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Here's all the details. I currently have two vehicles and two car notes - which is a hardship within itself. My friends transmission went out in her car early December. I let her borrow my car with no concrete plan on payment. She's been giving me $75 a week. I figured that was ok for December since she didn't get it until the 9th. For January, I was going to ask her for $400. (Car note is $388, insurance is $135). Do you think that it is fair to ask for $400 for January or should I be content with $75 a week. My argument is that you can't rent a car for $400 a month so I think that its fair to ask for that. Her comment to that argument was that if she didn't have my car she would have done something else as far as transportation.

2006-12-27 02:58:09 · 9 answers · asked by mochachreme 3 in Cars & Transportation Other - Cars & Transportation

9 answers

sell the car and let your friend choose alternate transportation...or continue doing what you've been doing. it's only fair she pays for the cost of insurance. you're friends and so you're doing her a favor. however, if she plans on using your car long-term, then i would consider fair charging her more.

2006-12-27 03:13:50 · answer #1 · answered by Nera 2 · 0 0

As long as you make this agreement in advance it is ok. Just don't do it at the last minute and put her in a situation she can't afford.

Now - for the higher road answer, don't make her pay for your mistakes (getting too far into debt with cars). If I had a friend in need, I'd be glad to help them and not charge them. You'll feel better about yourself and pass out a slice of human kindness and generosity. It is good for the spirit and will make her feel extra special.

2006-12-27 03:02:13 · answer #2 · answered by twicewise 3 · 0 0

I didn't realize you were in the car rental business, is she insured to drive the car? Whats the old saying? Neither a borrower nor a lender be. This will bite you in the *** sooner or later

2006-12-27 03:27:18 · answer #3 · answered by bayareart1 6 · 0 0

does your insurance company know she is main driver of the car? what happens if shes in a accident and someone is killed . your insurance company will look for any loop hole to get out of paying , that leaves you on the hook, you could lose everything. wouldn't be the first time someone trying to be nice got hung out to dry in the end . to cover yourself you better make sure your insurance knows shes driving . Protect yourself or stop your car rental business

2006-12-27 03:47:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since she's selfish enough to point out that she could go somewhere else, you should tell her to do just that.

In answer to the question though, I think taking care of the payment and helping with insurance is fair.

2006-12-27 03:14:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Then let her do something else! Yes she should be willing to pay your payment and insurance for using your car. Why should she get to drive for less than it costs you on the car? Get your keys back!

2006-12-27 03:04:32 · answer #6 · answered by wish I were 6 · 0 0

exactly... she said it herself... if she didn't have YOUR car she would have done something else for transportation.

sounds like she is taking advantage of your good fortune. i think she should at least pay for half of what the car costs you per day/month. see if she wants to buy the car from you.

your paying for all the hassle on this car and she's using it and you'll have to endure the upkeep of the car when she's done using it. to save this friendship she needs to come even with you in some way or fashion.

2006-12-27 03:02:19 · answer #7 · answered by curious_One 5 · 1 1

It relies upon on your group of pals, yet you probably did the suitable element through asserting no and putting a precedent. i've got in basic terms had a chum ask to borrow my automobile as quickly as. We have been engaged on an experience together and he had to go in all risk some mile or with the purpose to his abode to get some extra components. I instructed him i'd be extra gentle in basic terms taking him the place he necessary to go, and he agreed and replaced into grateful, and did no longer whinge approximately it as quickly as. That group of a pals replaced into type of crammed with hippies and that they enable one yet another borrow their vehicles all of the time, so it replaced into regular to them. yet in my significant group of pals, no one would ever ask to borrow a automobile. i think of in maximum circumstances, that's a rude element to even ask. i do no longer think of it is common. If somebody in my group of pals asked to borrow someones automobile, they'd definitely get humorous seems! tremendously if it replaced into to go on a DATE, and to no longer do something significant like %. their youngster up from college or something.

2016-12-15 09:02:13 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I can see helping a friend but she shouldnt take advantage of you. a friend should understand. I'snt your fault her car broke.

2006-12-27 03:43:39 · answer #9 · answered by robert c 3 · 0 0

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