The amounts you are pumping sound pretty normal. It's also normal for one breast to pump more than another. Getting 4 oz in a pumping session is GREAT. It's very normal for many moms to need to pump more than once to get enough milk for one feeding. Our bodies don't respond as well to a pump as they do to a baby. (Man's best attempt at the perfection of nature!)
What kind of pump are you using? Single or double? Have you tried pumping one side while nursing on the other? You'll most likely get a better pumping output in the morning vs. in the evening.
Massaging your breasts and applying heat before nursing can help you get a better letdown for the pump. Watching your baby or thinking about baby can help too.
When the flow of milk slows, remove the horns and reposition them slightly on your breasts. This may help you to get a second letdown and empty different milk ducts.
You can nurse directly at the breast in public. It's legal everywhere in the USA and really, no one can see anything as your baby covers you up. If you feel unsure, you can put a blanket over your shoulder, wear and nurse baby in a sling or go to a dressing room or your car to nurse if you neeed to do so.
Remember - sleep when the baby sleeps! You still have a very little one are still recovering and establishing your nursing relationship/milk supply. If your little one is napping, it's a good idea to try to take a nap with you kids if you can. Don't expect to get all your sleep overnight.
Things will get easier once you get past the 6 week growth spurt.
2006-12-26 05:40:18
answer #1
answered by momma2mingbu 7
You've already gotten some great advice. Here's just a bit more from my pumping experience. 1. Get some bags to freeze your milk. Lansinoh makes great ones that are widely available. Freezing in 1 oz. quantities is good, because it thaws almost instantly when you immerse the bag in a little warm water. Plus, if your baby doesn't drink much, then you won't have wasted any precious milk. 2. The amount you pump will increase over time, especially if you pump at the same time every day. When my baby was 7 weeks-9 months, I would pump at work, and eventually got to 4 oz. from each side, which I thought was amazing. Then I would pump again that night after my baby took a nap around seven. I'd only get two oz. then, because he'd just nursed, but it was enough to build up the supply. 3. Don't worry about nursing in public. I was nervous about it at first, but soon adjusted. Most people are quite kind. If you're in a restaurant and feel too exposed to nurse, ask an employee to take a chair into the restroom for you. If you're at shopping, just ask to use a dressing room.
Good luck! And enjoy this wonderful time!
2006-12-26 06:10:32
answer #2
answered by snowberry 3
It's ok for one breast to produce more milk than the other. I have exactly the same ratio between by right and left breasts milk production.
Milk is produced based on demand, so the first and easiest thing you can do is simply pumping more. You can pump more often and/or once you pumped give your breasts couple of minutes break and start again.
The pump makes a difference. I recommend to rent Medela Symphony. Renting is expensive, but you don't need to get such pump for a long term - you can rent it for a week just to increase your milk supply and then return to your existing pump. By the way, the place where you will rent the pump (hospital, Pump Connection, The Mommy Zone, etc) will be able to prove you with information and support on breastfeeding.
Warm bath and massage does help as well. Make sure you are well feed and hydrated. Also, breastfeeding is not as much physical as psychological process, so do whatever you need to get relaxed, touch and smell your baby before or during pumping or look at the photo of your baby.
There are natural remedies to boost milk production like Fenugreek capsules and tea, Mother's Milk tea, and some more. Turn to herbs only if you tried all suggestions above and still not satisfied with amount of milk you're producing since even considered safe these herbs weren't tested as vigorously as FDA approved medicine.
You can find more information at La Leche Liague web site. I also highly recommend this site:
I don't have space in my freezer because of the milk I stored there. You can do the same :-) Good luck!
2006-12-26 05:31:50
answer #3
answered by mimemamomu 2
You need to work out YOUR life so that you can feed your baby without it interfering. Honestly milk out of a bottle is not the same as nursing, it is the next best thing. It is also a big hassle for you, and not worth it if you don't need to.
Breastfeeding allows a baby to regulate how much milk they get, babies will drink more from a bottle because they have no control, it just keeps dripping even when they don't suck, and there is no way to suck on a bottle without getting milk. Babies will often take breaks and just suck on your breasts during feeding, this helps them to digest and figure out if they are full. Breastfeeding also allows the baby to get as much watery foremilk or fatty hindmilk as they need, they have no such control from a bottle, the milk is the same for the whole feed. Also when at the breast the baby passes you any bacteria or viruses so you make antibodies for her.
Co-sleeping, or at least keeping the baby in arms reach will help you get more sleep!
Also you can just pack up your baby and take her with you! Babies love going out and it is so good for them. Just feed your baby when they are hungry! If you breastfeed in public you don't have to worry about keeping the milk cold, and then heating it up. You always have some and it is always the right temperature!
If you really need to pump this is some great advice:
2006-12-26 05:20:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
hi! I have the same pump as you, and it is a good one!
Try some Fenegreek. It's a herb you can buy at GNC or the local drugstore. It will help you produce about 1-2 ounces more.
Have you tried to continue to pump the one you get only 1 oz from for a while after you're done pumping? Also, make sure to use breast massage as you're pumping.
You might need to give your baby just one bottle of formula so you can catch up and get a bottle of pumped bm. It's important you get your rest, and get some sleep! I think so many Moms get so overwhelmed, and to continue to breastfeed you need to have your energy.
Good luck!
2006-12-26 07:04:16
answer #5
answered by avalonlee 4
keep pumping after the milk is gone, that will signal your breasts to make more milk the next time, so maybe pump longer on that breast. Try taking some fenugreek or eating oatmeal (not instant) to up your supply. Remember that getting up a billion times a night to nurse won't last forever. You'll probably wake up anyways out of routine if your husband gets up, at least that's what I did lol.
2006-12-26 10:53:45
answer #6
answered by me 4
I nursed 4 children on demand but I was never able to use a pump because my milk never came down for anything other than my babies. My doc said that some never can pump I did however buy several pumps with no results. Best of luck.
2006-12-26 06:45:09
answer #7
answered by mcsmidge 2
A trick that worked for me...IF your baby does not nurse from both sides at a feeding, you can nurse and pump at the same time. It saves time and may allow you to squeeze in an extra pumping session.
2006-12-26 06:00:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Your milk is full of white blood cells, that naturally keep the nipples germ free enough to be safe for your baby. My lactation consultant told me not to wash my nipples before or after nursing. Especially never with soap, which tends to dry skin. I exclusively nursed for the first 14 months and my son was just as healthy as he could be! Your baby will be just fine.
2016-05-23 08:04:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is totally normal for one side to produce less milk than the other side. I don't think there is too much you can do about it.
2006-12-26 05:12:30
answer #10
answered by baby_savvy 4