How history will look at Bush - May 24th, 2064 - A woman in North Carolina named her new born son George today. This is the first time the name has been given to a child since the removal and imprisonment of George W. Bush in 2007. She was pelted with rotten fruit and vegtables as she left the hospital.
2006-12-21 11:41:15
answer #1
answered by iknowtruthismine 7
I am in full-hearted agreement with you that G.W. Bush is a complete dumbass!! It's really too bad that Americans elected to have a man like that represent them to the rest of the world, he makes me believe that all Americans are as stupid as he is. I think Bush is ignorant and money hungry. Pretty much the whole world is against anything and everything this man wants to do and he goes against them all the time and then tries to throw temper tantrums when nobody wants to bail his dumbass out of the mess' he puts his country into. No wonder Americans are so stressed and the US has such high murder rates, suicide rates, riots, gangs, etc.; the media and the government feed them BS morning, noon and night to keep them in a constant state of panic so that they can control them easier. An example: after Sept.11, for like a year or more the government kept putting the country in all these high states of alert for attacks! It's like, Gee Bush, how about you stop doing oil deals and mergers with terrorists and their families and then you may not have such a big probIem with them invading your country. It kinda makes it alot easier when you pretty much hand your country right over to them and then help them get out after they cause all the sh*t!
I feel so bad for all the people that are over in Afghanistan right now that no longer even know what the heck they are there for. He is murdering his own countrymen and as long as it brings in the oil and the money he doesn't care. I'm soooo thankful that Bush's Daddy won't be able to fix another election for him, so the US can hopefully find someone more competent to do his job.
Thats my opinion in a nut shell, give me another hour or two and I could say alot more!
2006-12-21 18:53:12
answer #2
answered by West_End_Girl 3
George Bush is an amazing president. He has done so much for this country. Im not gonna say that he hasn't made mistakes because he has, everybody does. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln had very low ratings when he was president. But now he is considered one of the countries best presidents. Ever.
2006-12-21 18:27:12
answer #3
answered by Just_stop_talking 1
He's not the worst president this nation has ever had. Only ignorant people would believe that crap. Take a history course and you'll find at least 10 worse than him even if your views are extremely biased.
I would like to e-mail you to understand why you would hate this guy but I can't get your have it turned off under your profile.
2006-12-21 18:25:35
answer #4
answered by Squawkers 4
I think he makes a billion mistakes. I also think that many people assume he's stupid b/c thats the rap that he's gotten for doing things people disagree with. However, he still went to Yale which is a much better education than 99% of Americans have gotten, and he at least passed. Many of my liberal friends say he's stupid but then I'll watch them study for finals and fail their tests (in a state school no less). People just talk more than they should.
2006-12-21 18:23:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
How many times an hour does this stupid question have to get asked? Sure, once in awhile a word or 2 changes but it's pretty much the same question over and over and over? In fact all there is any more is these questions of attack and nothing really intelligent anymore. This stuff gets so boring after awhile.
2006-12-21 18:22:10
answer #6
answered by Brianne 7
A national disgrace and embarrassment, and the worst President and mis-leader in the history of our nation. Someone who uses morality as an excuse to commit immoral acts, and hides behind religion to wage unholy war.
He is also an idiot, completely illiterate and can express himself no better than a drunk man having a brain aneurysm. Just to see him attempt to speak can give a thinking man a cerebral hemorrhage. For example "Our priorities is our faith." That is an above average statement by this moron.
2006-12-21 18:20:07
answer #7
answered by Kwan Kong 5
I believe the history books will determine his credibility,or lack of, and His legacy will be one to talk about for many,many years to come Try to stay in touch with his supporters,so that you can reminisce about things for the next 20-30 years......
2006-12-21 19:05:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
hes great and heres why
A short list of some of President Bush’s accomplishments:
•Restored our economy
•Lowered income taxes
•Established standards for public schools with a system for measuring progress and corrective action.
•Has made America safer. There was an attack every couple of months before he took action after 9/11. There hasn’t been one on American soil since.
•Formed Homeland Security department
a.Now all intelligence agencies share information for the first time in history.
b.Has added more border patrol officers than any president before in history
•He has appointed two pro-life judges to the Supreme Court.
•There are more people employed than anytime in history
•More people own homes than ever before
•We have had the first two black people as Secretary of State
•We’ve got the first black woman as Secretary of State
•We have the first Hispanic Attorney General
•We had the first Japanese American on the cabinet—Norm Minneta, a Democrat.
•Afghanistan had its first free election
a.Women can now vote for the first time
b.Women can attend school for the first time
c.Women have rights they have never had before
•Removed Saddam Hussein from power
•Iraq has had its first free election
•We have more minorities in the administration than ever before.
•He is a Christian that believes the constitution wasn’t designed to eliminate religion
•He has submitted a comprehensive immigrations plan to congress and ask for their’s if they did not want to adopt his plan—all attempts have been blocked by the liberals in congress.
•He has submitted a comprehensive Social Security plan to congress and ask for their’s if they did not want to adopt his plan—all attempts have been blocked by the liberals in congress.
•He has been blamed for everything from Global warming to the problems in the Sudan and yet he has not gotten defensive and has stuck to his plans.
•He has provided all the support he could possibly provide to our troops. Our troops love him.
•Several major terrorist attacks have been prevented—the latest in London where up to ten airplanes were to be attacked simultaneously.
•He wrote bills that went to congress that provided over $100-billion in aid to Katrina victims
•He has been proactive against terrorism
•The stock market is at a record high—it has recovered from the attack on 9/11
2006-12-21 18:19:06
answer #9
answered by my name is call me ishmael 1
I think George is a terrible President, he wants no decent, only wants views that agree with him. Is so hardheaded with his views he is unwilling to change any of his opinions in the harsh reality of mounting evidence.
2006-12-21 18:24:48
answer #10
answered by firewomen 7