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My question is about child support. I have been granted sole physical and legal custody of my baby boy Jordan. He is 9 months and his father has not seen him at all or made no attempt. He has to pay child support monthly including back support from when Jordan was born. He doesn't want to pay and gives every excuse not too. His family has emailed, visited me and called me harassing me saying I have no right asking him for support because we aren't married. I told them nicely it's none of their business and between their son, my baby's daddy and I and it's support for my son. The judge asked him if he wants a relationship with his son and he said, "I DON"T KNOW?" I'm in California so there is no way he can give up his parental rights at all. Can he take me to court and get a different court order once a judge has established an order and child support enforcement has everything on him?

2006-12-27 09:32:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

9 answers

If paternity has been established, he can't do much, unless he can prove that he is earning less money, and he might get child support reduced.

2006-12-27 09:35:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First things first, every state is different and some fathers choose not to see their child(ren). A court order can always be ‘modified’ (changed) when and if a new situation or circumstances come up. You can ALWAYS file for a modification at any time (No time limit).

I have spoken with hundreds of single mothers (the org I work for), and they too have the same problem. You hear some men on here whining about how the woman gets the car, or house, or money. They fail to see those items are for their children, to raise them, get them to the doctors and provide necessities (electric, food, diapers, tylenol, back to school supplies, etc). They fail to see that if it were just the woman, she could rent a one room apartment (for far less then if she had a child), or that the childs needs come before anyone elses, hers or his. Ignore these guys whom look for loopholes not to take care of their kids. Money is their God.

You need to be strong for your children (or baby). They depend upon it. You are their only advocate. NO ONE else will step up for his/her rights but YOU.

If you don’t have a lawyer, go to your local Legal Aid Office. All states have them and are in most counties. Look in the phone book or call your county court clerks office and ask if they have the number. Call your states Bar Association and ask if they know the number. They go on sliding scale, so its free to most.

All of our states are tired of paying for children that the parent (male or female) doesn’t pay for.

ARREARS: arrears will follow them, no matter what they do.their wages are attached (then some suddenly become ‘laid off’ or work under the table). Remember, money is their God. Once it reaches a certain amount, Its listed on their credit report, their tax refunds (state and federal) are intercepted, their property can have a lien put on it, and they are put in jail for small periods of time (and released for just a small portion of the amount owed) etc. if he tries to run over state line to avoid child support, its now a federal offense. so much more, so look on the links I have listed for you.

He also has the right to see his child, even if he doesn’t pay support. Full and Sole custody (for there are several types of custody) means the other parent has no rights to anything but visitation. Yes, he still has to pay Child Support, no matter what kind of custody there is. Sole physical and legal may be a different term in your state. Check and make sure.

In any case, go to legal aid. Get an attorney.

Here are some links that will help. One is a Child Support Calculator, some are for single moms, some are links with laws for child support (all states are different with the laws), and some are just to help you and your baby. Take your time and pick through them all…there is some great info on them.


2006-12-27 18:54:52 · answer #2 · answered by Yvette B yvetteb 6 · 0 0

don't worry about it, if he doesn't want to see YOUR son that's on him. As far as child support if he doesn't pay and he works at the end of the year when he files taxes irs will take his money for back support until he is paid up, same thing happen to me in the begining of my child support order. A friend of mines went threw that to as far as a different state ex in las vegas were the original order was placed she moved back to massachuetts and filed papers here for him because he wasn't paying and the courts did a confrence call with both judges, well put it like this he still ended up paying support because the child was born in mass not las vegas.

2006-12-27 22:49:19 · answer #3 · answered by homey 2 · 0 0

Child support is always in front of the court. It can be changed monthly, but after a while, the court will not look favorably on it. Open a case with your local child support office. They have ways of collecting not open to you.

2006-12-27 17:59:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He is playing the oldest game in the book. Your son is entitled to the support. It sounds like you have already been given custody. I doubt any judge is going to change that.

Keep working on that support. He will eventually get a job and you can collect from his pay.

2006-12-27 17:41:44 · answer #5 · answered by united9198 7 · 1 0

Take him back to court. If he has a job the judge can garnish his wages so that money is automatically sent to you every month, or every payday...however they set it up. His family needs to stay out of it. They are totally wrong. Just because you are not married to him doesn't mean that he is off the hook.

2006-12-27 18:59:47 · answer #6 · answered by Ryan's mom 7 · 0 0

All court orders are subject to modifications. You could have him sign off on all parental rights through the Family court in your county

2006-12-27 17:40:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's time for him to be a man.
Unfortunately, he can challenge the amount if it is prooven that he can not afford the payment. When it is all said and done, try to garnish his wages.

It's tough. I'm sure you want to deny his parents access to their grandchild, but that is not fair to the child.

Work hard and file a suit against him. It will affect his chances of ever buying a home.
Take Care.

2006-12-27 17:50:07 · answer #8 · answered by Culture Warrior 4 · 1 0

any court order can be changed if good reason is shown. whether it is support,visitation or custody.

2006-12-27 17:38:01 · answer #9 · answered by kissmy 4 · 0 0

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