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Why were they worn at all by both Northern and Southern soldiers? What armies and/or soldiers were the inspirations for these outrageous uniforms and what connotatations were attached to the uniforms?

2006-12-27 05:12:42 · 2 answers · asked by orzoff 4 in Arts & Humanities History

2 answers

Zouaves were French soldiers by the time of the Crimean War. Originally they were Algerian and Moroccan men from the Zouaoua tribe who offered their services to the French colonists but over a period of time, more Frenchmen joined their ranks. In 1852 President Louis Napoleon (soon to be the Emperor Napoleon III) directed that the three regiments should comprise only Frenchmen. The striking uniforms of the original Zouaves -- white leggings, red baggy trousers, a short blue waistcoat and sash, a red cape and a green fez or turban -- were maintained.

The Zouaves were renowned for their bravery, recklessness and fighting abilities. They were better known in their time than the French Foreign Legion is today.

The press enjoys anything colorful and different many times they add to the myth. God Bless You and Our Southern People.

2006-12-27 10:32:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Zouave units were popular with the media, because they were supposed to be the "crack" troops. Having show off uniforms helped too.

The original "Zouaves" were French colonial troops, renowned for their courage and fighting spirit (the French were quite different at that time). That is why "zouave" units were formed in other armies- copying the colourfull uniform of the original zouaves and thus hoping to obtain some of the fighting spirit which went with the original uniforms

A similar thing happened during the Napoleonic wars, where light cavalry of many nations was uniformed to resemble the Polish lancers- which were the most feared (with good cause) cavalry troops of that time

2006-12-27 05:29:30 · answer #2 · answered by cp_scipiom 7 · 2 0

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