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G...U...R....12....15....18??....Some are obvious but What do they all mean?!..........
I realise UK and US are different...

2006-12-21 10:48:10 · 11 answers · asked by Susie2 4 in Entertainment & Music Movies

That is SOME are obvious!....URGH, Why do certain words vanish 'afetr' you've typed them in...Hmm i'll use that as another question

2006-12-21 10:49:27 · update #1

11 answers

U: universal (equivalent to the American G)
PG: parenta guidance (open for all, but has some mild swearing, violence, or kissing)

The numbers are actually age minimums. No one under those ages may see, rent or buy the movie, apparently even with parental permission. These are enforced (or not) by local officials.

R18 is basically porn.

2006-12-21 10:59:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

G -- "General Audience - All Ages Admitted": Applied when a film contains no nudity, sexual content, drug use or strong language. Violence is minimal and the theme of the movie is deemed appropriate for young children. According to the MPAA, a G rating does not indicate the film is a children's movie. PG -- "Parental Guidance Suggested. Some Material May Not Be Suitable For Children": The Rating Board applies this rating when the members believe the film contains themes or content that parents may find inappropriate for younger children. The film can contain some profanity, violence or brief nudity, but only in relatively mild intensity. A PG film should not include drug use. PG-13 -- "Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children Under 13." The MPAA added this rating in 1984 to denote films in which violence, profanity or sexual content is intense enough that many parents would not want to expose their younger children to the film, but not so intense as to warrant an R rating. Any movie featuring drug use will get at least a PG-13 rating. A PG-13 movie can include a single use of what the board deems a "harsher, sexually derived word," as long as it is only used as an expletive, not in a sexual context. R --"Restricted. Under 17 Requires Accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian": The Rating Board applies this rating to movies the members believe contain a high level of adult content, such as harsh profanity, intense violence, explicit sexual content and extensive drug use. In some states, the minimum age to see an R rated movie unaccompanied is 18. NC-17: "No One 17 And Under Admitted": Originally called X, this rating is applied to films the board believes most parents will consider inappropriate for children. It indicates only that adult content is more intense than in an R movie; it does not imply any sort of obscenity. As with films rated R, the minimum age to see a NC-17 movie is 18 in some states.

2016-05-23 07:53:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know about the UK ratings, but in the US,
G- general audiences, there isn't anything offensive to any age group in the movie.

PG- parental guidance, usually means parents should attend with small kids because they may not understand all of the material

PG-13 Acceptable for kids 13 and older, usually has some kind of references to drugs or sex, or may have more violence than a PG movie.

R- Not for anyone under the age of 18. Usually have sex, violence, drugs, etc. Definitely not intended for the younger crowd.

I hope this helped answer your question. Merry Christmas!

2006-12-21 12:41:48 · answer #3 · answered by creole woman 2 · 1 0

G= everyone
PG=about ags 8 up
PG-13= 13 UP
R= 18 up

2006-12-21 10:51:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In the US we have G which is for a general audience including children. PG stands for parental guidance where it is usually ok for children but it's under the parents' descretion. PG13 movies are when kids under 13 can't get in without adults with them, R is when kids under 17 can't go by themselves. Then there's X or Adult which is porn kinda movies. Hope I helped

2006-12-21 10:51:23 · answer #5 · answered by goldengirl 4 · 0 0

G means General Audience. All ages admitted. This signifies that the film rated contains nothing most parents will consider offensive for even their youngest children to see or hear. Nudity, sex scenes, and scenes of drug use are absent; violence is minimal; snippets of dialogue may go beyond polite conversation but do not go beyond common everyday expressions.

PG means Parental Guidance Suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. This signifies that the film rated may contain some material parents might not like to expose to their young children - material that will clearly need to be examined or inquired about before children are allowed to attend the film. Explicit sex scenes and scenes of drug use are absent; nudity, if present, is seen only briefly, horror and violence do not exceed moderate levels.

PG-13 means Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. This signifies that the film rated may be inappropriate for pre-teens. Parents should be especially careful about letting their younger children attend. Rough or persistent violence is absent; sexually-oriented nudity is generally absent; some scenes of drug use may be seen; one use of the harsher sexually derived words may be heard.

R means Restricted-Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian (age varies in some locations). This signifies that the rating board has concluded that the film rated contains some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their children to see it. An R may be assigned due to, among other things, a film's use of language, theme, violence, sex or its portrayal of drug use.

NC-17 means No One 17 and Under Admitted. This signifies that the rating board believes that most American parents would feel that the film is patently adult and that children age 17 and under should not be admitted to it. The film may contain explicit sex scenes, an accumulation of sexually-oriented language, or scenes of excessive violence.

2006-12-21 10:52:50 · answer #6 · answered by Jo K 3 · 0 0

G=General audiences.
PG13=Parental Guidence for kids under 13
NC17=Not See unless your 17
~Hope I helped~

2006-12-21 10:51:14 · answer #7 · answered by Varitek <3 2 · 1 0

For US movie ratings go to http://www.filmratings.com/
For UK movie ratings go to http://www.bbfc.co.uk/

Both sites have places to click or roll over to offer definitions as to what each rating means.

2006-12-21 10:53:06 · answer #8 · answered by zkiwi2004 3 · 0 0

PG- any one thats a child

PG 13- any one thats 13 - 20

G- any age

R- ages 22-adult

2006-12-21 14:57:46 · answer #9 · answered by lucky charm 127 3 · 0 0

Here are UK ones (just click on the icons at the very top of this page)

US ones:

p.s. your avatar is hot

2006-12-21 11:05:47 · answer #10 · answered by Paul 7 · 1 0

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