Some people have strongly disagreed with me about this. I am a sophomore in college, going to graduate with EC-4 certification. I have been told by the university that student teaching is a must. Also, my mom had to do student teaching, as did my dad, cousin, and aunt. Lately on here, however, people say that student teaching is not required in Texas. I don't know what to think. What were you told?
8 answers
asked by
Education & Reference
➔ Teaching
To clarify...I'm not the one saying that I don't need student teaching. I just have seen people on here say that you don't need it. I have plans to student teach, it's on my degree plan and everything.
04:22:40 ·
update #1
There are both student teaching and testing requirements. Go to this website which shows you the certification requirements for public school teachers in Texas:
2006-12-26 03:36:13
answer #1
answered by Buffy Summers 6
Yes, student teaching is required in the state of Texas and in other states as far as I know. Depending on the university, you may have to do a semester of field work as well (I did). The only way around student teaching (if you're going for a full time teaching position) is to already have an undergrad degree and go through the alternative teaching program. In this case, you will do 12-18 months of teaching under a mentor.
2006-12-26 05:06:42
answer #2
answered by KS 7
In Texas, as in other states, there are times that student teaching is waved IF you have a degree and agree to work on certification. Usually these probationary licenses are given in areas of high need, such as special education, math and science on the secondary level. The certification program will count your actual teaching time towards yoru student teaching time. Be warned. A teacher with a valid teaching license that included student teaching will always have preference over a person with a degree who does not have the education courses and student teaching.
2006-12-26 05:54:14
answer #3
answered by fancyname 6
I do know a few people who have done the alternative certification programs that did not do any student teaching. I'm not sure how it all works, because I didn't do it myself. One of my friends is a first-year teacher and is in an alternative certification program. She has to get observed and do things like I did when I did my student teaching, but she actually is a teacher with her own class. So the people that are saying that student teaching is not required are probably referring to the alternative certification programs.
Sorry I don't have more specifics for you - I don't know exactly how it works, but I do know people in alternative certification programs that did not do student teaching.
2006-12-26 08:50:40
answer #4
answered by luv2teach 2
as a student teacher in Texas, you have to student teach. BUT..the state legislature passed a bill 2 years ago that stated if you have a bachelor's degree, you could teach. Good luck with that!! The only way around student teaching is to get an internship that pays you while you teach. You can also go to and find out all the info...
2006-12-26 05:03:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Its not required if you are looking only to be a temporary or substitute teacher - but you can never get a permenant position unless you do your student teaching. In some cases they will give you credit for your substitute teaching as your student teaching - but there is no guarentee of that. Its only a semester you have to student teach - when its over you will realize that you learned more about yourself doing that then all your course work combined.
Good Luck from a teacher of 13 plus years now!!!
2006-12-26 03:37:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
to coach on the secondary factor, bypass to an selection certification application or a school with a post-baccalaureate certification application. UT Arlington's application is punctiliously on line, for instance. to coach at an section college, you'll choose a carry close's degree and a minimum of 18 graduate hours on your training field. Math instructors are in severe call for lately!! you're necessary everywhere in Texas!!
2016-12-01 04:39:16
answer #7
answered by ? 4
One semester of student teaching is required.
2006-12-26 03:36:47
answer #8
answered by drewbear_99 5