With out a doubt..he is
Please read this does this not sound like the work of a terrorist.The so-called "war on terror" fought as the war on Iraq is taking place in a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. Iraq posed no threat to the United States except in the minds of those requiring and/or fabricating the reasons for war. Yes, , let us talk of the sickness then. A first strike, preventive war of choice is sick. Bombing a country through "Shock and Awe" because it was expedient to have access to our desperately needing its oil is sick. Adopting and using a policy of extreme rendition where the U.S. government sanctions and fosters the disappearance of people to nations where gross torture is allowed so that surrogates can do the dirty work for it is sick. Lying to Congress, the US people and the world in order to justify going to war is sick. Murdering complete Iraqi families by dropping 1,000 pound bombs on them is sick. Breaking the standard by which human decency is maintained, at least in part, during war, i.e., the Hague Conventions of 1889 and 1907, the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and the Nuremberg Conventions adopted by the United Nations December 11, 1945, is sick. Unloading hundreds of tons of depleted uranium is sick. Dropping cluster bombs is sick. Unexploded cluster bomb bomblets becoming land mines taking off children's limbs is sick. Killing as you would call them precious unborn fetuses by poisoning them with radioactive dust is sick. Our youth dying for the ruling elite and rich man's war for profit is sick. Let us reiterate once again, that going to war with Iraq had nothing to do with any threat from Iraq and it had nothing to do with 9-11. It had everything to do with lying about weapons of mass destruction, lying about aluminum tubes, lying about yellow-cake uranium, lying about mobile biological and chemical weapons labs, lying to the United Nations, lying to the world. That, , is sick. And, it is this sickness that you(BUSH) would project onto those who criticize you and the sickness of this regime. The fact that anyone else, or faction, or nation, may be sicker is not justification for excusing this regime's sickness.
The excessive inability of the Bush regime to face the reality of their behavior and solve the problems they created in their sick war of choice contributes to their psychosis. While Rumsfeld suppresses and rationalizes, intellectualizing the slaughtering of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and over thousands (a more likely death toll) of US troops, you find scapegoats within those who want to stop the insanity. You, (BUSH) are the pot calling the kettle black. Just who is the sick one ? For, if you and this administration are not, you are far worse. You are evil.
2006-12-27 09:52:45
answer #1
answered by dstr 6
It depends on your point of view. To an Iraqi mother whose innocent boy got killed by a U.S. airstrike or whatever (aka collateral damage), yes. To someone who views Iraqi insurgents as murderous thugs who take pleasure in torture (which they have been know to do, e.g., what happend to Nick Berg), then Bush's effort to wipe these scum off the face of the Earth can be viewed as a service to humanity. From my point of view, anyone that has the power and ability to case great harm, and uses that power, is (1) clearly dangerous and (2) arrogant and cruel. However, the term "terrorist" is coined to describe a group of people that would intentionally harm innocent people as a means to justify the ends. In this regard, Bush is less reprehensible -- he does not kill innocents on purpose, although it is a foregone conclusion that in a war such as this there is collateral damage. The crimes that you speak of are only attributed to the loser of a conflict. If you win a conflict, you write your own moral code. I don't like to defend Bush because I personally do not share his predilection to go to war, among other things, but when you compare him to terrorists, I have little choice. He may be a lot of things, but by my definition he is definitely not a terrorist.
2006-12-27 18:04:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The definition of terror in the glossary of the patriot act. Is an act or individual that makes one uncomfortable.
SO Bush the terrorist? Yes by his own law and definition.
Go big Red Go
2006-12-27 18:16:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Bush is not a terrorist in theory or in fact.
Invasion of Afghanistan - S.J. Res. 23, 9/18/2001
Invasion of Iraq - H.J. Res. 114, 10/16/2002
How are they illegal?
Libya doesn't recognize US extradition requests. How else would you have had it done.
The prisoners at Gitmo are threats to our national safety. I hope they never get out.
Illegal declaration of war - see the resolutions above.
There is no crime - there are no terrorists acts committed by Bush or any other American.
Saddam's last name is H-U-S-S-E-I-N
2006-12-27 18:01:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You're lack of understanding about what a terrorist is (and is not) is truly astounding.
A. Terrorists do not invade countries, or anything else for that matter.
B. Terrorists seldom take prisoners, usually preferring to kill people or destroy property.
C. Terrorists do not interfere in foreign policy, and in fact play completely outside the normal boundaries of policy.
D. Terrorists have never declared war on any country.
Please get your FACTS straight before building some shaky premise for bashing Bush.
2006-12-27 17:58:28
answer #5
answered by Mark O 1
Bush is the puppet and the PNAC with the likes of Dick Cheney, Richard Perle. Karl Rove, William Kristol and others are the true terrorists behind everything. They are biggest of cowards and should be tried as the criminals they are.
Take the PNAC members on a one way flight to Bagdad and drop them off for the Iraqi's to deal with. I can't forget brother Jeb Bush is another PNAC member that is a coward.
Isn't it about time the Bushies went for their naps as your mammas are calling for all of you as you suffer from denial of the truth.
2006-12-27 17:57:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm calling your crap, here. Look it up on C-SPAN or in the US Congressional Archives. Bush was given carte blanche to do what he did. US Senator John Kerry (D-Ma), for the record, voted in favor of the invasion. And, even if he did so before their declaration, he is covered under the War Powers Act.
2006-12-27 18:04:00
answer #7
answered by acid0philus 2
He has managed to kill more Iraqis then saddam did! should be hanged after saddam! The world needs peace our soldiers are dying there for no cause! They just went there as they believed there president about wmds n stuff, please bring them back!
The whole world sees us thru a different angle now, we need to tell them we are not like this its only our president!
2006-12-27 17:59:09
answer #8
answered by cheetah 3
You might also add murder of 3000 of our best soldiers. And still counting.
And genocide of hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqis.
All in the guise of making US safer.
That is exactly what Osama Bin Laden would also say: he bombed WTC to make the world a safer place for his followers.
2006-12-27 17:58:22
answer #9
answered by ramshi 4
Yes, he meets the definition and the criteria! And so does our military and every single CIA agent in one of those not so secret (After Bush's lie came out) torture camps Bush set up in places like Poland!
2006-12-27 17:56:29
answer #10
answered by cantcu 7