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I mean I am studying in one of the best university here in Asia only in my country,but not around the world,because it only rank 383 around the world....does it mean that all the universities here lack so much intelligence so much compare to harvard,stnford,cambridge,yale university?

2006-12-22 23:34:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

4 answers

"Best" is a relative term, even in the education field.

Your school might be "best" in your country and 383rd in the world but that's just according to you. For information to be credible and believable, it must be based on verifiable sources (i.e. survey, research, government study) which are unbiased, independent, criteria-based, methodical, and scientific.

Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge and Yale are all world-renowned for very obvious reasons--prominent alumni, historical past, beautiful campus, outstanding facilities, brilliant faculty, selective admission policy, talented international student body, huge financial resources, and very expensive matriculation fees.

What makes a top university? It should have the best--faculty, students, facilities, alumni, rich cultural heritage, marketing strategy, etc. It takes years for a school to be renowned All 4 schools you mentioned operate for hundreds of years now.

Like any craft, teaching and school administration require practice to gain mastery and reach perfection. It's a matter of time, experience, resources, and a bit of marketing...

2006-12-23 00:37:40 · answer #1 · answered by aquamike 3 · 0 0

The biggest predictors of prominence are the quality of the faculty, mostly judged by amount of money brought in and number and quality of peer reviewed publications. So the productivity of faculty and the international reputation of them is hard for most universities to compete with.

2006-12-23 09:29:15 · answer #2 · answered by Dr_Adventure 7 · 0 0

it does not propose they your college isn't sturdy, commonly the scores verify out international recognition of the college's courses like case in point recognition of learn that is going on at those universities and student participation in that learn...

2016-12-11 14:43:24 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think so, otherwise why would the others be better ranked ?

2006-12-23 00:09:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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