When talking about abortion you aren't talking about just one person or what this or these people are capable of later in life so your question doesn't really make any sense ,,,, You can't tell what a person is going to be like before they reach adult hood ,,,, All the parent can do is do their best to raise them with the proper values ,,,, A child doesn't ask to be concieved but once conception takes place then that potential child has a right to live ,,,,,A child does't have a choice who his parents are either but they have a right to expect the best their parents can provide ,,,, Who's to judge whether a child should be aborted because he might turn out to be a hitler or any other trant ,,,, And what about you ,,,,,What if some one making these decisions made a mistake when desiding whether you should be allowed to live or not ,,,,,What would you decide if it were yourself you had to decide on ,,,, What would your decission be then ? ,,,, Just who do you think should have the authority to make such decisions ? ,,,, Abortion is murder plane and simple ,,,, Once conception takes place then that individual is a human being and has as much right to life as you do ,,,, Conception is just one of many stages in life ,,,, If you think abortion should be allowed then you probably don't see anything wrong with killing an infant or a toddler or a teenager or young adult or the elderly or maybe even yourself ,,,, I mean you started life out as a fetus too you know ,,,, Each human started out as a fertilized egg but human none the less ,,,, I don't think there is a more cold hearted or cold blooded individual on this earth than a woman that would allow her baby to be taken from her body in an abortion ,,,, What a woman is doing when they get an abortion is no different than what HItler or Sadam Hussain or any other tyrant has done in the past ,,,,Are you another Hitler or any of the others that have commited crimes against humanity ,,,,?? Maybe you should do a little more thinking before you ask questions ,,,,,,,, It would probably make yourself look less foolsih ,,,,
2006-12-27 16:27:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I would argue for the same standards to apply to any pregnancy. You have to punish people for what they have done, not for what you think they will do later.
Now, if you mean having time travel, and going back to remove someone who was known to have committed crimes, that's an entirely different question ... it would force a change in the way we think about crime & punishment. But until then, not knowing what someone will do, you cannot justify the "ultimate punishment" for them. And also, not knowing what a person will or can do, I don't agree with arguments that it's okay to abort a child simply because they will be disadvantaged.
Hope that answers your question.
2006-12-27 14:47:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous