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explain it.tell me the story?is it worth watching?

2006-12-26 17:54:15 · 16 answers · asked by aswitha v 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

16 answers

Go watch on this site then u will know its free to watch click here


2006-12-26 22:40:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ali's (Uday Chopra) dream of becoming a police officer has come true. He is now ACP Jai Dixit's (Abhishek Bachchan) 'right hand man'. Together, they are trying to keep a tight leash on the crime in India. Little do they know what they are going to be up against. Enter Aryan - Mr. A (Hrithik Roshan) - A hi-tech international thief. After pulling off a series of impossible heists all over the world, his next target is Mumbai, India. The case is given to ACP Jai and Ali. Helping them put the pieces of the puzzle together is ACP Shonali Bose (Bipasha Basu), Jai's college mate, now a police officer in her own right. For the last two years Shonali has been tracking these amazing thefts and is now an expert on this thief, who no one has seen. Once in Mumbai, Mr. A finds his match in Sunehri (Aishwarya Rai), a petty yet clever thief. She makes him an offer he finds very hard to refuse. A partnership! Aryan accepts. And so the game begins - a game of cat and mouse - a game of good v/s bad. The "COPS" - Jai, Shonali and Ali; and they are after Aryan and Sunehri - "The ROBBERS". From the desert of Namibia to the backwaters of Goa, the mean streets of Mumbai and the ancient forts of Rajasthan, and finally to "Wild n Exotic" Rio, Brazil. Does ACP Jai Dixit manage to nab Mr. A? Or does Mr. A prove to be too much for him?

2006-12-27 03:00:05 · answer #2 · answered by Flabbergasted 5 · 0 0

yes all of the above. the movie is really good. specially all songs and stuff. Yeah its worth watching. Ash is looking very unusually skinny. So yeah go watch it. Did u know they are making dhoom 3 with shahrukh and amir in it too? i can't wait for it!

2006-12-27 02:30:31 · answer #3 · answered by Chocogal 7 · 0 0

The police are baffled by a master thief known only as Mr. A (Hrithik Roshan) because he leaves an 'A' symbol after each robbery. Mr. A steals the crown jewels of a queen by sky diving onto the train carrying them, and then disguising himself as the queen and as usual escapes the authorities. Meanwhile Ali (Uday Chopra) who is now a officer fouls up a mission and is narrowly saved by ACP Jai Dixit (Abhishek Bachchan). They soon meet ACP Shonali Bose (Bipasha Basu), who has been assigned to solve the case of Mr. A. Shonali and Jai are ex-classmates. Their apparent flirting makes Jai's wife Sweety (Rimi Sen) jealous. Jai realises that Mr. A is actually challenging everyone to catch him. His next theft will be in Mumbai. There are two places where he might strike, A jewelery shop, and a museum. Jai and Shonali stake out the jeweler while Ali stakes out the museum. Jai realises that Mr. A will rob the museum after learning that the supposed target of Mr. A is damaged. Mr. A manages to make his escape by roller-blading and using a magnetic device. Shonali is disheartened that Mr. A escaped and decides to resign. Mr. A is planning to leave the city, but at the airport he learns that someone else, using his name has announced that he will rob the sword kept in the Junagadh fort. Mr. A decides to meet the imposter. The imposter turns out to be Sunehri (Mallika ), who confesses that she is a fan of Mr. A and would like to be his partner. Mr. A is doubtful at first, but later he agrees. But Sunehri is actually working for Jai Dixit. Mr. A takes Sunehri to Rio de Janeiro to train her and also for their next heist. Jai and Ali follow them to Rio, where they meet Shonali's twin sister Monali (Bipasha Basu). Monali takes a liking to Ali. Mr. A finds out that Sunehri is working against him. After he confronts her, Sunehri decides to stop betraying him and work with him. Their robbery is successful. There follows a high-speed bike chase, ending with Mr. A and Jai fighting on a waterfall. Ali manages to capture Sunehri, to stop Mr. A. Sunehri shoots Mr. A so that he is not arrested by the police. Jai lets Sunehri go free, deeming it punishment for her to live alone. Six months later, Sunehri and Mr. A are shown running a restaurant in Fiji Islands, but Jai follows Sunehri and finds Mr. A. Mr. A gives Jai information on where to find the money from the previous heists. Jai later lets Mr. A and Sunehri go free as Mr. A is dead to the world and there is no point in catching a thief who's already dead. But he warns Aryan(Mr.A's real name) that if Mr.A ever returns, then he will catch him. Jai recieves a phone call from Ali, and tell Ali to return to India, as they've got a new case.

Well according to me
1)The ending was not that good.
2)The actions had no meaning(You can come to know when you watch the movie)
3)Aishwarya sucks at some scenes
4)The idea of double role of Bipasha Basu was even more rubbish.
5)The funniest part is when Hrithik is shot 5 bullets he still manages to escape from death and runs a restaurant after six months.
6)The songs weren't that good except for the title song
"Dhoom Again"

The good part of the movie is that:-
1)The gadgets were fantastic
2)Acting & Dancing of Hrithik Roshan was rocking
3)The title song was the best.

I don't think it is that worth watching.It is just the waste of money.
No Satisfaction.

2006-12-27 03:05:10 · answer #4 · answered by len 3 · 1 0

well da movie is bout a thief ( hithrik roshan ) named "mr. A" because no1 knows his reall name . he is a master of discuise. nobody has seen his face. cuz he'z always in a discuise. so there are 3 cops. thay try to find him & search him down . 1 of the cops ( abishake bachan ) has a secret agent actin like a spy who starts workin with mr.A. .. but he doesnt know she is workin 4 him ,. then at the endin he finds out . & stuff like that. the action is great! lol

2006-12-27 02:05:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0



2006-12-27 18:34:22 · answer #6 · answered by AriGatō! 7 · 0 0

Yes. it is Worth watching. You must know Hritik is playing thief. Ashwaria is playing undercover who work for police. Hritik first steal Queen's Crown in Train. its a longggggggg story.
u must watch it.

2006-12-27 02:06:40 · answer #7 · answered by Lahori_boy 2 · 0 0

ive seen the movie but can somebody tell me the story?its not worth watching.

2006-12-27 12:04:23 · answer #8 · answered by shubha somasundaram 1 · 0 0

Its a pathetis movie with no story. Don't waste your money on it. Only hrithik is good as he is not having much dialogues. Very boring and hopeless movie. Only one stunt is good.

2006-12-27 05:19:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its about a international stylish thief who steals precious antique things.and bachhan jr is out to catch him assisted by bipasa and uday chopra.the stylish hrithik who plays the thief is assisted by our very own aish . songs are so so.you can take a look at it for hrithik &hrithik only.

2006-12-27 02:12:35 · answer #10 · answered by suvankar chakraborty 1 · 0 0

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