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Are there parts in the bible where homosexuality is clearly attacked?

2006-12-24 13:24:32 · 30 answers · asked by whoknows 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

30 answers

The Bible, A Diluted Book written by men, Edited by a Roman Emperor, and Translated over a thousand times before it even left Latin, States that Homosexuality is a Sin, no matter what.

The Bible was not faxed from god, he did not hold the pen, and he did not sign it, did he?

(For those of you who are wondering…
I am a Christian, and if I was a conventional Christian I would take the bible to the letter and start ranting here about how it is a sin and you are going to hell. BUT I am not a conventional.
I am an Independent (Also known as, to most Christian groups, an Atheist).)

God is referred to as our Father, I think the Bible uses the word Father over 300 times, in description of God's Feelings for us, Humans that is. Now, Is there anything, this is for all the fathers out there, anything in the World that can make you intentionally cause your Beloved children Eternal Suffering and Pain?
I do not believe in Hell as an Eternal Punishment, I believe it is for Evil, and it is until you accept your evil and ask for forgiveness.
Because that is what God is, Forgiveness.
Homosexuality is NOT evil, it is a Way of Life, it is NOT a chemical imbalance, it is not a Choice, and it 'Is'. Period, End of Story.
Christianity in its early stages needed to Gain members, and support, so Hell was created as a Way to scare people into Belief, as was Satan. Now Lucifer, the Archangel, Supposedly hated humanity, and was our Opponent in God's heavenly Court.
But he only hated us because he had what he didn’t, the Capacity to Love. Love a man, Love a Woman, Love Hetro, or Homo Sexually, God is Forgiveness, and if you are not evil at heart, you have absolutely nothing to fear.

PS, Romans, 1:19-32, NIV

2006-12-24 13:48:14 · answer #1 · answered by farcehorde 2 · 1 0

It is possible to be an ignorant Christian and be accepting of homosexuality, and by "homosexuality" I mean including homosexual activity/intercourse.
The Bible attacks homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27 quite clearly. Leviticus 18:22 forbids a male from lying with a male as with a woman and calls it an abomination.

2006-12-24 13:46:12 · answer #2 · answered by Bill 7 · 0 1

There's a few places where homosexuality is attacked, most of which is in the Old Testament. There's at least one reference to it in the New Testament (Corinthians 1), so yes, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong.

However, Jesus's main message is one of acceptance and forgiveness. I can't imagine Jesus not accepting homosexuals. Can you? I think that since the point of Christianity is showing goodwill towards other people even if you disagree with their practices, you should accept homosexuality.

2006-12-24 13:53:42 · answer #3 · answered by dPaladin 2 · 0 0

Where will homosexuality leads us to? I find my answer to this question dreadful. Hence, no, I do not think it is possible to be Christian and accepting homosexuality, though I could not find parts in the Bible where homosexuality is clearly attacked. God has obviously not provided for it. May God bless us all!

2006-12-24 13:53:22 · answer #4 · answered by Alfretz T 3 · 0 0

The bible is not really clear on anything. Modern Christians are amoral. That is they avoid the central issue in morality which is choice.

Most christians, including the current catholic pope, want a set of rules to live their life. Many people are rejecting christianity for the purpose of being able to make choices about their life.

This doesn't say homesexuality is right or wrong. However we must make a moral choice here. For people dealing with gays and lesbians then to me Jesus put forward the idea of tolerance. We not agree, but we don't have to condemn them. We even have the right to politely suggest other things.

If you are gay or lesbian then it is a different matter. It is like engaging in sex out of marriage, modern christians often have extra-marital sex.

Homosexuality has become a big issue because we see things such as marriage to be about sex and pleasure rather than a responsibility set for us by god. In previous times homosexuals married for the purpose of family.

So you can see the morality here is very complicated, and the sin is about why you choose what you choose. After all is it better to live a lie or live the truth?

Remember Jesus hated rules and taught that following rules is not the same as being a good person. In the tale of the good samariton (really joke not a story) the jewish priests refuse to help another jew, not because they are bad, but because they are following the rules of their religion. While the samaritan helps his enemy because he is free from the same rules.

2006-12-24 13:50:00 · answer #5 · answered by flingebunt 7 · 0 0

I haven't read the entire Bible, but I don't think the Bible clearly attacks homosexuality.

And I'm pretty sure in the Bible it says to love and treat your neighbor as yourself. So, if your neighbors gay, well, you should still love him and treat him as you would any other person.

And, as for accepting homosexuality, I think it's a matter of personal opinion. It's all just a matter of your chemicals and how you were raised anyways.

FUN FACT: Male children with full-blooded older male siblings are more likely to be homosexual, and every older brother just adds onto the chance.

BECAUSE: In the mother's womb, as each new male child is born, the testosterone levels slowly decrease, so by the time the youngest child is born, he's scraping the pot for anything that's left. Go figure.

Homosexuality is just a NATURAL human thing. I'm not one myself, but I know everyone has those feelings, even if they are minute.

2ND FUN FACT (bored yet?): Homosexuality was a rite of passage in ancient Roman days. Warriors who proved themselves on the battlefield would be allowed to commit homosexual acts with other warriors. I don't have a BECAUSE for that, I just know what I know.

2006-12-24 13:57:15 · answer #6 · answered by DontEverTellLockeWhatHeCantDo 1 · 0 1

Yes it clearly states in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin. There are several places in the Bible that states that homosexuality is a sin. Go to Bible.com and go to the Bible answers part and you will see a menu to the right with most asked questions and you will see the part about homosexuality.

2006-12-24 13:41:02 · answer #7 · answered by pllbrn 2 · 0 1

yes because the bible isnt truely you know completly the way of God or word of God beacuse in the bible there is alot of bullshit no offense im am a christian and i dont really support homosexuals but and i find something all little strange about it but the bible is bais i am black and i belive the bible is bias in the sense that it says that you should not mix races and that racist sh*t just beacuse it says something in the bible doesnt mean its right or mean its the way God would have it

2006-12-24 13:32:22 · answer #8 · answered by dre 3 · 1 0

There are references in the Bible. For example:

1. God destroyed Sodom because of its "sodomy," which is defined as any sexual intercourse regarded as abnormal. The men of Sodom heard that Lot had some male guests in his home, and demanded that he turn them over so they could get to "know" them (in the intimate sense).

2. God commanded man and woman to multiply and replenish the earth. Two men together, or two women together are unable to obey this commandment.

3. Leviticus 20:13 says if a man lie with a man as he does with a woman, both of the men have committed an abomination and shall be put to death.

4. In Romans 1:21-27 it discussed homosexuality: Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves...For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet."

In answer to the rest of your question, my understanding of Christianity is that the Christians should love the sinners, but hate the sins, as Christ did. They can condemn the behavior, but are not to judge or condemn other humankind.

2006-12-24 13:39:09 · answer #9 · answered by Rainfog 5 · 0 1

Given that Christians function under Grace and not the Law, Old Testament prohibitions of homosexuality don't apply. In the New Testament there is a reference, a single reference that I know of, in which it is referred to as an "abomination." If you can get past that and the seventh commandment, absolutely.

And let's keep in mind that Christ Himself befriended muderers, prostitutes and theives. Even if someone doesn't apprehend your beliefs, indeed even if they openly oppose them, as Christians we are still called to love them. They are just as human as we are.

What worse way to completely alienate homosexuals could there be than to tell them that they're evil?

2006-12-24 13:36:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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