uh, yes but the story of the star struck lovers in the movie is fiction.
On April 10, 1912, the RMS Titanic set sail from Southampton on her maiden voyage to New York. At that time, she was the largest and most luxurious ship ever built. At 11:40 PM on April 14, 1912, she struck an iceberg about 400 miles off Newfoundland, Canada. Although her crew had been warned about icebergs several times that evening by other ships navigating through that region, she was traveling at near top speed of about 20.5 knots when one grazed her side.
Less than three hours later, the Titanic plunged to the bottom of the sea, taking more than 1500 people with her. Only a fraction of her passengers were saved. The world was stunned to learn of the fate of the unsinkable Titanic.
2006-12-26 09:22:42
answer #1
answered by limeyfan 3
The story about Jack and Rose did not, but everything about the ship did.....the ports, dates, time of the sinking and events of the sinking are all true. There are many books out there about the sinking. Robert Ballard, the man who found the ship wreck, has written quite a few. I would suggest going to Barnes and Noble and picking a few up, if this is something that interests you. The story always has interested me and I have tons of books on the ship and the disaster. And there is usually at least one book on the disaster in their discount section.
2006-12-26 09:47:03
answer #2
answered by ariel_okinawa 6
No. There was someone on board with Jack's name. He has a memorial headstone at the Titanic cemetery in Nova Scotia. It was the site of a shine soon after the movie was released. As for the exact story depicted in the movie...didn't happen.
2006-12-26 09:23:19
answer #3
answered by jgreen_giant 1
The love story of Jack and Rose isn't true although there were 2 people on the real ship named Jack and Rose. Obviously the rest happened.... U know hitting the ice burg and what not.
2006-12-26 09:22:11
answer #4
answered by I love Kevin Costner 3
The love story and the charactars of Jack, Rose, Ruth,and Cal were made up. There were authenic charactars such as Molly and the Astors and the shilp sinking is real.
2006-12-26 11:05:55
answer #5
answered by Lana 2
the part about the ship hitting the iceberg, and sinking actually happened...The bullshit about the love story was designed to get you and all your girlfriends to the theaters with your boyfriends and spend all your money on some sappy love story that was spun from a tragedy...
2006-12-26 09:57:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The ship DID sink, but the Leonardo and Kate characters were fictionalized as was their love story.
2006-12-26 09:20:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Not the love story part
2006-12-26 12:08:57
answer #8
answered by Roxie 6
2006-12-26 09:25:36
answer #9
answered by DON S 3
The only true aspect of that film was that the Titanic sank by hitting an iceberg.
2006-12-26 09:20:47
answer #10
answered by umwut? 6