Okay. Looking for the nitty-gritty on the Wii vs Gamecube compatibility.
1) In looking at game prices (this is my first system), it appears that the Gamecube prices are lower than Wii. So if I pay less, I lose just the Wii-mote playablilty?
2) On the GC controllers. Does the "Classic Controller" for the Wii COMPLETELY take the place for the need for a REAL GC controller? I see that the Virtual Console games say that the Classic Controller will handle ALL games that are for the VC... but what about DISC BASED GC games? Am I forced to buy a real GC controller too?
Can't wait to open that Wii tomorrow! Rayman, Marvel, Sports, Call of Duty3, Monkey Ball and Rampage - I AM SO READY!
Thanks for any info!
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