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Besides smelling, hearing, seeing and so on. Do we have other senses that science and psychology is finding difficult to prove? It may be very complicated.

I found this website that led me to this question. Does the government not want us to be aware of these senses so that we don't abuse it?

2006-12-23 02:23:34 · 25 answers · asked by >mjd 1 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

Besides common sense.

2006-12-23 02:28:20 · update #1

Remote Viewing

2006-12-23 02:31:29 · update #2

25 answers

probably,but perception is a brain related activity,and not everyone has the same quality and quantity,its similar like humans i.q.,all people can think ,but not everyone has the same quality and clarity of thinking,we are as humans to have 5 senses;but do we really use all of them?because senses are in certain way a tool our brain uses to keep recollecting information
of our surrounds,but if we don't ,as humans completely use the 5
known we have ,how can we use the others we are not aware yet?

2006-12-26 21:04:14 · answer #1 · answered by Byzantino 7 · 1 0

A sense is something you get with a specific organ to perceive what's about your environment. The usual 5 senses commonly known as such all fall in that definition.
Now, there's some degree of arbitrary in that we have other perceptions channeled through an organ which are not labeled a "sense" and you are very much aware of it.
1. Balance. You and I have got an organ in the inner ear that gives you an accurate feeling of what verticality is, yet is not accounted for as a "sense" for reasons beyond my comprehension,
2. Time. Mankind like other primates benefit a notion of past, present and future with a transductor which is commonly called the brain. Although most scientific people would dispute that fact, it's but common sense that we're equipped with a sense of time.
Now that's up to you to figure out what you can add to list short list. Merry Christmas.

2006-12-23 10:39:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The six sense. However NO ONE likes a freak, so don't use it. I don't. Playing games with the natural order of things would lead to chaos. And unless you're anti-social, that would be a bad thing. I've delved in the depths of this crap before. In the end it comes down to SHUT UP about it. I'm overly sensitive to others' thought processes and try to stay out the way. You know it exists along with everyone else. MOST people are religious and just ignore it. Sorry about saying "I" so many times it's late and this isn't about me. Serioiusly we have psychic abilities and potential for it but nobody wants it and nobody would use it. (Of course in secret people may hehe). That's the jist of it. Oh yeah, and science has YET to prove it. It's dogma or circling or something like that. Have fun and keep an open mind.

2006-12-26 02:06:09 · answer #3 · answered by The Platinum Mage 2 · 0 1

Yes! We have dozens of senses that most are unaware of and it is certainly not taught in our schools as they have no awareness either. I'll give you an example. The sense of measurement: Take a swat team sniper expert and ask them the distance to a far off object, say a tree in the distance and their answer comes back as 85 yards! Now go measure and you'll find the estimate very accurate (note a pro golfer could give you the same estimate. A mechanic looks at a bolt head and says "let me have an 11/16 wrench, and low and behold he was right!) Where did these accurate answers come from?.....This is just one sense not taught in our schools by our BRIGHT teachers. Another would be our sense of time; ever set the alarm for an earlier than usual wake up time and find yourself up a moment BEFORE the alarm wakes up? And the list goes on!

2006-12-23 10:47:13 · answer #4 · answered by scorpionsnakeeaglephoenix 2 · 2 2

Oh Yeah. I believe highly in the 6th sense.

I have a sense (and walk with me here, you may think I'm a wierd one) when my babysitter's not going to show up. I don't know why I have it or how it works, but...

Every single time, if my sitter's going to stand me up the next morning, or she'll be late, or whatever, I get a wierd feeling in my stomach the night before. The first time I listened to that gut, and called a back up sitter, just to be on the safe side. Sure enough, my sitter didn't show.

I've been having those gut feelings for years. They never have set me wrong.

There are other examples that show us the gut feeling is powerful... There's the old story about the girl who was leaving work late, and went to go get on the elevator to find a man on there. Her gut feeling tells her to take another elevator or the stairs, and she brushes it off as silly and gets on the elevator with the man anyway. He's a rapist.

Fear drives us in so many ways. I fear being late to work. So, because of that, I think that my extraordinary senses kick into overdrive and are just more aware of the universe in that relation.

2006-12-23 10:37:21 · answer #5 · answered by sdkramer76 4 · 3 1

The answer is, Very definitely.

The Mind itself is a Master Sense and is the umbrella under which all other "senses" -- conceived of or not -- exist.

Above the Mind realm, the senses as we know them are dropped, for all which exists above the Mind is as well above the realms of duality, for which the intent of the "senses" were needed in the first place.

All is knowingness, realization, and then absorption; all of which are well above the Mind and its camp of the senses.

The least that that high state is, is perception, but this word, too, is but a pale description and identification.

2006-12-23 18:38:19 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 1 1

I think when people say they are going on a hunch or using their gut instincts, it actually is a sense of awareness their not completely sure of. This, I believe, is where the subconscious comes into play.From hearing particular tones in a persons voice that say other wise from lessons learned that you have a hard time applying,because of the "It couldn't be happening to me" syndrome. So if there are additional senses we haven't discovered and readily apply in our everyday life, there's probably a door less frequented to that of the subconscious mind.

2006-12-31 01:27:50 · answer #7 · answered by JACK 2 · 0 1

I believe we have radio communication -- just as most animals do. Because our bodies either absorb or reflect radiation, and because every individual reflects a unique pattern based on genetic makeup, we should be able to use this phenomenon to communicate with family members with similar genetics. Certain cells in our bodies respond to radiation stimuli. One example would be melanocytes -- which cause us to generate a sun tan upon continuing radiation exposure.
Our reasoning capacity has displaced radio communication for the most part, yet it still exists, and it does come into play now and then. This might explain why identical twins can feel each other's pain from thousands of miles away.

2006-12-23 18:54:40 · answer #8 · answered by gregory_s19 3 · 2 1

Remote Viewing is Real and Has Profound Applications in Your Life. Here’s a Free Ebook and Guided Audio on the Silva UltraMind System of Remote Viewing - The World's First Meditation-Based System for Enhancing ESP and Remote Viewing. http://www.silvaultramindsystem.com/main.php?ct=11&a_aid=68&a_bid=24

I believe we are all psychic, but for the majority the gift or the belief has been long knocked out of them. Educated out is another way of looking at it. Many professional psychics have grown up in a psychic friendly environment. Perhaps a grand-parent or parent with the knowledge has helped bring the extra sense out in the open and encouraged its use. But there are as many practicing psychics who have not had the benefit of caring psychic guidance and who have still managed to develop and hone this natural extra sense.

To tap in to your Psychic Sense you can go to my free develop-psychic-ability page here: http://www.psychic-junkie.com/develop-psychic-ability.html

2006-12-23 14:21:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Some of us can see in the future.I sometimes dream something that comes true,for example I once dreamed a lady that I had never seen before and the next day I saw the same lady from my dream in the park.It was spooky but since then I have had lots of dreams like that.

2006-12-27 09:37:41 · answer #10 · answered by black_cat 6 · 1 0

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