That's frustrating... Try to say the same things over again as last time, since it worked last time, it will work again. Make your point clear, and don't worry, she won't be offended if she is a good friend. As for the possible sources of the problem; It may have become a sort of habit for her, as well as a sign of close friendship, maybe she feels happy that she is such a close friend to you that she can do that to you. Make her understand that you love your friend, so she may not feel the need to justify it to herself. Then, as I said earlier, tell her without fearing of saddening her. I suspect that she will stop for a while and then restart again. It's okay, as soon as she restarts, give her a stronger warning. She will learn eventually. I promise.
2006-12-26 07:44:49
answer #1
answered by Janelle 2
Well da whole grabbin stuff is weird but u need 2 tell her 2 stop it be4 u r just ready 2 call of da friendship dat shood scare her into stoppin if it doesn't den she's not a good friend
2006-12-26 15:42:02
answer #2
answered by It is what it is 4
I'm not trying to be weird or anything, but could she secretly be bi or a lesbian? Is there any other things that could favour this idea? I know this because one of my good friends (girl), used to constantly touch my *** and then she later told me she was bi. If not, just say to her straight that she's making you uncomfortable and if she doesn't listen then say it's affecting your friendship.
Hope I was of help. <3
2006-12-26 15:41:37
answer #3
answered by Hitomi 2
That's sexual assault when it's done by a boy or a girl, if you don't want it.
Next time she tries it, tell you don't want her to touch your breasts again.
And if she does go anywhere near them again walk away from her and stay completely away from her.
She could ruin your life.
2006-12-26 15:56:42
answer #4
answered by Feinschmecker 6
Just punch her in the face as hard as you can. Just kidding, just tell her it bugs yah, and that it's weirding you out. Simple as that.
2006-12-26 15:42:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Maybe she is sexually interested in you. You need to sit down with her and see what is going on. Ask her why she does it. don't just ask her to stop, find out why she is doing this.
2006-12-26 16:04:56
answer #6
answered by orca 2
You got a right to knock the crap out of her...It's nice that you're concerned about her feelings, but it doesn't seem as if she gives a rat's butt about your feelings...
2006-12-26 15:48:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well,you could.....
1.Do it back and when she gets aggravated just tell her thats how you feel.
2.Just tell her that it REALLY bugs you and if she doesn't stop you really shouldn't be her friend!!
2006-12-26 15:48:11
answer #8
answered by 619ILOVEREYREY619 2
You've tried talking to her, and it didn't work. What I suggest you do now is give her a taste of her own medicine and see how she likes it.
2006-12-26 15:46:45
answer #9
answered by Mike M. 7
Um If its aggrivating you that much and she keeps doing it it will end the relationship because your not going to want to hang out with her...
2006-12-26 15:39:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous