Grace needs to get over herself. She has 8 more months, and the worst hasen't even happended!
2006-12-25 04:54:03
answer #1
answered by just_acali_girl 4
Many pregnant women are nauseous 24/7 the first month or 3 so it's difficult to see the light at the end of the road. Try to address any worries she may have as soon as you can so the next 8 months are happy times for all of you, and so her health and the baby's won't suffer. Soon to be moms worry if there will be enough money to care for the 3 of you, they worry about getting married if they're not already, will their husband or lover see them as attractive after they gain weight or their body changes, will they be a good mom, will you be there for her after the baby comes, will the baby be healthy? You name it and they worry about it. Take time to talk with her and find out what worries she has and do what's in your power to take them away. Even if you can't fix everything, do what is in your power to make her feel safe, loved cared for and always remember to tell her what she and the baby mean to you and how beautiful she is. She may still cry with the rage of hormones rushing through her, but she'll hear you. Best wishes to you both.
2006-12-25 05:24:20
answer #2
answered by Keller A 1
He may just be nervous about everything... Engagement, and then expecting a baby a few months later... It sounds to me like everything happened really fast and it might have overwhelmed him. You mentioned that he went out with his friends, and it sounds like that bothers you. Have you TOLD him that? I understand if you don't want to fight, but even so, you can't hold back your feelings. This is the man you are supposed to be marrying; if you have a problem with something he does you should let him know sooner rather than later. On that same note I think you need to seriously sit down with him, and ask him if he truly wants to try and work things out. I mean, SERIOUSLY. Is he willing to consider your feelings when he goes out with friends and leaves you home alone? Is he willing to compromise? If the answers are no, no, no, then I hate to say it, but it's no use chasing after someone who may never be yours. Get an apartment, or go stay with your parents, and maybe the time apart will make him realize how much he misses you. If he is willing to try from the get-go, you can both try going to counseling. It may help a LOT. I'm sorry about everything and I hope everything works out for the best.
2016-05-23 05:51:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Grace is probably having morning sickness. Think about how you'd feel if you wanted to vomit 24/7 for weeks at a time. Not fun. Plus being pregnant is very tiring. Not to mention that you suddenly become over run with hormones. She may also be grieving over losing her "fun" life. Especially if this was not planned. Give her time. Talk to her. Let her know that you are there no matter what. Try giving her foot or back rubs. Give her a rag when she throws up. Be there. If you think that she is overly sad talk to her doctor. As she adjusts to this new life, she get more excited, probably about the time she can feel kicks.
2006-12-25 05:00:59
answer #4
answered by Amy A 3
tell her that you will be there to help and support her through this whole thing and make sure you mean it. It takes a little time for a woman to get adjusted to the fact that there is another life forming inside her. and that the hormones will be starting to rage to prepare her body to support the the baby....just be patient because i was in the same boat and i was sad when i found out and i'm due in january and i got over the sadness after the first ultrasound when hearing the heartbeat...b/c it was a wonder to me and my boyfriend...and he's been supportive in going to most of the appointments and getting things i needed. Just hang in there. try massages or soothing baths...and comforting music...
2006-12-25 06:03:39
answer #5
answered by tcb_2002 3
Ditch the chocolates and give her some space.
She thinks she is no longer attractive now that she is expecting so she needs to feel special. Don't let her feel miserable and sad because these feelings will carry over to the baby and you'll have a lonely and sad child.
Take her to a salon and give her the works.
Nice dark room, full body massage, aroma therapy, soothing music (no rap of course) and let her bask in that for as long as she wants 1 hour or 2.
Then bring her home and let her relax.
2006-12-25 05:06:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Grace,might be feeling lonely or she isnt preplan abt her baby but
I think itz best time to make her happy to tell her that u are going to be 24/7 with her nd her pains nd tension is urz nd she doesnt need
to worry at all nd the youngone is symbol of love bw u nd her.
Make her feel the best nd the one only so she should be mentally prepare to face all her pregnancy period.
So r u ready to be 1st one to lead her that she alwayz has ur moral
support in any sort of circumstance. Make her feel the best for ever.
Wish U All The Best nd May God Bless U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-12-25 05:24:55
answer #7
answered by Ayzdam 1
Sympathise with her, you need to understand that her body is going through alot of changes, she will need all your support for the next 8 months and years after that so best to get your practice in now.
I wish you and grace the best of luck.
2006-12-25 06:21:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just keep doing what you're doing. Love her and support her. Eventually this should pass and she'll start to become excited about the new little miracle growing inside her. Just be there for her. God Bless
In regard to the comments about stepping back and giving her space. Talk to her about that first and make sure that's the problem. If that's not the problem, it will hurt her if you become too distant.
2006-12-25 05:09:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Just continue to be there for her. Hormones are going mad. If she has a good relationship with her mother or other previously pregnant family then encourage her to talk to them about it. All the best.
2006-12-25 05:03:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
well, her body is going through drastic changes right now. all those new hormones are hard to adjust to. there is not much that will help right now because she can not help how she feels. i recommend you keep trying to cheer her up and be understanding. make sure she takes her vitamins that can make a world of difference if she is has a vitamin b deficiency. she will come out of her stooper in a few weeks once her body adjusts. just keep doing what you are doing she will need your support and love.......congratulations
2006-12-25 04:58:41
answer #11
answered by Anonymous