Try Ace hardware or sometihing like that I know hikers who use that on the hiking trail for a fuel source and picked some up for him at an Ace hardware store
2006-12-27 14:51:41
answer #1
answered by Mary P 1
Methylated spirit (or Meths, also denatured alcohol or surgical spirit) is ethanol which has been rendered toxic or otherwise undrinkable, and in some cases dyed. It is used for purposes such as fuel for spirit burners and camping stoves, and as a solvent. Traditionally, the main additive was 10% methanol, which gave rise to its name, but this is not always the case now. There are diverse industrial uses for ethanol, and therefore literally hundreds of recipes for denaturing ethanol. Typical additives are methanol, isopropanol, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, denatonium, and even (uncommonly) aviation gasoline.
As used in the phrase denatured alcohol, denatured means "a specific property of ethanol, its usefulness as a beverage, is removed". The ethanol molecule is not denatured in the sense that its chemical structure is altered.
wanna know more????
2006-12-27 09:25:50
answer #2
answered by Tray-Z 3
Denatured Alcohol is 95% ethyl alcohol (same as you find in beer) with 4% methyl alcohol (highly toxic) and 1% pyridine (to make it taste vile). This is to stop people trying to drink it; it's absolutely deadly.
Rubbing alcohol is iso-Propyl alcohol, which is a volitile liquid with a different structure entirely to ethyl alcohol. It evapourates very quickly, which is why it is used in cleansers.
Hope it helps!!!!
2006-12-27 09:27:18
answer #3
answered by beutifulbutterfly101 2
it's ethyl alcohol that's been made unsafe for consumption through the addition of methanol or acetone.
You can find it at practically any hardware store, in the paint section.
2006-12-27 09:28:07
answer #4
answered by Just Some Guy 3
Try a hardware or paint store. Here are some online sites.
2006-12-27 09:27:59
answer #5
answered by Barkley Hound 7
You can get it at a pharmacy or in the healthcare section of a grocery store.
It's essentially boiled alcohol.
2006-12-27 09:25:43
answer #6
answered by Gremlin 4