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I just got my ear pierced but they didnt give me an ear care antiseptic i had to buy it but i wont have money till tommorow what can i clean it with until i get the ear care..and how long will i have this annoying kinda feeling for?


2006-12-26 13:32:39 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

i dont have alcohol either lol

2006-12-26 13:34:58 · update #1

26 answers

if they didn't give you ear antiseptic then u shouldn't have paid and got it pierced! thats means that they are not a clean place and that they don't care about your health!!! u should go back and tell them that they didn't give you anything!! UNTIL THEN: use peroxide but make sure u put the earrings back in cuz peroxide is cleaning and healing liquid. make sure u always ask if they have ear antiseptic before u get it pierced! u will have to turn the earring everytime u think aout it because the earring will stick to the inside of the hole and will hurt when u try to get it out. soak the earrings (with peroxide) for a little while because putting then in and out of your ear can get then dirty (bacteria) and cause an infection. you can't take you earring out and leave then out for months at a time because it will close up. after about a year has passed you can take it out for at long as wanted be cause it's healed correctly. hope i helped if u need and more info email me a princess_deja_boyd@yaho.com i check my 5 times a day!! u will not even notice you earring after about 2-3 weeks it will start the correct healing process.

2006-12-26 13:46:15 · answer #1 · answered by princess_deja_boyd 2 · 0 0

Buy rubbing alcohol. You can get it anywhere and for cheap, too. Specialized ear antiseptic works the same but can be pretty expensive for a little bottle.

2006-12-26 13:37:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Make sure it isn't exposed to the cold or rain. Since you don't have antiseptic or alcohol and I'm not sure what else you could do, just don't sleep on that ear.

2006-12-26 13:37:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hydrogen Peroxide and Q-Tips will work man. Put some hyrdogen peroxide on a q-tip and rub all around the earring. Next, pour some in the cap of the bottle and soak your earlobe in it ENTIRELY FOR 30 seconds.

2006-12-26 16:11:49 · answer #4 · answered by Trojan8408 5 · 0 0

That's pretty stupid, when I got my ears pierced it included the antiseptic. Use rubbing alcohol, or if you have none, try hydrogen peroxide.

2006-12-26 13:35:26 · answer #5 · answered by Elizabeth L 5 · 0 0

you can use some salt water about one teaspoon in one half cup of water, or some rubbing alcohol,,just keep it dry, and leave the studs in for the recommended time, unless of course there is swelling pain or unusually foul discharge, you should clean this a few times daily,,
good luck, if you are concerned talk with a nurse friend, or see a physician if things become very painful,,,

2006-12-26 13:37:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Alcohol or Hydrogen Proxide works too.

Everyone's pain tolerance is different. I don't feel it when mine where periced. But I know people who can feel the tingling an hour or a day later. It all depends on the persons tolerance

2006-12-26 13:35:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i got my ear pierced a few weeks ago. try a salt soak. you add about a teaspoon of salt to some really hot water [hot enough to just aviod scalding yourself]. with that you get some cotton pads/cotton balls/tissues and soak it in that. hold it to your ear, so that it is covering all of the piercing [front and back], and press gently. when it gets cold, replace it with a hot one. youre supposed to do this for 15-20 minutes. but i though that was too much, so i did 5 minutes. have fun.

2006-12-26 13:41:22 · answer #8 · answered by Lisa 4 · 0 0

use rubbing alcohol. The weird feeling will be gone by tomorrow or later today! put the alcohol on a cotton ball though!

2006-12-26 13:42:24 · answer #9 · answered by Candace M 2 · 0 0

Rubbing alcohol or an antibiotic cream - you can get an antibiotic cream over the counter and probably won't sting like alcohol will.

2006-12-26 13:34:56 · answer #10 · answered by Catmmo 4 · 0 0

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