First let me start that I am a little white woman from a middle to upper middle class unbringing.
Ok, with that said.
We have the Ted Danson movie about the black kids playing chess
Then there was that movie with Michelle Pfeiffer with the black kids and she was teaching them poetry.
Theres the one with Antonio Banderas, Im not sure he counts since I think he is spanish, where is teaching the kids to dance.
There is a more recent movie with Matthew Perry, "The Ron Clark Story, He work with disadvantaged students in rural North Carolina and in inner-city Harlem
I know there are lot I am missing but these are the ones I remember.
Ok, here is my question and/or statement that I know is going to somewher make someone mad.
Are there no Black men/woman out there that make a difference in kids lives.?
All these movies I see are about the great white man/woman coming in and 'saving' the little black kids.?
19 answers
asked by
Entertainment & Music
➔ Movies
I think it is a wonderful thing that people help out kids in trouble.
But when I see these movies I worry that it gives the wrong impression that there are no good caring black men/woman out there that are helping the youths out there.
Please tell me I am wrong.
15:44:12 ·
update #1
please all do not be mad.
I was hoping that I was missing something. I am VERY GLAD that I did miss some movie.
I remember the Joe Clark movie and LOVED it.
15:55:36 ·
update #2
Thank you MICHEAL H
15:56:55 ·
update #3
I'm black, and let me tell ya, I hate those damn movies too.. An enlightened white person comes to the rescue saving a bunch of backwards ****** from of a life of crime, or better yet of all things themselves. They usually include a "gee Mista, you kno I ain't neva really thought bout it liken dat befoe" catch phase. These movies are almost as bad as those where a black and white guy team up to solve crimes, and in the process learn from each other. The black man always teaching the nerdier white guy how to be cool or dance. Those type of movies are garbage
2006-12-25 15:53:22
answer #1
answered by michael H 4
Interesting observation you ahve made there. Yes I guess it tends to be White Caucasian People Save the day type of Era. Perhaps you could write a script about African Americans adopting/saving a Caucasian child and they have to adapt to a different life style. I have never really met an African American before only once when I was about Eleven and that was on an army base in Germany. I want to meet Oprah and I think she has saved a lot of Caucasian children as well as African American children. Hope my opinion helps :)
2006-12-26 02:45:28
answer #2
I saw one with James Earl Jones helping younger ones in the movie "The Reading Room". It was about a man helping multi-cultural kids in the neighborhood to avoid the gang scene. I thought that was a good one. "Coach Carter" starred Samuel L. Jackson making his students/players to be more responsible. "Remember the Titans" wasn't really based in a class room, but it did have Denzel Washington teaching the youth of his town to get over racism. Most-if not all of these movies were based on true stories. I don't think Hollywood is trying to be prejudiced, I think it's just who they chose to play those parts.
2006-12-26 00:03:35
answer #3
answered by junkmail 6
There's also a new movie starring Hilary Swank that has a similar plotline.
To answer your question, this is what the studios think will sell. And whatever makes them the most money is all that matters.
2006-12-25 23:43:23
answer #4
answered by Rachel 6
Right away I thought of Coach Carter, but I can totally see what you are saying. I agree with what other people are saying. It's Hollywood trying to make money.
2006-12-26 00:17:41
answer #5
answered by japa_1 2
Just putting aside the black/white thing for instead the " Getting what you need not what you want" see "The Crying Game"
The guy does not get what he wants but maybe what he needs. I. E. A loving partner
2006-12-26 01:14:59
answer #6
answered by Gowrie 3
There probably are, but probably more humble, and dont want to be recognized for something that God did through them. Because people whether Black, White, or Spanish know that God did it all and not them.
2006-12-25 23:45:29
answer #7
answered by championvballplayer 1
Joe clark from paterson high school in Nj they made a movie about him.
2006-12-25 23:42:10
answer #8
answered by cutiepie81289 7
There was "To Sir, With Love" starring Sidney Poitier
Also, "Lean on Me", with Morgan Freeman.
2006-12-25 23:48:48
answer #9
answered by Jess H 7
I'm sure there are many out there in real life who do. The Chris Gardner person is African American and has helped many
2006-12-25 23:43:55
answer #10
answered by texascomet 4