*I apologize in advance for the length, but this needs to be said.
Abortion is wrong. All the time.
I have prayed and cried too many nights about this topic. It hurts me. It genuinely hurts me to know that there are children out there... dying... every minute... and that their own MOTHERS are the ones that support it, that set them up for it. It just, makes me cry... too much... and too often...
Imagine a woman. She is your average, middle-aged person. In the past, she has had three miscarriages and her most recent baby was born brain dead. She is now pregnant with another child. Would you abort the baby?
If you said yes, you would have just aborted Beethoven. Yes, Beethoven was born under those circumstances. You would have invariably altered history forever.
Did you know that over 2 million babies are aborted every year? That's two million Beethovens whose lives ended before they even began. One of those 2 million children could have discovered a way to stop global warming or cure cancer. But they were not given the chance.
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "..that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." By abortion, we are depriving our children of rights they are entitled to. After they are aborted, they can no longer pursue happiness, liberty, or life. We're committing the same wrong our founding fathers fought so hard to overcome.
Have you ever researched some methods which are used to abort babies? One involves inducing the mother to give premature birth and then leaving the baby unattended to die. Another involves injecting the baby with an extremely poisonous liquid solution and allowing the baby to receive severe chemical burns until it dies. Still another method requires the abortion doctor to rip the baby apart limb from limb while inside the mother and pull the dead baby parts.These methods of taking human life are extremely inhumane. These methods aren't used on murderers or any other types of criminals, and criminals have already harmed society. These methods aren't even acceptable for use on stray animals. Yet they are deemed "the norm" for murdering unborn human beings.
As far as teen pregnances go, don't even conceive the baby in the first place. You knew the consequences of sex beforehand, you chose to ignore the consequences of sex when you did it, you chose to have sex, and now you must face the consequences. It may sound condemning, but that's life in the real world. The real world where you don't just bat your puppy-dog eyes at your dad and he puts you off grounding. Every action has a reaction. Action = Sex, Reaction = Pregnancy. And to be honest, you should just thank your lucky stars you didn't get an STD to go along with that pregnancy...
And as far as victims of rape go, I'm not telling you having that baby will be easy. It could very well be the most dificult thing you'll ever have to do. But it will be well worth it to know that you gave that child a chance. That you didn't kill it. What they tell you at the abortion office is, "We do this, and this, and this, and then 'ta da!' no more baby and no more problems!". But what they don't tell you about are the emotional effects on you. The effects that cling to you months, even years after the abortion is done. The fact that your hormones will be totally out of whack for no apparent reason. That your family, especially if you have young children, will likely not completely understand what you're going through. The fact that no one will truly be able to help. The fact that every day for the rest of your life, you will wonder "What if I had let that baby live?" The last thing you need on top of the effects of a rape is the effects of an abortion. And, no matter how it is conceived, that baby is still half yours, no matter where the other half is. It is still a child and needs to be treated as such.
Some people claim that the baby is part of the mother's body. How can you say that the baby is part of the mother's body? It may be inside her body, but it has an entirely different combination of genes. It has its own blood type and system, its own brain, and half of the babies conceived are even of a different gender. Yes, the baby does depend on the mother for nourishment, but even we adults depend on things like food, water, and oxygen to survive, yet we are not considered the food, the water, or the oxygen itself. How, then, are we able to justify the ending of one human being's life on the grounds that another human has the right to do what they want to themselves? Your rights end at the point where someone else's rights begin. That child has a right to live. Your right to do what you want ends when you want to kill that baby. You have absolutely no right at all to infringe upon anyone else's rights, including the baby's.
If you knew you could save one person's life today, wouldn't you at least try? Please, be a giver of life, not a taker.
Aren't you glad your parents were givers?
For additional references, please refer to DC Talk's song "Children Can Live (Without It)"
**It's a child, not a choice**
2006-12-26 16:47:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A fetus or zygote is not a child. Abortions don't kill children, neglect, abuse and murderers kill children, children with actual feelings and thoughts. The Earth is in a terrible state, it's polluted, we're low on resources and over population is a major issue. Telling women to carry a pregnancy to full term (which is an incredibly painful process), just so she can and give the baby away to a system that cares more about money than where the lives of these children end up, is extremely selfish and cruel. whatever choice she makes should be supported. The biggest problem with antichoice mentality, is that many people aren't doing anything to help actual children, many are just using their time to condemn others and make women's lives harder than it already is. Also, if you're fighting to shut down safe abortion clinics, all you're doing is fighting for unsafe back alley abortions, because abortion will never go away. The real solution to seeing less abortion is better sex education
2015-03-07 12:46:38
answer #2
answered by Elena 1
it may be considered wrong for some people but others dont see it that way.
abortion has been going on for a long time and women were aborting unborn babies with herbs long before it became legal in certain countries/states etc.
why do you think women are told to stay away from certain foods and aromatherapy oils etc?
gin was typical an 'abortive drug' as it was made with juniper berries! aloe vera juice if taken internally can also produce the same effects.
weather its legal or not a womans drive to end an unwanted pregnancy (weather by accident, unable to care for it or through rape or other v bad circumstances) will always find a way to do this
its all due to personal choice. the only thing i dont agree with as far as abortion goes are the extreme pro-life campaigners who set up out side clinics and make what is aleady a tough decision even harder!
i know women who have had abortions/planned to have them. all for very different reasons but i dont judge them for it.
a friend had one simply becasue she could not aford to have the child after loosing her job. i booked an abortion for myself but decided i wanted the baby and cancelled the appointment (i m/c a few weeks later)
i also disagree with the fact abortion is called murder!
if that baby was to be born at the time of the abortion naturally(no intervention) it would not survive.
adoption isnt always an answer either many children esp ones with learning difficulties, those of a specific race and of an older age sadly get left in care and are not always adopted leaving them basically as orphans.
i agree everybody is entiltled to their opinion and it great to be able to discuss topics such as this but when it come to a pregnant woman/young girl having to make this kind of decision only hard facts should be allowed. someone could pressure them to have an abortion they dont want or even to keep a child they cannot support would be unfair to that woman and in some circumstances the child.
people need to learn when to keep there opinions in for the sake of another.
a decision like this shouldnt be taken lightly6 and ach option needs to be researched thoughroly.
2006-12-26 16:05:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I totally agree with you. Abortion is murder. Would you kill a baby once its born. Its the same in the case of a fetus too. It's growing inside your woumb ,can feel touch,can taste and move , can smell and hear.
At about six weeks baby's heart starts to beat and about at eight weeks baby starts to feel pain. If it could speak it'll ask you please don't kill me. Just because its powerless and cant speak out doesnt mean that you have a choice or right to kill that baby. Its a life too. Choices should have been made before the baby is conceived .
For those who are for abortion I would reccommend going to an ultrasound of a pregnant lady before they decide to do it.
2006-12-27 05:36:49
answer #4
answered by preggo 1
I don't think abortion should be used as birth control but sometimes women are in a situation where it is the best choice
2006-12-26 16:00:40
answer #5
answered by smurf_punky 2
If you are neither the mother or the father, I don't think you should be able to say whether they should or should not have an abortion. Because you don't know the situation, it isn't in your place to judge. Whether one personally believes in abortion or not, he/she should not have a say in what a mother should do, nor should the government.
The issue of abortion can be based on your personal opinion on if a clump of cells can really be considered a baby. As far as I know, there isn't any evidence indicating that it can, and I don't believe anyone here remembers being in their mother's womb; would a fetus even know it was being aborted?
But suppose abortion really was killing a living being, and suppose freedom of choice wasn't advocated by America. How would the couple who wanted abortion but couldn't have it, raise their child? If one was really concerned about the welfare of the baby, abortion by the consent of the mother and father would be the way to go.
To the poster who said there are people who want to adopt, but can't because of abortions- Have they actually looked at overcrowded orphanages, in America, and overseas?
Looking at other questions regarding abortion on Y!A, I'm sure I'll get a bunch of thumbs-down's for this, but I'd like for those who do disagree with me, to argue my points.
2006-12-26 16:00:23
answer #6
answered by Anita 5
i believe that abortion is murder. you ARE killing a living human. i would never murder my own baby. people think that abusing kids and babies is terrible and then they turn around and say its okay to kill an unborn child. its completly hypocritical.
2006-12-26 15:56:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
YYEEESSS!!!! abortion is ttly wrong!!! ppl ay that the fetis isnt alive but it really is!!! and my religion --- im christian---- is all over abortion and it is ttly WRONG!!!!!! wen i first seen ur question i thought u were thinking about gettin one! but YEEEEESSS abortion is TOTALLY WRONG!!!!
2006-12-26 15:52:48
answer #8
answered by :) his girl 3
I don't believe I would say 100% wrong.
Abortion is NOT a form of birth control!!
Women are taking advantage of the procedure, I believe.
The only time I believe abortion is ok is, if your a victim of rape or incest pregnancy.
I believe a baby is a baby at the time a egg is attached to grow..
Saying that it's not a fetus, you might as well say we evolved from the sea since our body is made up of a high percentage of water.
That's my out look on the situation!!
2006-12-26 15:51:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I personally believe a child is a gift. If women who arent able to have babies, pray hard, and are pregnant from Gods gift, why would you want to destroy such a gift? You were mean't to have it, it was apart of God's plan. Why I disagree with Birth Control (course this is coming from a virgin). I know when I am pregnant that the child has a destined life and I will not mess with God's creation. I do not support abortions.
2006-12-26 15:51:07
answer #10
answered by * Kittles * 3