Freedom of Speech is not a catchall that lets you say whatever you want to anyone, in whatever tone of voice you want. Freedom of Speech means we have the right to speak publicly without fear of censorship. It has more to do with public statements--- articles in the newspaper, or things on TV--- than with interpersonal relationships. Also there are exceptions to Freedom of Speech, like anti-defamation laws. Under an anti-defamation law, you can't publish outright lies, especially if doing so could cause harm to a person, their reputation or their business.
Freedom of Speech makes it OK for me to tell all of your customers that you smoke crack IF you actually smoke crack. If you don't smoke crack or do things that make a normal bystander think you smoke crack, then you can sue me for making that statement.
In the case of emotional abuse of a child, there is no public statement being made so Freedom of Speech does not apply.
2006-12-27 06:12:55
answer #1
answered by dcgirl 7
JW and Phoenix are right on.
You do have freedom of speech. But you can't harm or endanger others.
Remember, this was originally about speech against the government. You have the right to stand in front of the White House and say you think the President is a stupid pig - without being arrested - unless you do something else (Like make a death threat against him.) In many other countries, this was not true when the US was founded - and in others (Like China) it still isn't true. You can be tossed into jail for saying you think the government was wrong.
Hope that makes sense.
2006-12-27 06:16:54
answer #2
answered by tigglys 6
Freedom of speech is really the freedom to express your opinions while not hurting someone else. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater just because you feel like it. If there's not a fire, the potential of someone getting hurt or trampled outweighs the supposed joke. The same with death threats. The right to feel safe is greater than the freedom of speech, so freedom of speech doesn't protect one making a death threat, serious or otherwise.
2006-12-27 06:11:34
answer #3
answered by JW 2
You do NOT have the freedom of speech in each and every circumstance. There are limitations. You can't endanger others, such as falsely yelling fire in a crowded theater. You can't divulge confidential information, such as medical records. In addition, freedom of speech does not extend to private property. Anyone can limit speech however they wish on private property. Yahoo limits your freedom of speech with its Community Guidelines, which you agree to follow by using this service.
Freedom of speech only means that you cannot be persecuted by the government for anything you have to say, as long as it doesn't break any of the other rules. Again, you DO NOT have the right to say just anything you want, any time, anywhere. This is a common misconception.
2006-12-27 06:11:41
answer #4
answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7
You have the freedom of speech(note the spelling hun) but only if you don't say something that someone else doesn't like.
And if you don't mind I'd like to correct an little error you made there. Kids don't get taken away from parents because they are abused. They get taken away because CPS workers get paid to take them away. If child abuse was the issue then a lot more kids would be taken away and a lot of the ones that have been taken away wouldn't have been.
2006-12-27 06:08:54
answer #5
answered by Red Winged Bandit 4
The freedom of speech is totally misunderstood. You have the right to denounce the government. It refers to societies right to dissent and tell elected officials what they think without fear of reprisal. It really was not intended to mean that you could walk around berating people. shouting fire! and things etc. All that stuff comes from the courts.
2006-12-27 10:23:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Freedom of Speech, as intended by the authors of our Constitution, was intended for political purposes only. You are allowed to say your opinion on political matters.
As with all freedoms, you must use your freedoms responsibly or they may be taken away. We vote many of our freedoms away because some are irresponsible with them.
2006-12-27 06:17:14
answer #7
answered by rbarc 4
Yes, we have the right to freedom of speech, however, with rights come responsibilities.
2006-12-27 06:13:43
answer #8
answered by Tish 5
What a lot of people fail to understand is that with rights come responsibilities.
You have the right to own a gun, you have the responsibility to not shoot someone unless they threaten you.
You have the right to Free have the reponsibility to not harm someone with that speech.
2006-12-27 06:24:00
answer #9
answered by nwolfe35 2
We have the freedom of speech (To express ourselves) not freedom of speech to degrade, humble, belittle, harrass, or so on to children or anyone of that matter. Slander is a finable offense as is harrassment
2006-12-27 06:10:44
answer #10
answered by texas_shammer 3