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10 answers

They say it can take from one sec to one month. But usually you have 2 weeks after the plug is lost. I've been loosing mine in pieces since the 4th and all I'm getting is false labor. Its BS! Though I am too early I am just read to either do it or don't. I hate the wait for any moment. Plus basicly everything is a sign of labor. I've even heard of women not feeling anything up until thier water breaks. It should be sometime soon. Hopefully you'll make the 37 week mark so your baby won't have any complications. I got like 4 weeks until 37 weeks.

2006-12-25 08:28:15 · answer #1 · answered by Kimi is 31 weeks 1/7 w/#2! 3 · 0 0

A mucus plug is not like your water breaking. You could still easily go past your 40 weeks. Most babies are overdue, so please expect that. I know the last stages of pregnancy are rough, but your baby isn't finished growing. Don't be in a hurry to give birth. Just enjoy this time and know that baby will be born when baby is ready.

2006-12-25 06:28:29 · answer #2 · answered by Velken 7 · 1 0

Sorry...you can lose your plug and still not go into labor for days or even weeks. I have never even been aware of losing mine and I have done this many times! I don't want to discourage you...but don't count on the plug thing to determine when you will give birth.
Your baby will come when he or she is ready to. Besides...you are still a little early...let the baby cook a while longer! :)
Good luck and congrats! :)

2006-12-25 06:29:08 · answer #3 · answered by Sunshine 3 · 0 0

though that passing of the plug is a sign that your body is preparing for the big day, it's not a reliable signal that the big day has arrived-or even that it's imminent. At this point, labor could be one, two, or even three weeks away, with your cervix continuing to open gradually over that time.

2006-12-25 13:11:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You sit and wait. Truth of the matter is that it could still be a few weeks before baby comes. Or it could happen today. This is the worst part of it all lol...the waiting, wondering, waiting...waiting. I had 4 kids so I feel ya. Take walks and hot showers. Be sure to take someone with you. Good luck with your new little one. You are so lucky! :)

2006-12-25 06:27:45 · answer #5 · answered by lilmisstickletoo 3 · 0 0

its called preterm labor you should have went to the hopital after that, you dont want that baby to come out yet. Stay off you feet as much as possible. Go get checked out anyway bacause you could get am infection after loosing your mucus plug

2006-12-25 08:50:57 · answer #6 · answered by Baby Julie due 5/12 3 · 0 0

umm u dont wanna have the baby now if u was like 37 weeks then yeah but not right now at 35.5 weeks good luck!

2006-12-25 06:55:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

yeah it can be a few weeks til you go into labor. Thats good since your baby needs more cooking time. Good luck and merry christmas :)

2006-12-25 06:29:04 · answer #8 · answered by mindy s 3 · 0 0

Eat well while you can! You should start to have contractions....some people go a few days though, if you feel lighter....get more energy....feel a tightening of your whole stomach or get a bit crampy....then pay attention. You should have a new one before New Years!

2006-12-25 06:27:25 · answer #9 · answered by WitchTwo 6 · 0 1

Holy crap that is funny! I have one child and had no idea what that was when it happened..haha! but anyway it was about 24-30 hrs later that I went to the hospital....I had small contractions all through that night and day---congrats

2006-12-25 06:26:51 · answer #10 · answered by biznitchil 4 · 0 1

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