"Remember the first time you were introduced to Marsellus Wallace. The first shot of him was of the back of his head, complete with band-aid. Then, remember the combination of the lock on the briefcase was 666. Then, remember that whenever anyone opened the briefcase, it glowed, and they were in amazement at how beautiful it was; they were speechless. Now, bring in some Bible knowledge, and remember that when the devil takes your soul, he takes it from the back of your head.
Yep, you guessed it. What is the most beautiful thing about a person: his soul. Marsellus Wallace had sold his soul to the devil, and was trying to buy it back. The three kids in the beginning of the movie were the devil's helpers. And remember that when the kid at the end came out of the bathroom with a "hand cannon," Jules and Vincent were not harmed by the bullets. "God came down and stopped the bullets" because they were saving a soul. It was divine intervention. "
I always thought this....found it on a website to better my point.
dhara stole my answer and that's my member info! Shame on you!
2006-12-27 15:44:09
answer #1
answered by coutterhill 5
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"Remember the first time you were introduced to Marsellus Wallace. The first shot of him was of the back of his head, complete with band-aid. Then, remember the combination of the lock on the briefcase was 666. Then, remember that whenever anyone opened the briefcase, it glowed, and they were in amazement at how beautiful it was; they were speechless. Now, bring in some Bible knowledge, and remember that when the devil takes your soul, he takes it from the back of your head.
Yep, you guessed it. What is the most beautiful thing about a person: his soul. Marsellus Wallace had sold his soul to the devil, and was trying to buy it back. The three kids in the beginning of the movie were the devil's helpers. And remember that when the kid at the end came out of the bathroom with a "hand cannon," Jules and Vincent were not harmed by the bullets. "God came down and stopped the bullets" because they were saving a soul. It was divine intervention. "
I always thought this....found it on a website to better my point.
2006-12-27 15:49:15
answer #2
answered by dhara 2
Bare in mind that Q.T. said it was never supposed to be anything in particular other than a mcguffin to keep the story going. Then again, he's also into keeping everyone on their toes so the soul theory could be right on. It does make sense.
B-b-but, remember the ending of Resevoir Dogs? We never saw what happened when Mr. Pink ran out. Maybe it's the diamonds!
2006-12-27 16:14:16
answer #3
answered by Lucky Mesmer 4
Although the Q Man hints at it, it is generally assumed to be marsellus' soul
2006-12-27 15:54:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I always like the idea that it was his soul. And the band-aid on the back of his neck was where it escaped
2006-12-27 15:43:54
answer #5
answered by mrlebowski99 6
a gold bar? cause it did glow gold
2006-12-27 15:45:22
answer #6
answered by Boop 7