Some say if we bring our troops home war and terrorist will follow. Don't you think if our Troops are here they could not protect us? What concerns me is with so many of them over there, are we protected here? At least fighting here they would be protecting their own. Why do our leaders always have to stick their noses in others affairs. If they had been doing their jobs these wonderful leaders and the others who are supposed to be protecting us those towers would not have gone down, they say we have taken care of the man responsable for that, then why are they still over there. Bring our troops home let them protect US! Give them a good reason to die for, if they must. Not everyone in the world lives their lives around this situation and even though they might not be as informed as the person who quickley states you don't know what your talking about, or get educated before asking stupid questions, let me tell you something, The only stupid question, is the one not asked.
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