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i just had one of my answers deleted cos it had a swear word in it. this is cool with me, i know yahoo is a company and they have to keep a good public image so parents dont mind their kids using it etc, and deleting answers with swear words is part of that. so aside from yahoo answers, why is swearing so bad? its like theres this list of words which (for no reason apparent to me) are "bad." it just seems random and illogical. i guess it has religious routes - but then why is the s word unholy? there are plenty of other words that mean exactly the same thing but arent "bad." it just doesnt make sense to me. i believe in free speech :D any explanations or opinions welcome. thanks

2006-12-21 23:30:32 · 24 answers · asked by john9999999 3 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

24 answers

I see where you're coming from, but I think that they are 'bad' for a reason. From childhood, we;re taught that some words are bad, probably because they mean vulgar or offensive things, like the s word. Even if you don't get why they're bad(which I don't exactly get either) I think you're best bet is to not swear, or else you could end up putting someone off or creating the wrong impression.(PS if you DON'T swear, hardly anyone will notice.

2006-12-21 23:40:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Unfortunately it appears to be 'an opinion of Yahoo' as to what is acceptable. Many court cases over the years have resulted in the use of swear words being downgraded to 'normal verbal communication'.

Case law stated in the case of music companies representing The Sex Pistols, that their album title 'Never Mind The B****cks, Here's The Sex Pistols' was not offensive or derogatory. The Album Cover was allowed into public view.

You will also find a lot of the words in the dictionary anyway, so, are the publishers of the dictionary liable to prosecution for printing obscenities...........the answer is no!

It simply boils down to 'a viewpoint' from Yahoo.

If Yahoo and other such companies were to actually, for instance, listen to schoolkids going to school in the morning (many aged 11 - 12yrs old) they would realise that it is everyday language now.

I'm not saying I agree or disagree with the viewpoint.....that is just the way it is, I'm afraid!

2006-12-21 23:41:59 · answer #2 · answered by jamand 7 · 0 0

Being cognizant of the fact that minors are present I tend to not use many epithets or swear words though I notice that some people go out of their way to use them and still get their questions posted.
That said, it is not like kids have never heard a swear word in their lives and a word taken in context should not be that objectionable considering some of the extremely offensive questions I have read on here that show up regularly...I see no harm in a word here and there...I think sometimes they gag at a gnat and swallow a camel ya know? I too believe in free speech but in a few cases it is carried a little too far...not your case but I think you know what I mean...
The thing that I have far more of a problem with are some of the sexually explicit avatars that pop up every now and then. On a sex site those would be fine but this is not a sex site...
You did nothing wrong...I think that sometimes Yahoo gets a wee bit overzealous in their censorship...

2006-12-22 00:11:31 · answer #3 · answered by tigerlily_catmom 7 · 0 1

nicely!!! A classical language, is a language with a literature it is classical— i.e., it particularly is going to be historic, it particularly is going to be an self sustaining custom that arose usually through itself, no longer as an offshoot of yet another custom, and it might desire to have a great and actually prosperous physique of historic literature. How Tamil is classical? Claims relating to the "popular Classicality of Tamil": a million. Lemurian beginning 2. Phonological simplicity 3. Catholicity . 4. Tamulic substratum of the Aryan family members of languages. 5. Morphological purity and primitiveness . 6. The presence of the words ‘amma’ and ‘appa’ in very very nearly all great languages in some type or different. 7. Absence of Nominative case-termination . 8. Separability and importance of all affixes . 9. Absence of morphological gender 10. Absence of arbitrary words 11. Traceability of Tamil to its very beginning. 12. Logical and organic order of words . 13. Absence of twin quantity . 14. Originality and organic progression . 15. maximum order of the classicality . Classical Languages in India: a million. Tamil 2. Sanskrit 3. Kannada 4 . Telugu Classical Languages in the worldwide (different than Indian): a million. Sumerian 2. Egyptian 3. Babylonian 4. Hebrew 5. chinese language 6. Greek 7. Latin * regardless of the indisputable fact that the 1st 3 languages exitsed alongside with all 7, in basic terms the latter 4 alongside with Tamil and Sanskrit are called as Worlds Classical languages

2016-12-15 06:07:28 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

A person swears because they lack the words to express what's on their minds.

This is inherently bad because it is indicative of a loss for words and deficient vocabulary.

Unfortunately, I'm just as guilty of swearing as the next guy. I just try to recover and do better in the future.

The problem with swear words in the context of a message board of the size of Y/A is the propensity for young children to encounter and be influenced by such language.

2006-12-21 23:41:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Swear words are used when one can think of nothing else to say. When you hear someone who is well spoken swear it can come as a surprise. When you hear the loudmouth, I aint got no brain using it all the time you know that person has a very limited vocabulary and is also limited in intelligence. We tend to look down on these people because of their ignorance. Mind in saying that who can blame us?

2006-12-22 02:01:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it is whatever can be deemed offensive to another person or is a crude subject. I get upset by men or (women) who don't respect the presence of women or children by saying a swear word in every sentence. I have sworn when I am angry or very upset in my home, but not around other people. Also, I hate it when people talk about their sex life in graffic detail. Yuck! Or about their bathroom duties. Shut up already. It makes me think the person is ignorant if they can't carry on an intelligent conversation without swearing alot. Also don't like the short version like WTF, or a**hole. Pick another word. There are plenty in the english language!

2006-12-21 23:48:23 · answer #7 · answered by moose on the loose 3 · 1 0

The thing about swearing being offencive, is that you can argue that it is only in the ear of the beholder. I can say any word that I like and it is meaningless, just a word, it is the person that hears the word that puts meaning to it and is the one that decided the word that I have just said is offencive. If people didn't react the words would become meaningless and cease to have any power, offencive or not!

2006-12-21 23:47:36 · answer #8 · answered by Jooles 4 · 0 1

You have to take into consideration that a lot of kids who are 12, 13 and so on are on this site. I believe in free speech too and I do use swear words while talking but not on Answers.

2006-12-21 23:52:54 · answer #9 · answered by Georgie 4 · 0 2

I hate swearing. "Why do people think it is okay?" should be the question. Every time someone says "sh*t", for example, what are you talking about? A pile of steaming, stinking manure? Why litter your speech with it?
And let's take "f*ck" - what does it mean? It means sex, and not even in a good way. So why do we talk about it all the time?
It's not free speech - it's the use of bad language that we con ourself is free speech. It's offensive to many people. We teach our children not to swear, but every walk through the high street is having to teach your children to do as I say,not as society does. It is actually very hard. QWhere's the respect for other people?
My friend is deeply upset - her son came home from school and called her a "f*cking cow". She's never used language like that in her life, but it is brought into our houses from the street. And when you complain, people have the attitude of "get used to it". Try asking people to moderate their language in front of your children and they don't even think twice before they swear at you. It's a verbal abuse - it's a form of anger and aggression. And that anger simmers beneath the surface. And perhaps that's the most offensive thing of all - it is aggressive and we're so used to it that aggression becomes second nature.
A woman at my daughter's junior school complaiend to the governors because her son was told off for swearing. Why? Because he was in her company (in the schoolgrounds)| and she considered it quite acceptable. It beggars belief.
Anyway, enough ranting. Try using proper English instead of swearing - I always try to, making allowances for extreme provocation, like hitting your thumb with a hammer.
I forgot to say - it's got nothing to do with religion. Just a strong dislike for the visual pictures that accompany the words.

2006-12-21 23:50:27 · answer #10 · answered by True Blue Brit 7 · 2 2

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