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What is the rule when you have to Morgage your property. Is it the banks? Can another player purchase it? Can you Re-purchase it after you have enough money? What are the real rules? My friends and I are currenty playing it and we totally forgot some of the rules.

2006-12-23 13:43:38 · 8 answers · asked by cure671 1 in Games & Recreation Board Games

8 answers

Per the Official Rules page:
Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time. Before an improved property can be mortgaged, all the buildings on all the properties of its colour-group must be sold back to the Bank at half price. The mortgage value is printed on each Title Deed card.

No rent can be collected on mortgaged properties or utilities, but rent can be collected on unmortgaged properties in the same group.

In order to lift the mortgage, the owner must pay the Bank the amount of mortgage plus 10% interest. When all the properties of a colour-group are no longer mortgaged, the owner may begin to buy back houses at full price.

The player who mortgages property retains possession of it and no other player may secure it by lifting the mortgage from the Bank. However, the owner may sell this mortgaged property to another player at any agreed price. If you are the new owner, you may lift the mortgage at once if you wish by paying off the mortgage plus 10% interest to the Bank. If the mortgage is not lifted at once, you must pay the Bank 10% interest when you buy the property and if you lift the mortgage later you must pay the Bank an additional 10% interest as well as the amount of the mortgage.

2006-12-23 13:52:41 · answer #1 · answered by Walking on Sunshine 7 · 1 0

in order to Mortgage a property, you must first sell back any buildings to the bank (at half price of what they cost) - then you can mortgage the property for the amount listed on the back of the property card...while the property is mortgaged, it still belongs to you and nobody else can buy it unless you decide to give up your rights in the property at which time it goes up for bid with the highest bidder being responsible to pay the outstanding mortgage plus the high bid amount in order to take it over...

another option you can consider instead of mortgaging things is to make Mafia style deals with your friends; this is completely legal and they even talk about in the instructions...for example, if you need money, you can ask another player to give you the money as a loan with a higher payback price later, or you could offer them free passes on one or more of your properties in exchange for the cash...

2006-12-23 17:21:25 · answer #2 · answered by pv_tree 4 · 0 0

When mortgaging property, you still retain ownership of the property, with the exception that when another player lands on the property, they are exempt from paying any rent to you. When you accrue enough money, you may un-mortgage it by repaying the bank the amount plus 10%.

2006-12-23 13:47:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

when you morgage a property you have to turn the card over and can not collect rent while in morgage state.....if and when you have enough $$ you can pay the morgage back..in meantime you keep the property unless you want to offer a trade that will include those properties

2006-12-23 17:05:10 · answer #4 · answered by sosickiam 4 · 0 0

When a property is mortgaged, it is still owned by the player but he can't charge rent for it. To remove it from mortgaged status, the player must repay the mortgage amount plus 10% interest.

2006-12-23 13:45:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

look in the manual but i think once you morgage it you enither have to sell it or when you get enough money pay it back

2006-12-23 14:51:02 · answer #6 · answered by yankeesalltheway 3 · 0 0

it is yours another plater can not buy it
you buy it back at mortgage plus 10 %

2006-12-23 13:49:16 · answer #7 · answered by G L 4 · 0 0

you can pay your opponent with that if u dont want to pay ;)

2006-12-23 13:46:13 · answer #8 · answered by cashmoneytito 1 · 0 0

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