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3 answers

Any entry level possition if you are starting out in the workforce. Make a resume and fax, e-mail or hand deliver to all the hospitals, doctor offices and clinics you are intrested in working for.

If you haven't gotten the degree yet and are unclear about what kind of profession that degree would prepare you for then I would ask a college counsler of the college that offers the major. They could also tell you more helpful things like how much to expect to get paid and how in demand the posstion is. It sounds like it is an office job in the medical field.

2006-12-27 13:10:05 · answer #1 · answered by innosint_lil_angel 2 · 1 0

God only knows. Just post your resume on Monster.com and see what you get offered.

2006-12-27 12:59:49 · answer #2 · answered by darkdiva 6 · 3 0

greeter at Wal-Mart

2006-12-27 12:57:58 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 3

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