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I just watched these. If you have any ?'s about 9/11, I would watch this! This is really wild!


2006-12-27 06:50:33 · 7 answers · asked by sonnygirl0303 1 in News & Events Other - News & Events

If the government REALLY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS then why don't they make the true facts public? If someone had killed the President, they would know and reveal IN DETAIL everything found involving that case, Right or Wrong?

2006-12-27 06:56:14 · update #1

Check out that website... http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wtc.htm. Make sure you watch all the videos. They may be long but they are very accurate.

2006-12-27 06:58:05 · update #2

I understand that there are so many conspiracy theories and yet why this only happens when Bush is President is beyond me! I think that Bush Senior and Junior should have went over there and handled their own problems, rather than getting the whole U.S. Army involved! Yes, there are suicide bombers but why limit it to that. If they were suicide bombers than why when Bush found out did he wait 5 min. before even getting out of his seat. If something had happened to his dad he would have FLOWN ot the door! Also, if they had been terrorist that took over the planes then why did the goverment not shoot them down. I hate to say this but I would rather 4 planes full of people die than 4 planes and all of those other people too! What's to say that the government won't do it again? This was a well thought out plan. If they truly believed that they were terrorist than why are they allowing RIGHT NOW, guys from Iraq to work on planes with no supervision! I worked at Pemco and they aren't watched

2006-12-29 00:08:32 · update #3

7 answers

I wouldn't waste my time watching yet another video made by a wacko with a conspiracy theory.

2006-12-27 19:43:57 · answer #1 · answered by stellablue1959 5 · 1 0

The website is a theory to what some believe is a conspiracy. We need to stay focused on the facts:

1. GWB received information from the Intelligence Center stating that terrorists were going to strike but yet he did not take it serious or refused to do something about it.

2. Let's not forget that these terrorists were on a suicide mission, therefore there is a great possibility that they were wired with C4 or other explosives that were going to detinate anyway once the planes hit the towers and the Pentagon. That may be why the explosion happened at the WTC making the buildings crumble to the ground.

3. The explosions causing the WTC and other buildings to come down may have also been caused by the fuel inside the planes themselves. These explosions were tremendous and shook the ground so bad that it felt like a massive earthquake hit.

2006-12-27 16:09:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You believed the government line on 9-11 and now after watching these clips , you are convinced these are true accounts. I also saw the planes hit the trade centre, I've watched clips supporting a conspiracy. I have questions, there are no answers that will convince me one way or the other. We all know you can find experts in the same fields that differ in their conclusions, 9-11 is no different. Almost everyone seems to fell that Bush is an inept moron, yet many of those same people are willing to believe he is capable of being involved with such a massive cover-up. So Bush is an idiot genius. Until they find the plane(missile) that hit the Pentagon and a mass grave of the people that died in Washington hidden somewhere else, all there is , is speculation. There is no doubt planes hit the Trade Centres, how the buildings collapsed and why may remain a mystery and nothing Bush or anyone else has to say will please everyone. Draw your own conclusions. Nothing wrong with asking questions. Only problem is when you jump to conclusions and /or ignore good science.

2006-12-27 15:20:31 · answer #3 · answered by Bob D 6 · 1 0

You are so right here. Many people are at last beginning to wake up to the super conspiracy which has been ongoing against us since the dawn of civilization. Do yourself a huge favor, and read "The Biggest Secret", and/or "Children Of The Matrix" both by David Icke. The New World Order police state is coming soon, and there is little, if anything we can do about it.

2006-12-27 15:18:58 · answer #4 · answered by oceansoflight777 5 · 1 1

There is always a 'nut job' lurking beneath the surface somewhere.

Always some dude with a degree looking to get headlines by publishing whatever he can get typed out.

Look at O.J. Simpson trying to publish a book about "he would have done, except he of course did NOT do it".

Unfortunately there is no restriction on what these nutcases put on the internet and how much they charge for their 'wonderful banquets' while they talk about whatever they want to.

2006-12-27 16:35:34 · answer #5 · answered by wolf560 5 · 0 1

APFN is a group of left wing nutjobs. No one pays attention to them. They have been proven wrong on various things over the years.

2006-12-27 14:58:40 · answer #6 · answered by convoiceofreason 4 · 1 2

Why is there no insiders coming out to talk about 911 'inside job' or 'leak' when there have been so many criticisms and intelligence 'leak' against WMD case? Numerous insiders criticized how WMD intellligence was twisted, but why nobody do that for 911?

