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Can you write an interesting paragraph or 2 or more that includes these phrases?
1. Well....la dee dah.
2. Is there enough room for you AND your ego?
3. ♫ You oughta be in pictures ♫
4. I think you just defied the laws of physics.
5. A little louder,please...I don't think the psychotic who's probably hiding in the woods, HEARD YOU!!!!
6. I hope we get rescued.....but not just yet.

2006-12-27 05:16:13 · 7 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

7 answers

'Well Paddy' Jimmy Byrne spoke softly 'apart from that incident earlier with the little bald geezer and the punchbowl, everything went as smooth as silk' He was obviously deliriously happy with the result as he handed out cigars to myself and two of the other so-called security personnel 'Well...la dee dah's all round' he added as he struck a match.
I had never seen Jimmy so happy and elated and he was acting like a General on a battlefield he was so proud 'Is there enough room' I said to him 'for you and your ego Jimmy, you look six feet taller than usual. Suddenly he was called away by one of the film management. As he returned, I saw he was wearing the biggest smile I had seen on anyone for years. As he reached us he was humming and singing '....you oughta be in pictures...'. He added 'At the rate their throwing their money around, we all should be'. 'What's you got, Jimmy - a nice sweet little tickel of a bonus?'. 'Naw' he quickly replied 'not only did you get to see your beautiful Goddess, but they have just offered me a little extra job that should take only an hour or so. We get another three hundred quid, the three of us to guard a coach to Heathrow'. 'Bloody hell' I exclaimed 'I saw eye to eye with Raquel Welsh, I had a lovely evening with no trouble and a grand to boot. Robbo, you jammy basket'. 'Who's the third Jimmy' I asked assuming that I was one of the three. 'You, me and Charlie' he added. 'The only trouble is' he added, now serious 'the snowstorm outside is getting worse and traffic might be a problem on the motorway'.
Still, Jimmy was so happy that he was floating on air and at times soaring six feet off the floor. 'Get yourself back down here Jimmy' I joked, 'I think you just defied the laws of physics'.
Half-an-hour later, the guests had boarded the luxury coach and through the snow and wind I shouted to Jimmy 'Has Raquel Welsh got on board Jimmy'. 'A little louder, please,...I don;t think the psychotic who's probably hiding in the woods heard you' I could see the smile on his face, so Jimmy was not upset. I had forgotten the tabloid photographers and reporters.
On the coach, I could see that many of the usual seats had been removed and tables erected in their place. On these were all sorts of goodies and about twenty bottles of Champaigne. 'You know Paddy' Jimmy said with a hint of irony in his voice 'we were in the wrong job - seriously, we should have gotten into pictures. The money these bast*ards have'.
To be quite honest, the money meant nothing whatsoever to me. Of course it was nice, but not in the least as nice as meeting the woman whom I consider to be the most beatiful in the world and a true Goddess. Not to mention a lovely evening. In fact one to remember.
A shout came from the back of the coach asking us to join them for a drink and we made our way down the aisle. Me in front followed by Charlie and Jimmy. There she was in all her glory - more beautiful than I could even remember and for the second time that evening our eyes met. Deep beautiful eyes that drew you in. And then she smiled. To be honest with you, I completely froze. I was not sure that I was having a heart attack of not but I could not move one nerve in my body. But as usual, a good slap on the back from Charlie and I was back in the land of the living.
A few glasses of orange juice for me and a bottle and a half of Champaigne for Charlie and Jimmy and we were in Heaven.
We were about five miles from Heathrow on the motorway, when suddenly we ground to a halt. A quick look forward up the road and all we could see were tail lights, police blue lights and tons of snow. There must have been hundreds of cars if not thousands. We were going nowhere until a snowplough and gritter arrived. 'The wife will be worried Jimmy' I said to him 'I hope we get rescued......but not just yet'.
Suddenly, I was struck with a guilt feeling of great proportions. 'Oh God' I prayed to myself 'I think I have broken your first commandment 'thou shall not have false Gods before you' - I adore that woman and that must be wrong'..
'No' I shouted making Jimmy and Charlie spill their Champers, but I continued in my mind 'I never treated her as a God - a Goddess maybe, but not a false God................No problem, I can continue looking at her beauty until the morning sun rises over the snowladen fields and I hear the songbirds with their dawn chorus. The cattle mooing in the fields..........................
'Robbo' I said sternly to myself 'If anyone heard what you have just been thinking, they would certainly say 'what a load of old crap, you wally'.............................

2006-12-27 09:27:36 · answer #1 · answered by thomasrobinsonantonio 7 · 1 0

Well....la dee dah, here comes another snow storm. Im glad Im here with you Britney. I hope we get rescued.....but not just yet. You oughta be in pictures, oh wait you are! Britney screams "Is there enough room for you AND your ego?" I then said "A little louder,please...I don't think the psychotic who's probably hiding in the woods, HEARD YOU!!!! She laughs out loud, takes her top off and then does some kind of action split flip. My final words were "I think you just defied the laws of physics"

2006-12-27 13:28:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Johnny Depp and I are huddled in the snow cave we built for ourselves when we found ourselves snowbound together, and it is tight quarters. "You're lucky you're here with me", he said. "Why's that?" I asked. "Because, I'm freakin' gorgeous, obviously" he replied. "Well....la dee dah!" I said, "is there enough room for you AND your ego?" Johnny looked surprised at my sarcastic remark. "Well, you're not too bad yourself", he said. Then he started to sing to me: "You oughta be in pictures".

