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what are my options to avoid lapse of cov'g/preserve any rights to pre-existing; oxford cov'g ends at yr end; prior employer dropping grp plan so cobra unavailable

2006-12-27 11:16:53 · 2 answers · asked by Earnest 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

2 answers

Look in phone book for "Insurance Companies". Even if they are known for car insurance, someone may be able to direct you to their medical insurance. Prudential, State Farm, CIGNA, etc.

I think that you will find that you can get medical coverage cheaper than COBRA coverage.

If you know what insurer had your former employer's Group Plan, contact them, they may allow you to maintain coverage even though the former employer dropped the plan.

If not, contact the Department of Labor to find out if an employer can "walk away" from a group medical plan thereby depriving employees of a statutory right.

2006-12-27 11:27:49 · answer #1 · answered by PALADIN 4 · 0 0

There's a company out there that helps people who do not have and need affordable health benefits. It includes regular office visits, any specialists and even pre-existing conditions. It basically includes everything you need help paying for. Their medical plan includes dental, vision, prescription and chiropractic benefits as well. There's no high premiums, deductibles, co-pays, waiting periods, claims forms or anything like that at all. They can save you up to 80% on your out of pocket expenses for a very small fee every month. It could end up saving you a lot of $$ over traditional insurance. Try this website and you can check out the specifics and providers in your area. http://www.everyonebenefits.com/40424269/ If your provider isn't on there, he can be added. They are a wonderful company and are members of the BBB. I have benefits through them as well. Hope you find what you need. Please email me if you have any questions, and I'd be happy to help you if I can. Best of luck.

2006-12-29 07:16:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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