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we are looking for the word for when a film is remade.

2006-12-25 15:44:58 · 16 answers · asked by Jacob tugmon 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

There is another word besides remake that i have forgotten. this is the word we are looking for.

2006-12-25 15:50:44 · update #1

16 answers

Version? Cover? Adaptation?

2006-12-25 16:01:33 · answer #1 · answered by esparagon 3 · 0 0


In film, a remake is a newer version of a previously released film or a newer version of the source (play, novel, story, etc.) of a previously made film.

The term "remake" is generally used in reference to a movie which uses an earlier movie as the main source material, rather than in reference to a second, later movie based on the same source. For example, 2001's Ocean's Eleven is a remake of the 1960 film, while 1989's Batman is a re-interpretation of the comic book source material which also inspired 1966's Batman. The same can be said for Ian Fleming's novel Casino Royale, which has been adapted three times; as a 1954 television episode, a 1967 spoof, and a 2006 adaptation. These are considered separate adaptations, not remakes, though they use similar characters and a similar plot.

2006-12-25 15:53:47 · answer #2 · answered by startrekfan4ever 3 · 0 0

remake (v.) To make again or anew.
remake (n.) The act of remaking.
remake (n.) Something in remade form, especially a new version of an earlier movie or song.

2006-12-25 15:50:41 · answer #3 · answered by pinkcallalillie3 3 · 0 0

A remake

2006-12-25 15:47:12 · answer #4 · answered by far_away312 2 · 0 0

sorry I only know one word for it and you just said it : remake.
If you mean sequel, well that is not a remake. Version is not a remake either, just different version of the film.

2006-12-25 15:55:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is a remake, when a song is redone it is called a Cover, when it is put out again but the same movie just put in theaters again it is called a Re-Release.

2006-12-25 16:33:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Easy: a remake

2006-12-25 15:46:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Exactly what everyone else says: a remake

2006-12-25 15:51:20 · answer #8 · answered by OtakuReview.net 3 · 0 0

do no longer ignore the re-remake of the mind-blowing Seven, the purported remake of woman Vengeance, and the continuously shelved and reshelved remake of conflict Royale. and that they have got been even discussing remaking Park's Thirst (Bakjwi) till now it became even shown exterior of Korea. it somewhat is a few thing i've got saved up with myself. i'm a brilliant fan of Asian cinema, particulary Korean drama and that i own a brilliant form of the Asian movies on your record. it somewhat is likewise a query i've got asked till now in this talk board. i think of that it boils all the way down to three issues, Hollywood is low on concepts. you will discover that throughout each and every element, from the way they remake Asian movies to the way that they are apparently caught on turning each and every comedian e book or regardless of right into a action picture as properly as previous 80's shows like the A-group. additionally, Hollywood works on formula. video clips like the hoop and The Departed delivered in a brilliant form of money. So, because those have been remakes of Asian movies, they're constantly looking out for the subsequent Asian script to pilfer. finally, permit's no longer ignore the present anime craze this is gripping youthful adults. greater youthful adults than ever are into anime and Asian subculture. Hollywood is calling for to captalize on that. What they don't understand is that the individuals who love those video clips because of the fact they're into Asian subculture could extremely see the originals. they do no longer desire to be sure those issues watered down for American audiences, they do no longer desire to be sure Zac Efron as easy, they desire to be sure the unique eastern actors and actresses in the unique settings. So, till they by some potential attempt to safeguard human beings from the unique, that is doomed to fail besides. EDIT: i myself have not got a difficulty with a number of those remakes. Like I enjoyed the two Fistful of greenbacks the mind-blowing Seven because of the fact they have been sturdy ameliorations, and not basically stale remakes.

2016-10-28 09:11:26 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

some things are just called what they are..it is a remake..

2006-12-25 15:48:04 · answer #10 · answered by Steph 2 · 0 0

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