My few and research: world population dissemination is a recyclic phenomenon. The "linear historical model" is linear only within each "Earth Age Civilization Cycle", which is approximately 12,000 years. Thus, this means civilization periods (Earth Ages) are recurrent.
Each cycle is punctuated with a cosmo-cataclysm, and extinction level event. This event I have identified as the “Sirian-Solar Reconvergence”, where the binary stellar system, Sirius (the missing half of our Solar System), and our Solar System interpenetrate through each other in a great catastrophic transversion. All of human civilization is completely exterminated and the surface of the Earth is sterilized by fire and inundation by the displacement of the oceans over the continents. Hence, a handful of post-catastrophic survivors are catapulted into a Neobarbaric Age to begin the slow and incremental process of recivilization all over again, which requires 12,000 years to reach the next technological zenith that happens to be synchronized with the next 12,000-year appearance of the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence, a recurrent phenomenon because both systems are interlocked electromagnetically.
Technically, the two systems were formerly unified into a singular trinary system, the Osirian Trinary Stellar System. Sirius B (today a White Dwarf) is our paternal star. When it reached the end of its helium Red Giant phase Sirius B underwent a Nebula Discontinuity Event that created the celestial dynamics that split the 14-member trinary system in half. However, due to the electromagnetic connection the two systems must return to the path upon which they were blown off of, hence the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence.
The former trinary system had four populated planets that reached a total population maximum of 26 billion people before the Osirian Nebula annihilated these former “global technocultures”; these were Earth (8 billion), Mars (3 billion), Maldek (9 billion) and Nebru (6 billion). Today, the Asteroid Belt is the remnant debris of the destroyed planet Maldek. Nebru, an aquatic planet, still exists in the Sirian Binary.
Sirius B's transition into its major stellar phases (Blue Giant receiving a cometary impact; its reduction to an F-1 class star; the simultaneous expelling of 70% of its mass that created the trinary; its hyperdialation into a Red Giant; the Nebula Discontinuity Event; and the recurrent Sirian-Solar Reconvergence) are responsible for the follwing Biblical events:
The Worldwide Flood of Noah (In the post-Flood period the "bow" in the sky was not a "rainbow" it was the protracted ejecta tail of the expelling 70% mass of Sirius B that created Sirius A and 10 new planets; this is why Sirius A is called the "Bow Star" by the Ancients, for an observer standing on Earth would have seen a massive white "bow" arched over the Earth's sky for many months.)
The 7-year famine of Joseph of Genesis (As Sirius approaches, it will cross between the Earth and the Sun, all drinkable and irrigation water will become suspended into cloud cover as the Earth heats up, ultimately to 5,300 degrees Fahrenheit melting all metals and spontaneously combusting everything on the surface of the Earth.)
The 10 plagues of Egypt during Exodus and the parting of the Red Sea by the electromagnetic tail of Sirius B.
The judgments in the Book of Revelation will be the result of the next Sirian-Solar Reconvergence, due to arrive within the next 15 years, culminating our current Earth Age cycle with complete and total extintion wiping away any trace of our global technoculture, and the subsequent commencement of the next Neobarbaric Age will begin.
2006-12-27 10:08:05
answer #1
answered by . 5
First of all science was not that informative to us back then, and therefore disease was the enemy in many cases and wiped out thousands. Child birth was a big threat as well. Today we have the aid of modern science and that is that. Plus you might want to think of all the permiscuity that goes on today that did not back then. In intervals yes with conquests, but for the most part of civilization we were suppose to be married. Women were stoned to death and don't forget all the genecides that mankind inflicted upon us. I have a question as well? How can Christianity have been around for 6000 years when it did not start for 200 years after the death of Christ, and then it took another 200 to take hold.And I would like to know why mankind insists on renaming everything and taking credit for it and then imposes it upon others. Christianity was not named as a religion by G-D according to scripture. Man did that, for it was a reformed Judaism that Jesus was teaching straight out of the old testament. Yes he made changes but change is good, If mankind wants to rename the religion, just think what else he renames and claims as evidence and fact in science? Why do you think we have no answers, because there are too many fork tongues waving.
2006-12-27 09:49:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
**** Sapiens have been around approximately 100,000 years.
Prior to the discovery of fire making, fatalities were much higher and infant survival rates were much lower. During this period it was not uncommon for entire tribes to disappear.
It is not a matter of survival that a specie succeed but that it fail less often than normal. So, many times during our rise, we dropped to endangered status but managed to comeback from the brink.
To fix a particular time based on population growth is misleading. Your analysis comes out approximately correct because about 5, 000 yrs ago, our specie had hit another low.
2006-12-27 08:52:05
answer #3
answered by Sophist 7
David, maybe the variables of availability of partners in earlier times by way of the population sparsity and the possibly scattered beginnings of "mankind", came through and from in these times, by trial and error, or just flat out discovery, the realization that the very consequences of health issues via genetics, spurned by in-breeding, which may have slowed this very process of population growth itself, may have kept the population of what we know as "humans", to a very dull roar for tens, or hundreds, of milleniums. All I can "present" for you is that animals eat their genetically weak, or the eaten would likely die off on their own anyways. Another presentation: Exponential Growth? I do not know what to believe in this matter, but more often focus on the future of mankind, unless this past, in any circumstance, can benefit moving forward in regards to this topic.
2006-12-27 09:19:42
answer #4
answered by Garret Tripp 3
As a Christian Pastor I have struggled with this one for some time.
I can not deny the earth being older that what the Bible appears to claim.
I can not deny dinosaurs.
My conclusion is that while mankind has, perhaps, been around longer than 6,000 years the recorded history of the Jewish people and therefore, Christianity is in fact 6,000 years, there abouts.
But then that's just my opinion.
2006-12-27 09:10:37
answer #5
answered by drg5609 6
You so nonchalantly mention disease and war. Disease killed just about EVERYONE in the "good" old days. I am not saying two people did not create all of this 5,000 years ago. All I am saying is you cannot account for all war and disease. Our population could just as easily been started by 2 people 1,000,000 years ago and ended up resulting in the amount of people we have today if you really consider how many people were killed by the endless supply of disease.
2006-12-27 08:43:33
answer #6
answered by Immortal Cordova 6
i am not presenting opinion, i present fact: your question boils down to a belief in biblical or secular chronology. as always idiots tend to be die hard left or right, when usually the truth is somewhere closer to the middle. biblical chronology is not to be taken literally, and secular chronology is to be taken with a grain of salt. with the margin of error in scientific dating, when your trying to date the birth of the earth or even the big bang, even your best estimate is liable to fall short in the hundreds of million years, this is even assuming they know what the hell theyre talking about, theoretical scientists are like diet doctors, one month eggs are bad for ya, the next theyre good for ya, (subscribe to Scientific American for only a year and youll see what im talking about). of course god didnt create the entire universe or even this solar system in seven literal days (wouldnt that be a chronological inaccuracy? how can you date creation in solar days when the sun was yet to be created?) and its highly unlikely scientists current estimate of the age of the universe is even close. a little common sense is called for, but then again, whats so common about sense?
2006-12-27 10:23:02
answer #7
answered by metroactus 4
The Bible dates Adam and Eve to 6000 years from present ascertained from the genealogy and the ages and birth times of recorded biblical figures.
2006-12-27 08:38:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
There is overwhelming evidence that people existed considerably farther back than 3000 BCE.
Cave paintings in Europe have been dated back 15,000 years for example.
Here are some sites to look through for yourself
2006-12-27 09:00:45
answer #9
answered by rehobothbeachgui 5