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I recently got the game and am trying to learn it, but I am having trouble grasping the rules and concepts since nobody around me has really been introduced to euro games. Is there a good computer program that I can use or something else?

2006-12-26 10:08:21 · 2 answers · asked by Aurora 1 in Games & Recreation Board Games

2 answers

Puerto Rico in a nutshell: The object of the game is to score the most victory points (the hexagon-shaped chits with the one and fives written on them) by shipping goods and erecting buildings.

Choose a start player by some random method. All players get an indigo plantation; the last one (or two) players get a corn plantation. The first player chooses one of the roles in the game and uses the special advantage. The other players in turn may use the role without the special advantage. Each player, in turn, will choose a role and the other players will use the role without the special advantage associated with it.

The game end when someone have filled up all the spaces where the buildings go on one's own player mat or when all the victory chips have been used up or when are not enough colonist to meet the demand. Victory points are tallied when the round ends and the winner is the one with the most victory points.

If you still need help, may I recommend finding a local game club or game convention where the game continues to be popular.

2006-12-26 15:16:16 · answer #1 · answered by LudoRex 7 · 1 0

There is an online version of the game which you can play for free against both bots and human players.


you will have to download and install a program called CURL or something, but once it is up, launch the client and play away.

2006-12-27 12:20:15 · answer #2 · answered by themarxx 2 · 0 0

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