Whites in general, but particularly "White Anglo Saxon Protestants", and , even more particularly, heterosexual male ones, have absolutely no business complaining about being "discriminated against". You are correct. It's absurd. It's basically just a new face of racism, obscenely trying to use the "victim politics" that are somewhat chic today to try and give their own racism , xenophobia, and ethnocentrism, a more "respectable" looking veneer. "Hey we're victims too, we're being passed over for a promotion" (supposedly), or , "We can't get scholarships" (supposedly), or , my personal favorite whine , "Since every other race and ethnicity gets to define itself, why don't we?? Why is there no white History Month, white college, white-Americans club" , etc etc, ad nauseum..... Little do they realize every month is essentially "white history" month, and almost every college is essentially a predominantly "white college".....
2006-12-27 03:39:53
answer #1
answered by DinoDeSanto 4
Every single race of humans at one point in history have been enslaved, it is a horrible thing but a truth we all must recognize.
I dont feel that we are actually discriminated against, but there does happen to be a double standard when it comes to race here is the US.
And the whole thing about Affirmative action is that it served a great purpose when It was inititated but it is no longer necessary in our society. Everyone has the same opportunity to succeed today and many minoroties prove that by being the best persons they can be and succeeding.
2006-12-27 11:39:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have been picked on myself, being the only white family in a whole neighborhood. I had many black friend and a best friend who is black. But, you have to think, also, about all the white people in the 17 and 1800s who helped black slaves escape to free lands. If I were in those times, I too would help them escape.
But we all, once have been slaves no matter what the color, so why can't we just accept that? I have wondered about this question for a long time now.
2006-12-27 11:30:06
answer #3
answered by EhGirl 2
If I got passed over for a job in favor of someone who was black even though I had more experience that might be discrimination. That being said, it's never happened to me so I've never had a problem. Blacks are discriminated against far more than whites.
2006-12-27 11:35:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I haven't met a black that was a slave.
I believe that it's true, discrimination is exercised by both sides, at times.
I have spoken to a black that thought that it was all about 'getting even.' He was happy that whites were complaining, and getting discriminated against. "Look who's crying now" was what he said. Ceasing that kind of thinking wasn't something that he was interested in.
So what I am saying; All we can can really do is treat eachother as good as we can. It's a personal thing.
So I will if you will. ( :
2006-12-27 12:34:13
answer #5
answered by Christian Sinner 7
OMG I really think that you have no reason to be mad at me because your ancestors got the realllllllly short end of the stick. Ok I feel bad about slavery and I know it was horrible but I never had a slave and you never were a slave so why are we gettin our panties all in a twist about it? I'm not saying forget slavery I'm just saying don't take it so personally! Nobody is enslaving you except yourself if you're going to let history keep you down. and yeah I know us white folks do get a lot of nice stuff like you said- but I don't do that to you and I wouldn't do that to anyone. So what I'm saying is just like you don't want to be prjudged for your skin color neither do I. Just because there are some white people who will take discriminate doesn't mean that we all do. And there's also the fact that now you're more likely to get that scholarship or promotion than I am. The world is changing and minorities are getting more and more of the stuff they deserve. I don't mind that just because you're black you'll beat me out for a promotion. So what..... I wont mope about it.
2006-12-27 11:31:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
as a white man, i have never hung, raped or murdered anybody. i have never held a non-white back from succeeding in life.Though i am not a racist,i do see a lot of double standards.On def jam,they continually refer to the white man as whitey,if a white comedian referred to a black man as blackey,he would be considered a racist.The black community has the united ***** college fund,if a white organization created the same thing,that would be considered racism.there is a lot of racist out there,and they are not all white.People are people, the past is the past,present is present,i had no control of what my ancestors did,only of what i do,treat me right,i reciprocate,treat me wrong,i reciprocate.
2006-12-27 17:08:10
answer #7
answered by schflng 2
let's face it we are all really ignorant when it comes to each others historical past. None of us have any control over what color we are and yet we fight so hard for equality, (by the way, i do not think the way you are describing, nor do i think that any race has had it harder than any other) What i do believe is that anyone can make something of themselves, especially in America, it's up to you how hard you want it. I am tired of the American thought that goes something like this: I am African-American, I am Latino-American, I am Asian-American, I am White-American, how about this instead, I am AMERICAN.
If you travel to other countries, you are either a native or you are not, yes there are tribes in certain countries, but most of them call themselves Africans of Brit's or French, italian, but not us in america we are all sub-groups of Americans and the sub is the problem. Life doesn't owe us nothing but we act like it does. No one owes us anything but we make sure we get paid, it's all ridiculous.
How about start growing up and get over ourselves, we didn't have a choice in what color we were born or what sex are, or how tall we are going to be, but we act like it.
Take pride in who you are but not so much pride that you forget about respect for your fellow country men and women.
2006-12-27 11:35:55
answer #8
answered by claimusic 2
First, please use spell check.
The practice of slavery has a long, long history. There isn't a race, nationality or ethnic group that hasn't been subjected to the indignities of slavery. For any one group to claim that thorny crown as their own shows only the deepest ignorance. You might want to google the Barbary Slave Trade for a taste of which other cultures were victimized. Throw in the Romans, the Greeks and the Nazis for good measure too.
The black folk I work with and for don't live in fear of lynch-mobs...where do you live?
I think what gets a lot of white folk's backs up is the whining.
2006-12-27 11:38:16
answer #9
answered by mmd 5
It's not "discrimination" as you know it, but it's a "reverse discrimination". Caucasian people don't have things like the NAACP or Jessie Jackson to help them when we feel that we have been wronged.
2006-12-27 12:49:10
answer #10
answered by grumpyfiend 5