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I want to have anal sex with my husband. He suggested that I receive an enema. I have never had one and I am scared. I don't know alot about them. Can someone please answer these questions:
1. What is it?
2. How does it feel?
3. Is it painful?
4. What position do you sit in?
5. Do you give yourself or does someone give it to you?
6. How mush is given?
7. Do yo have to retain it?
8. Is it uncomforable?
9. Any other details that you may want to add

Thank you so much!!

2006-12-27 05:54:00 · 2 answers · asked by Kelly 1 in Health Women's Health

2 answers

It just cleans you out a bit.
It is a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't hurt. It shows on the box what position you can be in. Usually laying on your left side with your right leg bent so your knee is by your chest. It's easy to do it to yourself, after you insert it just lay there for 3-5 minutes. After that get up and go to the bathroom (that's the uncomfortable part...) and you're done!

2006-12-27 06:04:04 · answer #1 · answered by Sam 1 · 0 0

An enema helps to clear your bowels out if your constipated, don't know how it feels myself but don't imagine it's very nice, not painful if you insert with lubricant, you lie on your left hand side with your knees up to your chest, as your bowel tilts downwards in this position so it doesn't just leak out, it would be hard giving it to yourself, the dose normally depends how constipated someone is,

2006-12-27 14:00:14 · answer #2 · answered by nursej 4 · 0 0

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