Every university is different, so you need to call the Registrar of your college and find out what the procedure is. In the univ. where I taught a professor could make a correction (like if it was a clerical arror where he calculated the grade wrong, etc) with no problems for about one month after the end of the following term. After that, if the student went to the prof and had a question, there could not be any change in any grade without a signature approving the change from the Dean and the Department head. This is a big deal. They arent going to sign off unless there is some very good reason and the prof explains everything.
If you want to change a grade and the prof doesn't agree, in most schools there is no way whatsoever that the grade is going to be changed. This has been challenged in court quite a few times and the courts have always upheld the right of the prof to decide what the grade will be.
I have never heard of a student having a grade changed after the student has graduated from the school. Once you are out the transcript is definitely graved in stone.
2006-12-26 03:33:07
answer #1
answered by matt 7