims that when she walked to his cell, he was hanging from the ceiling. When my mom told me about this story, i about peed my pants. Have fun reading everyone's stories.

2006-12-28 04:17:28 · answer #10 · answered by Scorpio Chika 2 · 1 1

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