I started to have lower back pain about that time too. It's just from the extra stress of the baby pushing on things and carrying all that weight out front. use a warm compress to help.
You've still got A LOT of time left 37 weeks is just full term. Having Braxton Hicks contractions is not a real indication of when you'll go into labor either. I had them off and on starting at 36 weeks.
I'm at 40wks 1day and I'm being induced tomorrow and I've had all the things you've had since at least 37 weeks. Hopefully you'll go soon but not too soon.
2006-12-21 13:57:53
answer #1
answered by Melissa J 4
I've had 2 children. I never had backaches until just befor I went into labor. Both my labors started with diarrhea and back pain that
got so bad I finally went to the hospital to find out I was having back labor. I was 37 weeks along with my son when he was born
and 36 weeks with my daugher.
Both babies are fine and healthy.
Advice: Get up and start walking, now. Walk, walk, walk.
If your back pain keeps getting worse, after a couple of hours,
or you start to experience contractions in your stomach along with the back pain. GO TO YOUR NEAREST HOSPITAL.
Chances are labor has begun.
2006-12-21 21:51:34
answer #2
answered by txharleygirl1 4
I would have to agree that labor has probably began...so i'll start this with CONGRATS! in my case my husband had just left for work, and i stood up and felt a stream go down my leg....i knew i hadn't peed (which i'm sure you understand happens in pregnancy). i paniced a little and called my sister who had 3 kids. she said call the doctor. long story short doc said water had probably broke....but if i was in no pain just come to the hospital by 11ish p.m. When my husband got home we went. they checked and said yeah my water broke. i then had to stay in the hospital although i was in no pain. at 5 a.m. i began feeling my contractions...though i had been having them all along. so good luck and i suggest calling the doctor to get their opinion.
2006-12-21 21:49:57
answer #3
answered by blevins2147 5
This could be it.
Are the contractions in anyway regular? If not, then they are most likely Braxton, not real.
Drink water to make sure you are not dehydrated. Dehydration can cause contractions too.
2006-12-21 21:46:17
answer #4
answered by Raina 4
Im thinking labor has started for you my dear. Call the doctor to be sure.
2006-12-21 21:39:02
answer #5
answered by LP's Mommy, RN 6
well, you could be having back labor, my sis in law had this,
Call your doc or go to the delivery area of the hospital, and let them check you out to be sure.
2006-12-21 21:48:26
answer #6
answered by sandrarosette 4
Your labor has probably alrady started! Make sure with your doctor to make sure everything is ok! Tell me what it is!
2006-12-21 21:49:01
answer #7
answered by mcrlover862 1
Yes, sounds to me that your labor has begun. Call your Dr. ASAP and let them know!! COngrats!
2006-12-21 21:45:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i am 39 wks 3 days, due boxing day, i have EXACTLY the same symptoms, and im hoping im close!!!! but im still waiting,and unfortunatly have no idea when it will happen ! all the very best!
2006-12-21 21:46:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Shouldn't be too long...get your rest...and keep hydrated...
Goodluck...I wish you all the best!!!
2006-12-21 22:15:01
answer #10
answered by hawaiianmalibu 3