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The curriculum is outdated and not job oriented.

2006-12-22 00:21:55 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

1 answers

Sience their is a difference in Job and course
Can you imagine how much people passed out yearly.
Well in India its about 3.5 Lacks BE holder passed out yearly
One more thing if thease course will be included in Course.
Market demand will be different.
Sience Market depends upon the rare product and high demand
and course give popular product and low demand.

If some company have to stay in market then they have to provide the best product and must be unique one.

One more thing Course designers cosiders that course that is time tested. Means a course that gives 1 M job will good to them they never think about if a course had already given 1m jobs then what about the demand it will be saturated.

I hope you understand what i am saying.
if you want to be the next gen tech guy then simply follow the market.( It will give you job) But don't forget your BE or MCA sience they are the mendatory requirement to get a good job no matter how much you know about the current trends.
Alok Tiwari

2006-12-22 04:34:54 · answer #1 · answered by mralokkp 3 · 0 0

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