I think most everyone on here has experienced the bad nature of others at one time or another. Its awlful
2006-12-31 17:10:59
answer #1
answered by Chad 7
Hi Isabella...unfortunately, there will always be people are very quick to judge when giving answers here on Yahoo! Answers especially when they do not know all the facts. As you may know it's difficult for most people who ask quesitons to include all the details in order for the people answering to give a helpful answer at times.
Since I've joined Yahoo Answers, I always have made a point to never judge anyone's questions, because I cannot assume anything as I do not know all the reasons behind the question asked, I therefore answer by only providing approximate facts with website support always (if there's any) and rarely include my opinions. I would hope that others would take these ideas into consideration when they answer questions here too, however with human nature involved, answers received are always unpredictable. Also keep in mind there are many youngsters answering questions and enjoy collecting their 2 points regardless of the answers they give.
If you feel your question has been misread it's best to discount the answers which are personal attacks and regard and consider the answers that are helpful to you. This will then make Yahoo! Answers more of a benefit. Please don't lose faith.
2006-12-27 18:28:48
answer #2
answered by ♪ Seattle ♫ 7
well now i did my research and read your question so i would be informed before answering you. first people don't put enough info in their questions to get intelligent answers. and your question did come off as you had no idea as to why anything. once you added more details people would have been able to answer your question better. my suggestion would have been to call a vet and ask. some dogs like human's are better mother's, but if your dog is not producing milk she can't help that. my only hope is that you won't breed her again and have her spayed. and you complain about people attacking you, well you turned around and did the same exact thing. did you ever stop to think maybe elena and lori there work in vet clinics where they hear that same song and dance all day, or in shelters where they just had to put down a litter of malnurished puppies because someone bred their dogs and had no idea what they were doing. you did not lead anyone to believe you knew a thing about dog breeding, or that you were away from the dog and looking for help. don't ask other's not to judge you if you are going to judge them. i believe a good phrase for you would be people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. good luck to the puppies, it does sound like you are doing or your daughter for that matter is doing the best she can without veterinary guidance. but you should not breed this b&tch again and have her spayed. or you will be no better than a backyard breeder.
2006-12-27 18:11:23
answer #3
answered by cagney 6
Like anyplace else, whether it's work, school, friends, family...you'll find people that disappoint you and insult you. However, I believe there are many, many more that have good hearts and only want to help by providing information they feel is helpful and useful. This may not always be the case, but most have their hearts in the right place. Don't throw the good ones out with the bad. Some people just thrive on being negative....ignore it and reap the benefits of those who are positive.
2006-12-27 18:05:52
answer #4
answered by Suzi 2
Don't let a couple of people that don't know what they are talking about get you down or drive you away. Give them a lousy rating if you find them insulting. I know you have taken some people by surprise and they do want to help. You might try to resubmit your question and tell elena and lori r not to try and answer the question.
2006-12-28 08:40:28
answer #5
answered by Veneta T 5
Why does that surprise you? Look at the questions and answers that do appear on this site. OK a lot of people are genuinely seeking information and hoping to provide it. However there are also a lot of very stupid, judgemental, rude people who spend hours on the site because they have nothing more important to do. You are going to get unhelpful, rude and judgemental answers. Treat them as you would treat the person in real life, ignore them.
By asking a question your are inviting the opinions of everybody on the site. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, however blinkered, ill informed, or stupid it is. It's no wonder you get some that are complete rubbish.
2006-12-27 21:46:12
answer #6
answered by gerrifriend 6
Oh, that's not good. There are jerks everywhere, but there are also helpful people. I've gotten some really good answers from kind strangers and I've also gotten the biggest jerks to hit this planet. Don't let those mindless goofs with no care and understanding drive you off this site. This is a good site and everyone can learn to share it. If you get some jerkoff who gives yuo a dumb answer, ignore him/her and only pay attention to what the thoughtful people say. You shouldn't care about people that point and make fun. You shouldn't care what they say. Well, i hope that mine and some other people's answers changed your mind. Please don't leave!!!
2006-12-28 03:17:45
answer #7
answered by Dana Mulder 4
Being new to this site,I have no clue as to what you are talking about.I dont see a question in your "question"...
But still,I feel for you,if you are disappointed...I have nothing but good to say about this site,so many questions get answered,and you can ask most anything here and get different views and opinions from a lot of people.Sure,some people brag a lot,and put your opinions down,but we are all different anyway..with different backgrounds,and different life experience.
Try to put that behind you,take a hold of the "good" answers,and cherish the people that gave them to you...
The odd and mean answers,usually come from people who feel really bad about themselves,or something they have done..but they too are part of this society..lets try and keep this group of people together in a positive mood,we can all learn from each other...one way or another.Just choose to learn the positive things,and try to keep a happy attitude,and keep on going.There are so many nice people here.Stick with them!
2006-12-27 18:08:39
answer #8
answered by Flowergirl 2
It's funny how some people are so rude and obnoxious, especially behind the anonymity of their computer screen. I agree with you. Some people on here would get their butts kicked if they went around in public acting the way they do here.
2006-12-27 18:01:34
answer #9
answered by TCSO 5
Dont take all the stuff you hear on here to heart. People are just having fun and like to mess around. Most of it is great stuff...
2006-12-27 17:59:59
answer #10
answered by Chicago Girl 4