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20 answers

what is your problem with brits teeth? mine are perfectly fine as are most others!

2006-12-24 05:54:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

How typically American of you! How sad and pathetic that all you can think of is someone's phyisical appreance. How shallow and plastic. Yes some British people have what you would consider bad teeth and yes we Brits don't get our pants in a tiwst over dental hygene like you guys do but what is it to you? Why does it concern and bother you so much? Why don't you keep your racist, idiotic, uninformed, cowardly, unoriginal, moronic, stereoptyed, done to death comments to your self. There are many, many, many, things about America and Americans that are seriously worrying to the rest of the world and they have nothing to do with somerthing as trivial as teeth. Why you bully and police the rest of the world, why are you poisoning the rest of the world with your fast food, why are you dumbing down the rest of the world with your Mickey Mouse "culture", why the morbid obeasety rate is going up and up and up and of course that dumb sh*t you fools elected into office for a second term! Are you guys gluttons for punisjment or something!??!
I really think that before you dam an entire nation ( a nation, by the way that is centruies older, is steeped in tradition and history and where your country actually came from!!!) to death because of something as pathetically shallow as bad teeth you should take a look at your own country and think before you type.
Read some history books, get away from your computer for a couple of hours if you can bear it and get a little substance behind you before throwing out comment like this one, even if it was only posted to piss people off....that in it' self is childish and once again very American. Sad, sad, sad...

2006-12-24 06:26:20 · answer #2 · answered by Next evolutionary step... 6 · 3 1

You wouldn't need to look a Brit in the teeth and start worrying about your eyes! Coz if you are a Yank you are probably overweight and fat and will start suffering with diabetes and lose your eyesight anyway. The only time us Brits have to start worrying about Yanks looking at us is when you back us up in a warzone...and we only worry about you shooting us in friendly fire incidents.

2006-12-24 05:58:44 · answer #3 · answered by jamand 7 · 3 1

I think the British have fantastic teeth. Imperfection is an attractive trait. In short, I love crooked and gapped choppers.
In America, everyone's teeth are perfect. How boring is that? And cosmetic dentists are a dime a dozen. BOORINGGGG
just my opinion, being an American and all...

2006-12-24 06:04:46 · answer #4 · answered by vegetable soup 5 · 2 1

Most Americans are so ashamed of their President and his foreign policy that they do not dare look Brits anywhere in the face

2006-12-24 06:02:39 · answer #5 · answered by SteveT 7 · 3 1

You mean, because they are so clean and shiny?
No that's not true, did you ever have look on David Bowie's teeth. His music is amazing, but his teeth looked horrible before he got his dentures.

2006-12-24 06:04:56 · answer #6 · answered by Retterin 3 · 1 0

It's impossible to look a Yank in the teeth because their gut sticks out so far you can't get that close.

2006-12-24 06:08:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You wouldn't have the guts to take on a Brit face to face

Perfidious Albion

And you didn't have the guts to lets us contact you by email, typical yank coward, only fights those who can hit back.

2006-12-24 05:55:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

Well in America there is 4 McDonalds every square mile so fu*ck u fatty.

2006-12-24 06:32:52 · answer #9 · answered by sup. 4 · 2 2

if you look at a yank in the street will you end up fat and pompous

2006-12-24 05:55:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 10 1

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