It was very cold in the snow cave. Now that Johnny and I were mutual admirers, things were going much better between us. He said "I can't stop myself, I have to make wild love to you right now. Besides, it will keep us warm" as he tore my parka off me. We did the crazy monkey dance and contorted our bodies in every possible manner. Johnny was impressed by my incredible flexibility. "Oooh baby" he moaned, "I think you just defied the laws of physics!"

Then, at the moment we had both been waiting for, he couldn't hold back any longer and let out an ear-shattering howl of release! "Whoa boy", I told him. "A little louder, please...I don't think the psychotic who's probably hinding in the woods HEARD YOU!!!!" Johnny was looking at me with his love for me shining in his eyes. "I've been searching for you all my life, darling. Let's never part. I hope we get rescured...but not just yet. I've found the one I want to spend my life with". "Hey, you know, we just met. I'm not sure if I want to make that kind of committment so soon, Johnny". I mean, I hardly knew him. "Elaine, you know I'm very very rich" he replied. "Ok Johnny, I'm yours forever."

The End

2006-12-27 13:53:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

"What a fun getaway this turned out to be," I sighed to myself. Again I felt my spirits sink as I remembered that Ashley, my friend I'd come to the lodge with, had abandoned me to go ski with Luke, the admittedly handsome ski instructor. Though this excitement had happened to her, so far nothing really interesting had happened to me. As it turns out, I am not very good at skiing. Not very good at all. I managed to survive the "Bunny Run" - that's the name they gave to the easiest slope (short and practically level) - but when I tried the "Bambi Slope", which was only just a little more, I just couldn't keep the skis under my feet. It started to embarrass and make me more than just a little mad, and I retreated to the warmth of the lodge. I sipped at my cocoa and sighed again. I was the only person still in the lodge. Everyone else was having a roaring time out on the slopes. "I am completely... utterly alone," I murmured to myself. Suddenly, a voice laughed from behind me, "A little louder, please... I don't think the psychotic who's probably hiding in the woods heard you!" I didn't even have to turn around. I recognized that voice! It was a voice I listened to at least three times a week - a man whose movies I absolutely adored. Slowly I turned, to prove my suspicions correct. They were. I could tell it was him, despite the large ski goggles he wore. "Well... la dee dah..." I breathed to myself. "What on earth are you doing here?" He smiled and sauntered down the stairs toward me. "Can't a guy take a vacation now and then?" I started to stand, when all of a sudden I heard the most awful sounds! Crashing and booming, the power went out, and the heat source suddenly shut off! When the sounds finally stopped, and I opened my eyes, he was staring shocked at the window - not out, because snow covered it. "What happened?" I gasped, watching my breath become fog in the icy air. "Avalanche," he spoke calmly. "Are we snowed in?!" I panicked, jumping to my feet. He turned to me. "Perhaps. There could be a door on the other side, or a window on an upper floor, that will lead outside. Let me handle this, little lady. I'll find us a way out. I can do anything," he grinned. I felt my mouth fall open. Wow, was he taking charge or what? He started exploring the lodge, only to return in a few minutes and tell me the worst news I could've heard at the time. "I... There aren't any... I can't reach... The whole mountain..." Then he did something I did not know I would ever see him do... He fell despairingly into a chair and started wringing his hands, and mumbled to himself, "What if they don't get us in time? What if we freeze to death up here? What if the world loses me? Will they be able to take it?" I scoffed. This was my hero? I looked around. There... up near the ceiling. A balcony, and a window I could still see sky through. "Look up there," I pointed. "A way out." Suddenly he was all machismo again. "Let me take care of this! Nothing is too much for me to handle!" I rolled my eyes as my handsome daredevil began to climb the stairs. He stepped out onto the balconey and reached for the window. I noticed the opening was a bit small and couldn't stop myself from laughing out, "Is there enough room for you AND your ego?" I clapped a hand over my mouth when I realized what I had said, but he had already heard. "I mean... You're my favorite actor! I love all your movies!" I shouted. To my surprise he laughed. "I think you just defied the laws of physics," he chortled. "I didn't know it was humanly possible to backpedal so fast." He turned away and tried the window. "It won't open," he calmly called, "but I can see a rescue patrol coming our way." He waved an arm. "Yes... They've seen me. They'll dig us out." I felt no end of relief, and he climbed back down and sat on the comfy sofa. "Well, we might as well wait," he said. He smiled at me. "Hey, has anyone ever told you that..." and he started singing one song he had sung in one of my favorite movies... "♫ You oughta be in pictures ♫" I laughed and shook my head. This guy was too much. I knew my hero worship was long gone. But I sat on the chair and sang along with him. Now we're doing one of his duets, and I'm having a fantastic time. I hope we get rescued... but not just yet.

2006-12-27 15:52:43 · answer #4 · answered by Lady Ettejin of Wern 6 · 1 0

I would prefer that you write out an example first so that I get an idea of what you are looking for.

Good Luck!!!

2006-12-27 13:19:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I can. But Yahoo would remove it for adult content! LOL


2006-12-27 13:27:02 · answer #6 · answered by newbiegranny 5 · 0 0

lets hear your answer first

2006-12-27 13:18:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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