US have been provoking Iraq with airstrikes for years after 1991. If we wanted to lie to make case for war it would have been lie about Iraqi attacking US force in Middle East instead of loosely linking Saddam with obsecure terrorist who were not from Iraq.

I've seen those claims about 911 'mysteries' but pretty much all of them are flat out lies or things being taken out of context. And they mention of no history of Iraq/US last 10 years or so.

Countless other lies in 911 'truth' stories.

On hijacker found alive! 'mystery'...
Some bloggers and 911 theorists say hijackers are found alive and links to BBC article titled ‘Hijack 'suspects' alive and well.’ What they don’t say is that this BBC article is about confusion over hijackers’ true identities. It appears hijackers may have assumed someone else's IDs. Criminals using false IDs? Hard to believe? BBC article ends by saying “FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged on Thursday that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is in doubt.” That’s why the title put quotation mark around ‘suspects’ when it says ‘suspects alive and well.’

You can read this BBC entire article here http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1559151.stm
You’ll notice in the middle of this BBC article titled ‘Hijack 'suspects' alive and well’ it also says in bold face ‘Mistaken Identity.’ Conspiracy gurus never even finished the entire article it appears and have reading comprehension of sixth grader. This article is used to claim that hijackers are made up/fake people in this ‘conspiracy.’ Yes, it’s sad. This is story about 'mistaken identities', but people took the story and turned it into a 911 'mystery'. It's just stupid.

This is how conspiracy theories work. By taking things out of context. Twisting facts. Changing meaning of anything they can get hands on.

More weird claims made by 911 ‘truth’ people…

They claim Larry Silverstein, owner of WTC building 7 confessed to blowing it up by saying he ‘pulled.’ ‘Pull’ is slang for implosion used by demolitionist. Silverstein is not one. Why would he use slang to admit blowing up his own building on national TV interview? I guess its good way to skip insurance money. If he is in on this ‘inside job’ why the hec does he tell about it on national TV interview. Silverstein is either biggest idiot in the world OR he simply meant he ‘pulled’ fire fighters out of building 7 so they won’t die. They claim he did it also for insurance money, so why would he be so careless about his secret implossion on NATIOANL TV INTERVIEW? 'Pulled' is taken way way out of its context.

911 conspiracy theory claim Rumsfeld said flight 93 was shot down. On 9-11-01 it is Cheney who mistakenly believes 2 planes were shot down by Airforce during the attacks. Cheney have ordered to take down any hijacked planes that may be heading for a target after WTC was hit. Rumsfeld tells Cheney he knows one plane is down, but can’t confirm who brought down the plane (flight 93). This episode was explained in PBS’s Frontline: Dark Side. They had obtained actual transcript of their conversation. You can see this transcript here http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/darkside/view/ Cheney/Rumsfeld conversation is shown in ‘part one’ at beginning of documentary. Lot of stories about gov shooting down flight 93, missile theories...etc seem to have originated from this.

Rumsfeld was in Pentagon when it was hit and helped rescue crew which was caught on video. Why would he or others order missile to hit it when they're in the building. Several light poles at near by high way were knocked down short ways from Pentagon. Did single missile swerve around in chasing after skinny light poles before hitting pentagon? Was it a big fat Tomahawk missile that is wide as commercial airliner’s wing span? Some cars were damaged too by the plane grazing over highways.

Many claim Pentagon had auto missile defense that could have shot down planes entering its airspace, but such project really never took full effect because of fear that civilian plane may be shot down and might pose danger to neighboring residents. Can you imagine some newly licensed pilot flying single engine Cessna into Pentagon air space getting shot down by missile or anti aircraft guns? Richard Clarke, former counter-terrorism official explained this. Ask him about it. How many times do you see planes go off course by accident? Gov officials didn’t want to endanger its own citizens for extremely unlikely scenario.

You can't trust lot of information included in 911 theoris because so many are taken out of context and they are some times pseudo-scientifc, ad/hoc theories that are conjured up by people who did 'thourough research' on internet. Which information have been passed to one person to another to another to another... on and on degrading/changing original information.

Have you read entire 911 commission or entire official account of 911 attacks? Instead of reading some blogger or comments posted on internet about what's in them?


2006-12-30 19:09:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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