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I am in sales and have had a few jobs in my time. The last few were horrible and I started to notice a trend. Everytime I wanted to leave an organization, I was working for a woman. I was a producer, I worked well with others, I didn't blatently kiss my female bosses *** but didn't ignore her. The female manager just didn't get along with me for some reason. Now I work for a man and things have been great. My boss is almost like a friend of mine. But, things change. It is my understanding that my boss is being promoted. Good for him, but they are bringing another woman in to take his place. I don't want to repeat history and I'm a little nervous. What should I do?

2006-12-27 08:41:40 · 2 answers · asked by Snuggles123 4 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

2 answers

the best thing do is to not look at her as a female but someone
who signs your check believe me i know its hard but its better
then switch jobs just because of that

2006-12-27 08:47:08 · answer #1 · answered by mr99cent 1 · 0 0

Is sales that hard? I might like a career in sales but I don't want to travel too much. Family matters.. Can I do that locally though and get home every night? I think women are more touchy feely and want help in their careers defining themselves and women generally also have a problem if they think they might like a guy and they are married. So you have to be worthy in this situation. Women are minorities and sometimes get their job this way and other times through their family ties. So you have to be sensitive to your boss and not too sexually attracted to them, unless of course that is what they are looking for, then they pick somebody that they might like and kill two birds with one stone. I think women respect men who are dedicated to their wives in general, but if you are a strayer and are married, a good woman will can you too. so.....

2006-12-27 08:47:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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