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a major earthquake just happened in Tiawian
Japan,They said there maybe a tsanaumi
Isn,t it strange things are happening All over the World lately always on or before CHRISTmas
Do You Believe in GOD and the theory that in the BIBLE it says "Before the coming of the Messiah/jesus/mohomed" etc (most all have some form of this) I do ~and feel we all are in for a ReaL Awakening when this Time comes
I,ve also noticed that here on Y.A. some people use this site to exspress their hate of different types of people,usuaully those of color
and faith, why do think this is? and what to you think about the possible fact that our creator is
able to know who hides this in their heart and then acts like they are not predudice in public or with their family or in church or other place of worship?
i,ve thought about this before but now with all these disasters happening ,seems there are alot around holidays,,

What ever your view I wish you ~Health,Bright Blessings ,Always

2006-12-26 03:41:37 · 8 answers · asked by reseda1420 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

8 answers

When it is time fore Jesus to return we will know. People are going to have their own opinion on all issues. It is their choice. You can not force someone to do or accept something they do not want. The only thing you can do is pray.! Their is mighty power in the tongue. " Life and death is in the power of the tongue". As long as you know you're right with God, and you let others know about him as well then you're ok. It's when you keep him to yourself there is a problem. Just imagine, the person who shared Christ with you. What if they had kept that to themselves. Where would you be today? What would you be doing? I beleive in the bibile and Jesus too. I know he is coming back, But i beleive it will be in generations to follow ours. However, that's just me. No one really knows when he is to return. But non the less, God Bless, and Happy Holidays!

2006-12-26 03:49:18 · answer #1 · answered by ♥♥Soon to Be Mrs.F♥♥ 6 · 2 0

in case you have been to get something it could have hit interior 24 hours of the earthquake. there is no longer something to stress approximately(: and earthquakes do no longer commute. The earth is made up of peices if "crust", which take a seat on remarkable of molten lava. The crust is continuously shifting, and on occasion, there will be an excellent stream and it may do stunning harm. There additionally are issues spoke of as fault traces, that are on the crusts, that can create earthquakes. California is roofed in fault traces. I stay in Missouri, and one hundred something years in the past there replaced into an earthquake that replaced to path of the Mississippi river. Japan in basic terms takes place to stay appropriate via a larg plate - the pacific ocean is a plate itself.the pacific plate lies parallel to the yankee plate. The coast of california is continuously rubbing against the pacific plate. that's why they get such super waves in some places. alongside the west coast of south usa there is an excellent trench - the Mariana trench. the two platess pushed against one yet another and somewhat created the different of a mountain. Now, that's believed that an earthquake in japan ought to set off an earthquake someplace else interior the international. You in no way understand.

2016-10-19 00:10:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The tsumani warning was taken off almost an hour ago. It only seems like there are more natural disasters now because you hear about them. As communication gets better we hear about more. It's not the second coming.

2006-12-26 03:44:29 · answer #3 · answered by moviegirl 6 · 1 1

First, it was 12 miles south of Taiwan in the ocean. Second, it happened many hours ago. Third, the Philippines were POSSIBLY threatned with a 3 foot high wave. Duh.

No it's just nature doing it's thing. Religion has nothing to do with physical earth movements.

2006-12-26 03:45:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

i am a christian i and am annoyed by the people that slam one's religion just to slam it (any religion) although i dont fully agree with you that this tsunami is the begining of the end, i think that the end is very near, because i think we have been in the end for several years now, at any rate, God bless and happy new year

2006-12-26 03:46:51 · answer #5 · answered by SwordDancer 5 · 1 1

It's for Taiwan.

2006-12-26 05:30:38 · answer #6 · answered by Judas Rabbi 7 · 1 0

It's not in Japan, but in Taiwan... and there is no risk of tsunami

2006-12-26 03:45:04 · answer #7 · answered by ♫Pavic♫ 7 · 1 1

You best learn how to SPELL and have your facts right, before ranting and raving....GOOD GRIEF!!!!!

2006-12-26 03:48:48 · answer #8 · answered by bobemac 7 · 1 2

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