Who cares if the nerds want to say it's the pagan Roman Saturnalia? Or that it's not really Jesus' birthday? Or anything else!
We love this great day!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!
And a Happy New Year!!!!!
And to my Liberal friends, I don't care if it "offends" you or your beloved "Minority", you're all welcome to go back home!
2006-12-24 15:00:41
answer #1
answered by Daimyo 5
"What is the true meaning of Christmas?"
Answer: LOVE - that's the true meaning of Christmas. John 3:16-17 says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."
Philippians chapter 2, verses 6-11, as paraphrased in The Message, records, "Jesus had equal status with God but didn't think so much of Himself that He had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, He set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, He stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn't claim special privileges. Instead, He lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death - and the worst kind of death at that: a crucifixion. Because of that obedience, God lifted Him high and honored Him far beyond anyone or anything, ever, so that all created beings in heaven and on earth - even those long ago dead and buried - will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ, and call out in praise that He is the Master of all, to the glorious honor of God the Father."
The true meaning of Christmas is God's becoming a human being in the Person of Jesus Christ. Why did God do such a thing? Because He loves us! Why was Christmas necessary? Because we needed a Savior! Why does God love us so much? Because He is love (1 John 4:8)! Why do we celebrate Christmas each year? Out of gratitude for what God did for us, we remember His birth by giving each other gifts, worshipping Him, and being especially conscious of the poor and less fortunate.
The true meaning of Christmas is LOVE. God loved us so much that He wanted to provide a way for us to spend eternity with Him. He gave His only Son to take our punishment for our sins, He paid the price in full! We are free from condemnation when we accept that free gift of LOVE. "But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).
Recommended Resource: God's Gift of Christmas by John MacArthur.
2006-12-24 22:47:22
answer #2
answered by Tenn Gal 6
Christmas was Germanic Winter festival, but the Popes wanted to convert all germanic tribes under christanity without up againist them, so they made the winter festival as the Birth day of Jesus...in matter of fact, Jesus was born in a Summer...Thus there's Christmas...look at all the trees and the stuff on the trees....they are germanic traditions =p
2006-12-24 22:50:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
the true meaning of christmas isfirst when jesus was born in a manger, but jesus wasent born in december it was around march, but e cause of ew years we celebrate it 1 month before the new years, and we also exchange gifts to love ones cause the three wise men that came with gifts to jesus.
2006-12-24 22:54:53
answer #4
answered by JAMES F 1
To love everyone and to spread joy and happiness to as many people as you can. To remember this all year long! Merry Christmas!!
2006-12-24 22:46:13
answer #5
answered by JZ 5
It is a naturalistic holiday celebrating the rebirth of the sun which had become dim and the earth grew cold. After the winter equinox the sun began its return.
2006-12-24 22:46:22
answer #6
answered by valcus43 6
To give and expect nothing in return, not even a thank you. You'll never know what you have untill you give it away. The only thing you can take with you when you die is what you gave away.
2006-12-25 00:08:17
answer #7
answered by Speed Of Thought 5
the birth of Jesus-God is love-he gave everything coming from heaven to die for you and me-and offers us the gift of everlasting life and joy of salvation Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is seperation from God, but the gift of God is everlasting life through receiving Jesus as savior from sin."
as a Jew I did it and it works-Jesus is my best friend now-peace to you too
2006-12-24 23:08:00
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
true meaning of xmas is time og giving time to recieve time to pray kuz the lord was born on xmas day the time to be with your family and merry xmas to you
2006-12-24 22:44:32
answer #9
answered by sean s 2
Christ was born. The most perfect gift.
Happy Birthday Jesus!!!
2006-12-24 22:44:48
answer #10
answered by ♥tessa♥ 5