Bush is a Republican so he couldn't be a "Man of God"! Because Republicans tend to think that for some reason they're better educated, much more wealthy, and therefore deserve to be in control. They tend to lump minorities, gay's, the Middle Class, and the poor together in one class of what they consider to be the "low-life people" that are dragging this Country down. They see Christianity not as a faith, but as a socio-political football, to use to their gain in whatever way that they see fit, mostly to blindside the native concerning their true unjust intentions toward the masses. They're mostly autocratic in their perspectives and methodology, with a very distinct dislike for true social, political, racial, and economic diversity, as they tend to feel that it doesn't allow them the elitist dominance that they feel that they deserve. For some reason they lack a true benevolence towards their fellow human beings( the overall mission of the gospel based on faith), so they cloak their hatered, envy, bigotry, and disingenuousness in a cloak of pseudo-morality with a misguided cause, to garner the support of the misinformed masses. They label opponents of their causes as unpatriotic, in an attempt to duck confrontation on issues that would divulge their irresponsibility, corruption, and indiscretion in their leadership. Although the right to express disagreement is as American as Apple Pie! Because of these kinds of views, they tend to lack the much needed abililty to bring people together with a since of unity, therefore their support by their constituency has begun to wane. So, don't lose heart because of their aggressiveness in subjecting you to their imposition. Things will change! It's inevitable...
2006-12-28 01:47:26
answer #1
answered by The Idealist 4
A man of God would choose to do what he knows is right. Even when it means he is alone and everyone else disagrees. He remains strong. God gives him the streghth to do what is right. Instead of trying to win a popularity vote. And I agree he made some mistakes but remember he is human. But i would say he handled everything pretty well. I mean, our country is not in flames is it? Actions do speak louder than words, but i dont consider him protecting our country very wrong. A true man of God will always try to do whats right, no matter how alone we are. Everything happens for a reason. And if your christian, you should know nothing happens that God doesnt intend to happen.
2006-12-26 13:52:45
answer #2
answered by Gods Girl...check my new profile 3
Oh God... now you're just baiting the cons to attack... I don't view W as a man of God. But, I do believe he believes he is a Christian. And, he's not alone at all. There are many "christians" out there just like him. I'm not trying to talk s*it about christians, but I believe there are true christians and then the rest of them. I understand the definition of christian is to be christ-like. To be christ like is to be humble, loving, forgiving, righteous. Where I see toooo many "christians" go wrong is they get self righteous. Being self righteous is not at all christian or christ like... I understand we're not perfect, we make mistakes and sin all the time, and that's why he came and died. Well, he also tried showing us how to live by setting an example. Now, I can't call myself a Christian either, but that's a whole other story. But here's what confuses me. Conservatives claim to be "godly" while they call Liberals "godless". Yet, conservatives seem to be against programs that aid people in need and that's what Jesus was all about. They don't seem to give two s*its about the environment and taking care of the earth, when God told us to be sheperds of the earth. They're against abortions yet support the death penalty when the bible clearly states Judge not lest ye be judged. I take that to mean, judgement is for God alone. We're really in a catch 22 right now and the neocon attitude of Republicans and this administration is making everything worse. We're killing innocent people daily, and if we're not, insurgents trying to get at us are. And why? Because we're over there f*cking their world up, because some guys from Saudi Arabia attacked us. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran.... I'm sure in Bush's mind it's all the same. And unfortunately there are too many biggots in this country that think the same way. It's a redneck mentality that's going to destroy us. Like you said actions speak louder than words. So, no I don't believe Bush, nor his followers are true Christians. I'm also not trying to say I am, or that christian is a bad thing. But, it's people like Bush that ruin it for the rest of them. God Bless America? I'm sure he does, but I'm also sure the rest of the world is being blessed as well....
2006-12-26 14:10:33
answer #3
answered by Netta 3
A christian is someone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and believes that Jesus is the son of God. I believe that based on that definition that Bush is a Christian.
He belives that he is making the right decisions for america and I think he prays to God to guide him in his decision making. I don't know what actions you're referring to that you think make him a non-christian, but I'll assume that it is the decision to go to war in Iraq.
Saddam Hussein was undoubtedly a brutal dictator responsible for the deaths of millions of people. He was definitely a supporter of terrorism. Most of the world's intelligence experts believed that he had large stockpiles of WMD and was willing to use them, as proven by the fact that he had used them in the past against Iran and against his own people. The UN security council passed more than 15 resolutions calling on Iraq to fully disarm itself of WMD. He has proven that he is willing to start unprovoked wars as evidenced by his invasions of Iran and Kuwait.
After 9/11 the Bush admin, and frankly many others in the US government including democrats like John Kerry and Hillary Clinton believed that leaving the current regime in Iraq was a risk the US should not take, so the US acted to remove that risk.
Perhaps you think that's a non-christian action. I don't.
Bush is pro life
Bush is against gay marriage
Bush is against euthanasia
Bush is pro government support of faith based charities
Bush is against federal funding of embryonic stem cell research
These views are all consistant with the teachings of the Catholic church, so to say Bush is not a christian is simply not supported by the facts.
2006-12-26 14:04:32
answer #4
answered by FrederickS 6
Like you said, actions speak louder than words. You admit you're not a Christian, I would surmize that you really don't know what one is either since you cannot recognize it in President Bush. I suppose the times that are really revealing are shots like when he's run into teenages that lost a parent during the fateful 9/11 attack, or when he's comforted a family who lost a son or daughter in the war. Maybe it's his defense of helpless human life. One just has to look and listen.
2006-12-26 13:39:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Being a good Christian is the foundation of the Republican party. It is in his best interest to wave the flag of Christianity, even if he is not as devout as he claims. Lets face it, religion is as much a part of politics as it has ever been. My question is this; If he is such a devout Christian why then has he not once tried to challenge or change the policies that forbids prayer in school, the mentioning of God, or the Ten Commandments at Courts?
2006-12-26 13:40:56
answer #6
answered by ken_wertz 1
W is a protestant.
Protestants have a rather weird twist on Christianity being cut off from apostolic succession as they are.
The focus on the Bible as the sole source of Truth (Sola Scriptura) allows a myriad of doctrinally bankrupt interpretations of the message of Christ and W's bellicosity and lack of compassion is only a symptom of a larger problem.
Is he a man of God? Obviously, there are some who would argue that he is. However, the Bible, as rife as it is with murder, genocide and what have you, often at the command of God himself, is alone not sufficient to give anyone an accurate understanding of the true message of Christianity.
So, to answer your question, I believe that he THINKS he is a man of God and I do not question his sincerity. However, he still remains securely bound by grievious doctrinal error which ultimately plays itself out in behavior that, at best, comes off as hipocritical and, at worst, suggests a cynical ploy to dupe similarly misguided "Christians" into supporting him politically.
2006-12-26 13:47:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
So who gave you the power to decide whether ANYONE is really a man/woman of God?
2006-12-26 14:04:10
answer #8
answered by time_wounds_all_heelz 5
If hes of god I would be proud to say I am not of his God. I thought about when I read your question that a whole nation taking a setp backwards. He is a man of contradictions, and like I said if he or anyother politician reprents God, then God has gone madd!
2006-12-26 13:52:47
answer #9
answered by paulisfree2004 6
I believe that is between him and God. I for one am a christian and do not speak for others because it is not my place to judge others on their personal beliefs.
2006-12-26 13:38:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous