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i am now allowed to get a pass, but i'm not exactly sure what the credits are, what to do with it, etc. please give me all details if you can! thanks soo much everybody!

2006-12-26 13:42:49 · 8 answers · asked by annonymous 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

8 answers

Its a great program, its totally free to get the pass. Everytime you buy something you get a certain number of credits for that item (hoodies and sweaters get more than tee-shirts) but check out ae.com to get the specifics on credits. Make sure you give the cashier your pass BEFORE giving them anything else to ring up or else you wont get credit for that item. You have a period of about 3 months to earn your credits, and depending on how many you earn you will get a coupon mailed to you.

accesories, jewelry, etc= 5 credits
tees, swim, flip flops, etc= 10 credits
skirts, shorts, hoodies, shirts (blouses), etc= 15 credits
boots, jeans, pants, sweaters= 20
outerwear, blazers= 25

Earning Periods
January 1 - March 31
April 1 - June 30
July 1 - September 30
October 1 - December 31

50 credits= 10% off purchase
100 credits= 20% off
150 credits= 30% off
200 credits= 40% off

Hope this helps!!

2006-12-26 16:00:01 · answer #1 · answered by hco_meredith 5 · 0 0

I don't know if it is because I have an all access pass or if it is just because i'm subscribed, but I always get coupons for like 40% off and stuff like that even if I don't have any points

2006-12-26 14:15:28 · answer #2 · answered by Sara 1 · 0 0

It's like a "shoppers club card". If you have one, on the back it says how many points you need to get 10% off your next purchase, 20% off, %30 off....etc. And sometimes, if you have an AE credit card, they have days where they will double your points when you purchase.

2006-12-26 14:18:39 · answer #3 · answered by mirmade13 3 · 0 0

Whenever you buy something at AE, have the clerk swipe it and you will get points towards discounts that come out every quarter. The more you buy, the more larger the discount coupon that will be sent to you with your ad (for spring, summer, winter, fall)

2006-12-26 16:31:54 · answer #4 · answered by Trojan8408 5 · 0 0

ok so an AE all acess pass is when you go shopping and you get points onto your card. different articles of clothing equals different amounts of points. at the end of each month you get discounts depending on how many points you have.

happy holidays!

2006-12-26 13:46:12 · answer #5 · answered by xopiink523 2 · 0 0

why aren't you allowed to get a pass?

its a program thing where you earn credits for buying things, and at the end of each earning period (if you earned enough points) you will get a discount, depedning on the amount of points you earned, If you didnt earn enough points in an earning period, you start over. visit www.ae.com for more information

2006-12-26 13:47:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm pretty sure that it's a pass that gets you into all the best eagle-containing National Parks for free.

2006-12-26 13:50:51 · answer #7 · answered by hp_n5495 3 · 0 2

go here:


2006-12-26 13:47:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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