I work in a retail store that sells designer handbags. There are a couple things that make fake bags easy to point out:
-the quality of the leather, does it have a pleather feel to it, if its the tan leather of coach, dooney or LV it should darken as you use it because they are untreated leathers.
-the hardware on the bag, is it metal or just painted to look like its metal.
-the bag's lining, the quality of the fabric, does it have the logo on it or the correct label inside
-the "duster" bag it comes in, most brands have 1 or 2 style duster bags, anything different isn't real.
Those are just a few things to look for. You can always go into the store and ask them if the bag is real or not. Just be careful what store it is you go into, most will be more than happy to tell you but some, such as burberry can take the bag from you if it is a fake. If you don't want to go into the store, give them a call and ask them how to tell fakes from the real thing for their specific brand. Hope this helps!
2006-12-23 17:32:25
answer #1
answered by skibunnie 1
it depends on which designer the purse is being faked after. with louis vuitton, you can always tell if its fake if the bottom of the L is touching the V in the monogram. also, Louis Vuitton never puts a tag saying the make or the origin on the INSIDE of the bag, nd most fake ones do. just check over the quality carefully, maybe find pictures of the real bag and compare them
2006-12-23 19:08:32
answer #2
answered by ohyes_itsbekah 3
real designer purses often have a "tell" like prada for example.. on their bags, all metal has their name on it. Every snap.. every zipper.. every button.. also, the R in prada has a curved in leg, where on the fake ones, it is straight. The lining is also often a tell, as well as the quality of stitching. Ebay has really good articles on how to tell a fake from a real bag. Just google "Spotting a fake ______" and put the name of whatever brand your looking for.
2006-12-23 17:25:03
answer #3
answered by Kristin B 4
Look closley at the signs of the designer purse and you will see the signs are different then the real designer purse.
Or look at the tag and see where it was made.
2006-12-23 17:21:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
-is the leather real?
-does the design on the bag ever get cut off at the corners of the bag?
-where was it made? (it should say in the lining?)
2006-12-23 17:39:52
answer #5
answered by hannala27 2
well if u also look at the leather its different... fake leather looks funny...real leather will get daker when wet. fake will not
2006-12-23 17:23:13
answer #6
answered by krikiiiiii1222222223 1
Who cares.
2006-12-23 17:27:42
answer #7
answered by Floyd B 5
the tag.. color retention.. where it was purchased is a good one.
2006-12-23 17:29:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2006-12-23 17:42:02
answer #9
answered by ♦♣♠♥░SCORPIA░♥♠♣♦ 1