Ha ha! Now you make me feel too old! I guess I am an 'elder' now. Oh my! I never thought that I would be one! I always feel young ant heart and have a positive attitude. But your question has put me in my place. I am the old generation... part of 'the gap!'
But, perhaps this puts me in a position to answer you, because it was not like that when I went to school! And I was there while the changes took place. Some were gradual, and are still occurring. Some seemed to happen too quickly to comprehend.
Let's take a look at all your points:
They are sex, smoke, dip, and drink. Since I am an elder, I don't know for sure what you mean by 'dip.' I will assume it is cocaine use, but you can let me know if I am wrong.
1. Sex. The changes in sex have been a slow process. The major two changes were a: the development of the contraceptive pill, and b: the spread of HIV/AIDS... The pill gave women the ability to avoid pregnancy, which meant that sex was a lot easier for everyone. They could do it without the fear of her getting pregnant. This increased the availability of sexual activity. This trend has continued to the present day. It was slowed down by the spread of HIV/AIDS. Once again, people have to be responsible, only now, instead of worrying about if she will get pregnant, both partners have to worry that doing it might cause them to die. They know that they should use a condom and not do some other things that they could do if there was not HIV.
2. Smoke. I am guessing cigarettes. Smoking reached a peak last century and has been declining in the USA. In other countries the rate is still increasing. The USA is spending about $30 billion a year treating illnesses that are either caused or worsened by smoking. If 'everyone' at your school is doing it, I suspect that you don't live in the USA, or your friends and parents are very unaware of the dangers of smoking. I would give you some simple advice: stop smoking.
3. Dip. Cocaine? These drug habits have brought ruin to every community which was unable to stop drug use. Take a look at some of the USA inner city ghettos. Are they racial ghettos? Poverty ghettos? They look like war zones, but they were ruined by a simple process. The people spent money on drugs instead of their community. My simple advice? don't use drugs, don't support your local community by buying drugs instead of books and libraries.
4. Drink. Alcoholism is a major process in the decline of a community. It is another form of drug use, but since it has been part of society for thousands of years, it is seen in a different light than cocaine, heroin or methamphetamine. But there is no doubt that as alcohol use increases, the life of the community deteriorates. My simple advice? Use alcohol as part of your meal, not as a way to escape from life's problems. Coming home and having a drink to 'relax' is a dangerous habit that can lead to excessive alcohol use. Students who escape into alcohol to endure life at school are only escaping from a necessary growth period in their lives that they will find it difficult, if not impossible, to do over again later.
When I was a kid, the lessons we learned were often painful, but survivable. If you make a mistake with HIV, you will die, but it will take a long time, and if you have money for medicine, you will spend it all trying to survive. There are 40 million orphans in Africa who's parents thought they could have sex with someone without being responsible. Now the parents are both dead, and the kids are orphans
;-D You ARE responsible. BE responsible
2006-12-22 16:54:36
answer #1
answered by China Jon 6
Remember, just because your parents do it does not mean that it is right. Your parent may want to quit and can't. Learn from them, its not easy to quit smoking. The society today thinks that having sex at a early age is cool. Well I'm here to tell you that it is not. I took care of a 13 year old girl in the hospital with a STD so bad she had to have IV antibiotics for. Her was not even fully developed. I have also taken care of a another girl who had one to many to drink and ended up on a ventilator because the alcohol depressed all organs of her body. Remember to think before you do anything stupid! Don't do it because everyone else is doing it. What you do now will indeed affect the rest of your life.
2006-12-22 16:19:36
answer #2
answered by Linda G 2
The only dumb question is the one that is not asked. Your a kid and you will go through many changes in your life time. Culture has a lot to do with what the kids do today. Peer pressure is also a problem for kids today, everyone wants to fit in. The choices you make are yours to make. Whatever you do, do it because you want to, not because you feel you have to. Remember, to every action there is a reaction so think about the consequences of what you do before you do it.
2006-12-22 16:11:14
answer #3
answered by DaBrat 5
I'm not sure what you're asking, exactly. Teenagers do this because they're curious. Adults tell them not to do things because they've usually already done it and they know the consequences. Teenagers will test the boundaries, defy their parents, rebel against them, and do things just to see what the big deal is.
It's not a dumb question- you have every right to ask.
2006-12-22 15:45:04
answer #4
answered by Superfox 3
Kids do it for 1.recognition 2.to seem older and more mature and 3. to exparament.
dont do any of that stuff because itll turn your life upside down and inside out before you can fount to ten, and this is coming from a former drug addict.
2006-12-22 18:11:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Not entirely, you realize what's going on. Self-realization as they call it. Now, you have to make your own decisions about all that, and exactly how cool you think it is. You're growing up, that's all.
2006-12-22 15:45:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Show and Tell... many think kids think it means they are grown up for doing this as well as adults think it may make them mature or bring back their youth...
2006-12-22 18:03:53
answer #7
answered by LostInTheCrowd 2
society, and its just a tween thang ,we all do it or did it
2006-12-22 15:52:49
answer #8
answered by jvg49er 6